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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Neo

  1. It's a joke. Singed. Signed. Get it?
  2. multiworld pls, Inuki. Oh, and if we're gonna do the multiworld thing, then we need on that's pure survival. A world where we actually compete for resources as opposed to what we have now.
  3. Once I get into the mood to rice, I can't stop.
  4. I encourage everyone to follow in my footsteps.
  5. Gettin' fancy with the rice.
  6. Pretending I have stuff going on when I'm just fucking with tint2
  7. Get rid of those window decorations, scrub. L2rice Umm, anyway. Sign me up on the coding aspect. Similar to Linux I use a GNU/Linux distrobution (Crunchbang/Slackware), but I have a laptop with Windows and a VM with OSX on it, so all bases are covered.
  8. Might as well be "What's your favorite base evo" Also, Igglybuff is king.
  9. You had no problem playing with me on MW2 >>
  10. "Cuz its misunderstood just like me" "Its dark like my soul" I've never had a taste for it, it has a mediocre design and a mediocre backstory, imo. It's lame, but it's the kind of lame people like.
  11. Should I dualboot #! when I get my laptop, or scrap Windows altogether?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyrus


      If you really want to game or are considering it at all. Dualboot it.

    3. Brockze
    4. Mashew


      Dualboot. Considering I know you wanna game

  12. Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?
  13. Age ain't nothin' but a number. If I want to fucking act like I'm 10, then I'mma do it. I've never understood the whole "I feel old" thing. To me, it always comes from taking themselves and life too seriously. I play around like and have the sense of humor of a 12 year old, yet I have 2 jobs, paid off my car, going to college fulltime, and I'm poised to move out. (All at the age of 17, mind you) It's all about how you carry the extra years you get tacked on. The best advice I can give you is: Lighten up. Go buy some feetie pajamas, Order a Happy Meal, Stay up 'til god knows when, Play video games and talk shit like a kid, do whatever the fuck makes you feel young. My favorite thing is to do driveby cat noises. tl;dr Lighten up, yo. You're not old until you say you are.
  14. No! Fight me squidface. I'll rip your beak off.
  15. Oh wow, this is still a thing. Anyway, I'm bored and I'm gonna stream this weekend. The link in the OP is still my channel link. Consider this my first stream leading up to having my computer back On tonights menu: Black Ops 2: Race against the Rage I'll be playing to have some giggles at some poor bastard's expense. Again, if you want to join in and have a PSN account hit me up at: Captain_Dinosaur
  16. Tiny, Grainy, Not properly formatted, contrast too high, and tons of jpeg artifacts/10
  17. Reborn's getting pretty minori- I mean pretty ethni- Uhhhhh not whi- sure are a lot of darki- .... I'll take my cultural enrichment now.
  18. *tips fedora*

    1. Bearadactyl


      Berets are more elegant. :P

    2. Godot


      I look better in a fedora, jus Saiyin

  19. I will laugh regardless of your censorship. *tipe fedora*

  20. Well sucks that I don't live in Turkey. Riot pls, stop hating murica.
  21. I would guess that they'll do what they did last Christmas and sell another set of Legacy skins.
  22. I remember us having this for a while .-.
  23. This isn't a "I don't like losing to this, ban it" thread. Whether you like battling against the strategy is irrelevant. This is also hardly a fucking discussion with some of the responses we're getting. "Although I would like to see more people laddering in CS it will not fix the fact that OU is broken here and should be fixed. I do remember such an agreement but after having more experience in the tier my opinion about swift swim and sand rush have evolved and I no longer see any need for keeping either of them when it is so apparent that they make this meta-game stale." So you admit that CS is the solution. The discussion ends there. It's not a matter of "But mommy if he I don't get it, then he can't either.". That is, the entire gist of your argument. Taking steps to popularize CS would give those who absolutely feel the need to ladder a weather free place to ladder, while others can still enjoy using whatever we damn well please in OU.
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