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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I think it's fair to say at this point, Clear Skies not being popular is an invalid argument. The entire idea behind the tier was to give you a place to not bitch about weather in. I almost saw it as a nonverbal agreement between the two parties stating: "SS and SR aren't going anywhere, but you can have this tier to give you the best of both worlds". Popularizing the tier isn't difficult either. Instead of OU tournaments, we have CS tournaments. Perhaps we can get nyu to make CS the auto tier. There is no need to change OU when CS is around. ESPECIALLY when it was seen as a solution in the last discussion.
  2. I'm certain that the PC/Pokedex. will have 2D sprites.
  3. I can see where each and every one of you is coming from. However, If I may, let me explain you a thing. Reborn, in the last two and a half years, inflated from a small community of 10-15 max to the mega server we see today. Aside from League, there was little to no battling, aside from the occasional tournament. This meant that the ladder was nonexistent. "> Laddering > Reborn Choose one" We were lax on tiers, because, well battling was for fun. We did it almost exclusively for pleasure.With the exception of Bullet's ridiculous stall, we didn't really gravitate towards the "broken Pokemon". Everyone used whatever they felt like using. Now here we are 2 1/2 years later. We're a legit powerhouse server with a game gaining us popularity by the minute. Suddenly laddering has importance other than a cynical comment to be made every once-in-a-while. Naturally, we want to hold onto what we identified Reborn with for so long. A small community that's lax on battling. I think it may be possible to find a happy medium. However, this would require both sides to respect the other's feelings. Laddering has already left a bad taste in many of our mouths due to unsavory users taking advantage of the system to win some nonexistent rupees. I'll touch on more things in another post.
  4. Would you prefer a bath of molten lead or drinking molten palladium as your punishment for making this thread?
  5. m8, it took the better part of an hour to type that shit. The least you could do would to respectfully reapond before ending the argument you got bodied in.
  6. Inuki, I can't +1 you, but +1000 from here. Let's break shit down: "We're fucked, our parents generation consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in" You're thinking about the baby boomers. The generation of "Our parents" was/is largely passive when it comes to leadership. Take a look at the average age in congress. (So grandparents) "consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in and haven't done jack shit to teach us how to deal with THEIR problem." Because learning from misinformed people is ideal. They're aware that we have to pick up the pieces, it's not like they know how to fix it. "told us "Everything will be OK, you can do ANYTHING and the world is entirely black and white!"" Have you spoken to anyone even moderately intelligent from our generation? It's pretty well known that's not the case. "We'll be entirely on our own in a World that is collapsing," As is to be expected of EVERY GENERATION THAT TAKES OVER LEADERSHIP SINCE BEFORE THE 60'S. We'll be the first generation in 80 years to not have the previous one looking over our shoulder. Now, about second part of that: Aside from climate and resources (Both things that can and will have to be fixed) the the world humanity dwells in has been in the best shape it's ever been. Violence as a whole is down, we're socially and economically aware, and we know what needs to be done. Doesn't sound like a collapse to me. "most young people these days have eaten up the lies fed to them" m8, the exception (being the average Facebook/Twitter junkie) isn't the rule. I don't know anyone who "drinks the koolaid", or has even been asked to do so. "When the inevitable happens, they'll all say "What happened? Everything was fine before..." But it wasn't, it never has been and never will be." You make it seem like the Earth is going to outright explode. Humanity has been faced with adversity before, we'll certainly seen it again. Hell, we've been pushed to the brink of extinction. (Black Death and MAD/Cuban Missle Crisis come to mind.) As a species, we're tough, hell life in general is tough. The problems we face are miniscule compared to what we've seen. "Again, we're all doomed, accept it..." If you want to spend your few years imagining the worst, then do so quietly. Don't bring others down with you, because while those who care are busy improving the planet, all you're going to be is an emotional anchor. Nobody needs that.
  7. M8, I didn't think I'd toss my panties into the ring here, but #yoloswag420blazeit. First: Hark bb coem liv wit me. I be ur shuger daddie ;^) Second: The entire "Humanity is doomed" mentality turns my ass nine shades of red. I don't think you realize this, but the generation of people that are 15-20ish are going to be a part of one of if not the most pivotal generations in human history. Peak oil, Overpopulation, Resource scarity, A possible collapse of the world economy, Climate change, Nuclear proliferation, Reimaging of human rights, and ending the spread of corporatism are all issues that WILL fall on our plate. The idea that we'll just continue with business as usual is absurd. We've got several decades of cleanup ahead of us. To state that we will either hold onto/create new things to hate is insane. This generation moreso than any other is aware of the geopolitical/social problems we face. Humanity is growing up, and if you want to throw the mistakes of our past in our face, then you're also throwing them into the face of progress. tl;dr We're not doomed, quit expecting the worst from your fellow man, and stop living in the goddman past when we more than anyone need to be looking forward.
  8. Sivir's VU will probably come after. Twitch only needs polishing and new particles. She's getting a whole new image.
  9. Only adult females were included. Mael, remember that Sona is like 6 feet tall, and in proportion to her body, they're "small". But enough about bust sizes. I'm looking forward to Twitch's rework and exterminator Twitch.
  10. Neo

    Night club?

    In Reborn, it's an after the league type of thing. On the forums, it's different.
  11. Jelly, you need to die. Inuki, you helped it spread, you will share his fate.

  12. Jelly, you need to die

  13. I would actually advise against muting someone. If you've got the potential to defuse a situation, do so for the sake of the team. Hell, the person might decide to suck it up. You cannot afford to lose any sort of communication, especially if everyone is random.
  14. It's too late in the day to take you on all the rides~

  15. You've obviously never talked to a lowly reptilianman. They're downright stupid. And because Ame's post is too long to quote- They're due to cultural expectations in a way. Men kinda had to to develop the spacial reasoning to hunt. While woman developed the means to see color better so as to distinguish plants while gathering. Now the actual topic at hand- Discrimination based on gender is obviously no bueno, but when women themselves do it, their cause to foster equality is made effectively null. i.e Websites/Gyms/Groups etc. They do nothing but further imply any difference other than gender/sex. I'd go further, but then I'd end up with 4th wave feminism, and I'm in no mood for lunacy.
  16. Wanna tell us how you lost that?
  17. Ame, we're running out of brackets to use. Is next?

  18. Neo

    Sort of new

    Haven't seen you around here, but welcome all the same. Euphonium, you say? I've never met a low brass player outside of my usual symphony stuff, so that's kinda cool. I play the C Flute (Though I can play Soprano) and Piccolo.
  19. Took the words right out of my mouth. This movie was excellent, and lived up to all the expectations that the comics set up.I'm looking forward to Del Toro's work on the sequal.
  20. Fluid Non-structred, non-rigid, flexible, able to move freely and easily. What's wrong with the above state of the SotD?
  21. And the current fluid schedule is messed up because......?
  22. PO Android client update is messed up. Avoid updating for the time being

    1. diana


      Thanks o~o

  23. Took quite a bit of digging, but I found him: And sice you can't use the gif version:
  24. All you're going to get from Shade are either dots, or poems that will fly over your heads.
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