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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. No, it's not delete this at once. In all seriousness, it IS a good idea for a topic. I'd post some pictures, but El Paso isn't the most photogenic city. (Mael can attest to this) I'll try to dig up some old photos from when I lived in Frankfurt, instead.
  2. Whether their claim has validity of any sort or not holds no weight. Imposing religious beliefs of any type upon a child is child abuse. I'll allow the Science Guy to better explain my point:
  3. OHOHOHOHOO NO! Teemo is not a forgiving God. He knows of your past hatred. You're not allowed on the Teemo train either. Go hitch a ride on a squid.
  4. The unknown are used exclusively for story. Whether it be the movies, or the text about Giratina, or even their little cave in GSC.
  5. You 'ought to look around the forums prior to making a thread, next time. I posted this solution for someone the other day. http://www.davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/#part-0
  6. Hey, Reborn! Today I come to you with a find that will ease many of our Android induced headaches! As we all know, the PO android app is missing a crucial component. That component being a teambuilder. However, I've found a website that allows to enter the data for your team, and save it as a .tp file. (The file PO uses for teams.) The website can be found: http://pkmn.in/ Troubleshooting before trouble: I'm not sure about the website's compatibility with the default android browser. I recommend Firefox to ensure the download goes off without a hitch. You WILL need to download either Dropbox or Es Explorer, because PO doesn't recognize the default Android file manager. From now on, please direct any lost Android users to this topic. ~Happy Battling
  7. I love Teemo. He's an excellent top laner, and adds tons of map control to whichever team he's on. Teemo es #1
  8. Welcome to Reborn, ignore any comments about sanity. Those people are clearly not all there.
  9. I should win a fucking award for being me.

  10. Fuck your role model, bitch. I'm my own idol.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      No wonder you're such shit. <3

  11. Put me on the list. I main support, and I jungle when I don't feel like supporting.
  12. Neo

    New Kid.

    Welcome to Reborn. Don't worry about making friends around here, we don't bite.

    1. Summer


      Feicila sounds like a name for cats

    2. Summer



    3. Maelstrom


      Why you wanna be troll bait?

  14. I need more tea.

  15. Because they did so well before, huh?

    1. Voctrode



  16. The Jellyfish Mentality <3

  17. I was showing Dakota what a camera was. She actually stood still for a few more, but I'm to lazy to upload 'em.
  18. This is going to wind up as a qq thread very quicklyI also feel the need to say this (Not only to you, but to everyone else who says this stuff too): #BronzeLeague #BronzeElo #Soloqueue, or anything to that effect are by far the most asinine, tunnel vision things I've ever seen in my life. They are the equivalent of covering your eyes with your hands and proclaiming "I am the smartest person I see!" You along with the other 9 people in that match are all at the same level as far as elo is concerned, and I'm sure that if you were better, then you would have placed accordingly. I would say more, but I do believe that gbay99 can say it many orders of magnitudes better than I ever could. http://youtu.be/LImE2oCOFkQ http://youtu.be/qTEDRc0BXjA
  19. Neo


    Welcome to Reborn! Something tells me that you're gonna fit in alright here. (Oh and Mugi #1)
  20. I'd have to say Lulu is my main. But (Support) works well, since I pick according to the situation.
  21. You are the worst kind of person.
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