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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Sora and I tearin' up bot lane. We made Thresh rage quit when Sora was on a killing spree 5 minutes in.
  2. Neo


    Banned for being a heretic. Get on those lifesteal runes, son.
  3. Neo


    Banned for not knowing the magic that is 150% lifesteal Ashe.
  4. She was mine first. You're just lucky I main support. SupportAsheOP That feel when you can't in good conscience let your friend support knowing he'd be a beast jungler.
  5. The title sounds like what Ame'd say if she broke something. We'll keep your chair warm for when you get back~
  6. Akali was a non-factor until late game. If I remember correctly, she even lost her lane. Hecarim was legendary by 15 minutes in.
  7. That amazing feel when I went Leona/Yi bot and I ended up getting Yi a quadra and later a penta in two 2v5 fights.
  8. Hecarim was the one who carried. He just stopped caring about kills to get everyone fed.
  9. Ashe was complaining that I'm a bad support. Meanwhile the rest of the team is worshiping me. #BasedNami #2013 #Illuminati
  10. Neo


    Banned because you'll never figure out how I did this
  11. Oh, Nutcase. Guess what was the first thing I saw on Customize.org? http://customize.org/rainmeter/skins/65670943
  12. Neo


    Because it's over done >:U
  13. Rainmeter is godly if you can configure it to not fuck over your ram/cpu usage.
  14. Holy shit, Pocky. Both teams really fuckin' sucked. I mean, Jax did well and Nocturne broke even, but really... Their bot decided to give me the kills instead of Jeff, but that didn't go so well for them.
  15. You've gotta maximize profits, man. It's all about extending your lead or even covering your ass if you fall behind. The extra gold adds up quickly.
  16. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Are you saying that you don't max hawkshot second under normal circumstances? >:I
  17. You'll still be where you left, the only difference is that all the work is gone. I'll gladly help you rebuild your house.
  18. You owe me lot's of mossy stone brick.
  19. Just edited the "Art!" thread with yet another banner. Somebody take Illustrator away from me.

    1. Pocky


      I'll take a look at the banner and see how it looks myself.

  20. Go away, I'm mad at you. >:I
  21. Ryan, when I log on later today we'll get to the bottom of it.
  22. Really? Never noticed. I don't really have an accent anymore having lived in the US for so long. According to all of my friends, I sound like a "white boy". Whatever that means.
  23. Neo


    Stars & Shit are a pain in the ass, but they're so worth it. At the rate that I'm making stuff, I'll end up making a new thread to house all of my creations. EDIT: I don't want to flood the thread anymore, so here's my post for today - 4/12/13 THUNDER! THUNDER! THUNDER BEARS HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I had a nebula file leftover from making the Teemo banner up there, so I had to put it to good use. Lightning is a little cliche on Volibear, but the8layersoflightning it made the picture; at least for me.
  24. The change on Volibear is to make sure he can't keep people down by flipping them all the time early game. However, the buff to his late game will help heaps, since he'll be able to cleanup much easier. On a semi-related note: Nami buffs<3
  25. While I admit, it may be kinda dick-ish to assume that free week players are automatically bad, but from what I've seen, the majority of those who free week support do atrociously. "Sona top is good, you don't know what you're talking about, Lulu" edglrejhgelkhljheljhelkhgjelghreihgelghRLEKGHERIGHERIGehlgiwehg4eloigthlE$Rghlesiruhg lgeruihgreliguheriguhergvHDvbdhgvdrgbvrsgflewifuhewiufgewirugiesrlgLIEWRGFREIGHELIGHREIUger
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