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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Most people don't touch Leona during her free weeks. Laning with Namis that can't land bubbles is gonna be annoying, though.
  2. I've been offering to help you out for a while now. Her computer could suddenly lose some network drivers, and no one would know it was you.
  3. Neo


    Yeah, it's Annie & Tibbers. I'mma double post. Try and stop me. I had heaps of fun making this one. Tons of color mixing, trial & error, and lot's of oil paint filter. I think I successfully captured Lulu's whimsy.
  4. Neo


    I may not use a pencil and paper to make my art, but it's still pretty (at least to me). Feel free to use 'em, just credit me in a really small font in your sig.
  5. Neo

    Server Mafia

    This is a pain in the ass without channel mute and shit. It's like herding cats.
  6. Now if I can keep getting ranked games where the ADC doesn't find "early feeding so they're worth gold" viable, then I'll be fine.
  7. You should've checked out the news thread.
  8. Neo


    I have two, one for games I buy here and one for games I get from family in Germany. Anyway, Explosms, you're banned for the odd placement of pictures in your sig.
  9. It feels nice to have gotten my groove back. Now to fill my match history with glorious grooving.
  10. Neo


    Banned for having fake moot in your avy.
  11. Neo


    Banned for being unable to get a US 3DS.
  12. Neo


    Banned because the Internet's fascination with sloths needs to stop NOW.
  13. Neo


    "I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few." -Adolf Hitler "Strength lies not in the defense but in the attack." -Adolf Hitler "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." -Napoleon Bonaparte "I can no longer obey; I have tasted command, and I cannot give it up." -Napoleon Bonaparte
  14. The issue with building health on Zac is that your skill costs go up, so you're not gaining too much. I've seen a rather nice tanky jungler without tons of health. Worked rather nicely.
  15. 'Sup, Reporn. We all know that Reborn is a fucking pot-luck of different types of people, and as such different personalities. I figured it'd be interesting to see which type of personality each Reborn(y?)(-ite?) is. Without further ado, http://similarminds.com/jung_word_pair.html'>The Jung Personality Test http://www.celebritytypes.com/index.php'>Famous People of each personality type Here's mine: Jung Test Results: Introverted (I) 87.5% Extroverted (E) 12.5% Intuitive (N) 75% Sensing (S) 25% Thinking (T) 87.5% Feeling (F) 12.5% Judging (J) 87.5% Perceiving (P) 12.5% Your type is: INTJ Famous people/characters of my personality type include: Isaac Newton Friedrich Nietzsche Nikola Tesla and Voldemort Your turn.
  16. That feel when the enemy team is calling you a sadist for building a Morellonomicon on Teemo and they all utilize life steal heavily. That feel when the next game someone remembers you and has their team focus you. That feel when I ask why their focusing me, and I get "Yi: Because you counter me and I hate you for that last game." That feel when Teemo is the best champ to play when you're out to ruin someone's day. That feel when Monarch Kog'Maw<3
  17. Neo


    Banned because cyanide and happiness is awful.
  18. If this is about your birthday, I tried to: (a Explain that you don't need gifts for it to be a good day (b Gift you something on LoL, but you deleted me the last time you got mad, so you're under to two-week minimum period. Everything else I could/would've said has been covered, so uh peace out.
  19. You should get a netplay client and have an interactive stream one day.
  20. Like fuck they are. Charging 1000+ BC and each coin at like $80, that shit ain't cheap.
  21. I won't bother correcting your post to make point, but that text seemed pretty obvious aside from "sch" which probably meant school anyway. It really isn't hard just to answer in a straightforward manner, and it'll do far more good than to take a non-existent intellectual high-ground.
  22. <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
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