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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Quicksand - When a Pokemon with this ability is on the field during a sandstorm all Pokemon have their speed lowered. Riot Gamefreak pls
  2. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're gonna scare all the suckers clients away. Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaahh the weirded me out something fierce. I'm right there with you on that one, buddy.
  3. KarmaKarmaKarmaKarmaKarma Karma Chameleon~
  4. Lawyers aren't scary..... I swear. Take this from someone set to be an attorney in 2 years.
  5. Gengar lvl 100 - Life Orb Dewgong lvl 100 - Leftovers Gliscor lvl 100 - Poison Orb Tyranitar lvl 100 - Leftovers Scizor lvl 100 - Expert Belt Drilburr lvl 25 - Exp Share   Gotta love transferring Pokemon from GBA all the way up.
  6. Neo


    Banned for the lack of turtles on your profile.
  7. Crowds and Goats/Sheep/Rams. I've always had an extreme fear of the above animals. For years when we went to petting zoos, I'd walk past the goat area with my eyes closed. When I first moved to El Paso and they had sheep at the zoo (btw, what kind of fucking exhibit is that?), I flipped shit. Never went to that part of the zoo ever again. If I wanted to see the American Animals, I walked my ass all the way through Asia, Africa, and Europe to get to them.
  8. Guess what? The names were faked. I just went to /vp/ and saw
  9. The lack of ground types is disappointing, even if it isn't an official list. However, Grass/Fire and Grass/Dragon sounds pretty swell.
  10. Me and my bro Sora tearing up bot lane like always. Double post because we tore up top lane two games later.
  11. Neo


    Banned for trying too hard.
  12. I'm a walking paradox. No I'm not.

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      The following statement is false. The first statement is true.

    2. Yuki


      I'm a fucking walking paradox. No I'm not. Having fucking threesomes with a triceratops :D

  13. Now you really have my attention. Post it. c:
  14. #DiamondeloVeigar EDIT: Fresh off a game with Ame, Ika, Tony, and Sapphire.
  15. Rain may reduce damage from fire type attacks, but it's still going to hit Scizor like x2.
  16. I'm not studying law to become a disability lawyer that has cheap advertisements on the local news channels. I did it exclusively, to go into a career in politics. (I know the thought of me with any sort of power beyond being able to choose what I eat for lunch and what I watch on tv is terrifying to some people) However, I've always been interested in working as a voice for the people. I remember a few years back, I got to eat lunch with a local senator (Eliot Shapleigh), and I felt like such a nosy little brat afterward for asking him all manner of questions. "Senator, I'd like to know, how could you possibly endorse something like the Patriot Act? Playing on post 9/11 paranoia to increase federal power etc. etc. rambling etc." The response I got made me angrier than I've ever been in my entire life: "Sometimes we have to give up privacy and freedoms for security." I fucking spit my macaroni out. "Senator, have you ever heard of the quote: Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither? "It's a matter that you won't understand until you're older" From that day forth, I vowed that I'd do whatever it took to make sure asshats like that aren't allowed to run this country. </story> But yeah, I've always kinda been a geek for government and politics. It's kinda been something that's always interested me, even when I swore that I'd end up as a theoretical physicist or aeronautical engineer. The rush that I'd get out of policy debate was just amazing. I was a fucking debating machine, I even managed to make it to state one year. The topic was "Should the United States government increase its investment in transportation infrastructure". My affirmative case was water tight. Granted, it was fallacious as fuck, but what argument that tries to get the masses to agree isn't?
  17. There's probably an unshopped version floating around. She obviously isn't apart of the original.
  18. My soundtrack finished just as the match ended. I was gonna build an Aegis, but said "fuck it", and decided that dicking around with a Needless would be more fun.
  19. I don't like that google bots are crawling this topic. Also, 7up and Sierra Mist are two different sodas. pls go.
  20. 7/10 because I said so. Fight me.
  21. Looks like I've got myself a new champ. Now if they give Taric a nice facelift and a new voice recording, they'll have all of my money.
  22. Probably shouldn't use what little air you've got to talk trash. Personally, I'd go with Maoki. Reason being is that he's a godly tank and jungler. Fun as fuck to play as, it's hilarious to ruin an enemy's day. From what I've seen at higher levels of play, Renekton ends up being a stunbot lategame.
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