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Everything posted by Neo

  1. women'srights The majority of the puns made in the quotebook would end up here. I'm okay with this.
  2. He had basically said that Nidalee support was dead weight. Obviously supports aren't dead weight late game.
  3. Is it really that hard to play the support role while building so that you're not dead weight late game? It never struck me as something difficult to do. Especially with her, it's as simple as picking up something that'll give her a little damage while still being useful in fights overall. Maybe a WotA or something along those lines. As for her lack of warding, that falls back under the shitty Nidalee category.
  4. Then be the one that makes something new. Why wait for people around you to do it?
  5. You people have never seen Maractus, have you? But in all seriousness, it just takes a considerable amount of working to get certain Pokemon to work OU. I wouldn't write them out of OU usage just because of it either. Take my favorite Pokemon Dewgong for example, he's universally known as shit and is often seen as an inferior Walrein. However, when I've used it in OU and even Ubers (Fuck Manaphy, Dewgong OP<3), I've had moderate success. It all boils down to how you attack it. If you know that the Pokemon you're using is on the weak-side, it's all about planning. When, who, how do I plan for x, etc. All fall in to place if you're going to bring something from LU or lower into OU. With planning, anything is possible. There's a reason why I still use Maractus as my goto gal. Maractus > Kingdra, ask Owen. Then there stands the issue of people who walk around acting like they're Jesus. H. Christ for using an "original team". "I use all of my favorite Pokemon. OU is so unoriginal and takes away from the fun of the game." Kudos them for deviating from the standard OU team, but being original just so you can say that you did something original or doing just for the sake of having others see you as original is, well..... unoriginal and stupid. At the end of the day, this game is competitive, and people like to win. In order to win, most will flock to the strongest Pokemon. It's been that way since Gen I when you couldn't go to a tournament without seeing the standard -Alakazam - Slowbro- Mewtwo- Chansey- Starmie -Gengar- teams. That's why we have tiers. That's why we have a ladder. However, If the FEAR strategy that tore up Wifi battling last gen has taught us anything, it's not to underestimate any Pokemon, even if they aren't viable in their own tier.
  6. Welcome to Reborn, I hope you enjoy your stay~ The issue with the sprite creator stems from your lack of a trainer card. You can find the Trainer Card maker here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/register.html The card will also be used to keep track of your progress through the Reborn league.
  7. Nidalee support is delicious if you aren't a scrublord. Granted, she's not a traditional support, but damn does she tear up a lane when paired with an aggressive ADC.
  8. Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, K-ON, and Strikewitches.
  9. I'mnotdoingthisbecausebustedmyballs Sapphire, you take the award for my favorite new Rebornie. You're pleasant to be around, you're funny, and an all around nice gal. Whenever you're on the server, chatting it up, the place seems to liven up and become a lot friendlier. Very few people have that effect around here, and some people (like myself) even have the opposite effect. Keep doing what you're. Now for the part that everyone else was too scared to do: I'm going to be honest. You let things get to you rather easily. Usually all it takes to ruin your day/attitude is one asshole on the server making the slightest comment. Not only that, but you beat the ever living shit out of yourself if you don't perform to this standard that you've set for yourself. (I see this a lot when we play LoL). You can't just let these things keep eating you up. If some douche wants to say something to you, don't take his shit. Throw it back in his face. As for your standard, I kinda respect you for it. I've got the same thing, but I don't beat myself up over it. If I don't touch that bar, I make sure that the next go I fucking grab the bar and throw it 100 feet under me. Do the same. You name yourself after a rare and precious stone. Treat yourself that way.
  10. Shen and Caitlyn. Best lane ever
  11. Neo


    Banned for being named Aquamarine.
  12. Moot, what are you doing outside of 4chan an Canv.as? >>
  13. False, m8. Amethyst has already stated in the past the minimodding is perfectly acceptable. He also CAN tell you if your posting is acceptable or not, because we have rules for this section of the forums. Which can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3279 Now let's cut the pointless arguing and get back to rating the team. Blast, like others have said before me, Armaldo is dead weight. You're going to have him there basically hoping and praying that they have rain AND that you're faster than their Swift Swimmer(s). Once he's gone, if he can even do anything in the situation, I see no reason why SS Kingdra/Ludicolo wouldn't slap a dress on you and call you Sally. Not only that, but a decent defensive core can also give this team hell. Jellithorn/Scrotom/Slowmoonguss all basically give your team the finger. To be perfectly honest, I'd take the team back to the drawing board before letting it see the light of day. Perhaps, you could take the 1-2 Pokemon that you really wanted to make this team around and go from there. Otherwise, I don't see it going far apart from maybe the occasional battle.
  14. Seems like the wrong thread, Mael.
  15. Neo


    Banned because being a trap is my card's thing.
  16. The Korean rotation usually dictates what the rest will be. This week there was a small flub.
  17. No Nasus or Warwick. Wukong and Volibear.
  18. I'm Brad Pitt, pls go.  
  19. Don't think that your birthday means that you're allowed to take a break from slaving away on +Infinitas. Take your cake to your room and get to work.
  20. Slapping a sprite and 1-3 sentences on the exportable from PO is hardly putting effort into an RMT.
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