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Everything posted by Neo

  1. We could attempt to make a new one. However, balancing could be an issue if today's ARAMs taught us anything.
  2. I could've complained about every person in that game besides Ryan, Ez, and LeBlanc.
  3. You can only expect as much effort as you put into the RMT.
  4. That game was doomed the moment that Fiddle went AD.
  5. The issue with that is, it kinda takes responsibility away from the player. Ame's being pretty nice about even notifying you that the episode is going to end. Just like any other Pokemon game, if you don't save, you're gonna pay for it.
  6. Neo


    Banned because I'm gettin' real tired of your shit, Larry.
  7. 'The Eternal meh" You look like someone is making you do this.
  8. Shaco would fuck shit up at the higher elos. Whenever I'd watch a platinum+ match, having a Shaco jungling was pretty much a death sentence for the opposing bot lane.
  9. fuck fuck shit titties fuck damn
  10. Lame. I liked his ult the way it is, and I don't even play the fucker.
  11. Double post up in this bitch. You're the one auth (besides Mash and Hark, but I don't talk to them often) that I can relax around. I know you're always up for playin' around and junk. I also appreciate how you kinda try to look out for me whenever I might be doing something stupid. You're a bro, in every sense of the word. (Once you get internet, I'll reinstall Windows on my shit, and we can WoW it up.)
  12. You suck, you're awful, I hate you, and your drifloon hat is cheesy. 0/10 would not friend.
  13. Rate you? 2/10 would not bang. In all seriousness, I honestly just don't get anything about you. You hardly open yourself to the community, you're always here and there making posts that are a little on the nonsensical side, but apart from that I know nothing about you. I think most of Reborn feels the same way. I can appreciate that you try to get involved in the community. That's a lot more than you can say about a lot of people. Just try to..start lettin' us get to know you. You've been here since a little after I was banned, yet you still remain one of the few people that I don't know.
  14. Neo


    Banned for cuz... cuz.... 7.
  15. Neo


    I think Silver's a nice kid, but givin' him the positives isn't going to help him in the slightest.
  16. Neo


    Ask and you shall receive. He wanted an honest opinion.
  17. You're one of the best people in Reborn, but I feel like you beat yourself up too much. Let loose the ginger tiger, bb.
  18. Real answer time: To put it simply: You're no better than the dick you claim that I am. tl;dr: You're a bitch. You expect everyone and everything to be to your liking. If you don't get your way, you throw a fit like Mike Tyson at a god damn buffet that doesn't serve ears. You're constantly complaining about how everyone is soooo mean to you without you giving them the slightest reason to be mean to you, but your behavior shows quite the contrary. You're a narcissist, and you try to hide it in the worst way possible. To top it off, you're an opportunist. You only tried to be my friend in an attempt to get me to buy you a Lux skin. Next time you call me a dick, look in the mirror.
  19. Neo


    You're entirely too sensitive, you expect everyone to coddle you as if you're some sort of emotionally damaged kid, which you're not. You attempt to act shy while bragging with only makes you come off as an asshole.
  20. Do you want an honest answer, or one that will feed your ego?
  21. New rule: All posts must be ran by the overlord of good taste. If Cyrus says no, then it's a no.
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