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Everything posted by Neo

  2. Bye bye Windows~ Hello Crunchbang

    1. Cyrus


      muh freedoms

  3. You activated the trap card. Allan obviously needs to either get on that two jacket status, or melt it with heat from his lamp.
  4. Cosplay a lamp. Allan will help you out.
  5. Ban the shit from ladder, keep it in normal OU. If need be, I can script up a solution for it.
  6. >Implying you're an authority on competitive battling >Implying that most of Reborn's community didn't competitively battle at one time I use PO strictly for the teambuilder and chat. I don't know about you, but I build for the World Championships and GTS battling.
  7. >Implying randoms from Smogon and Beta represent the opinion of the Reborn community
  8. Here's a quick question before I make a long ass response when I get home: If you've (and the majority of your pals) have made it to #1 peak on the ladder without evasion being a huge issue, why bring it up now? Did you just have your ass handed to you by crep or something? Reborn as agreed to leave evasion the way it is because it isn't an issue. Am I saying that we have to wait until everyone on the ladder runs Minimize Drifblim to act? No. What I AM saying is that Evasion isn't some horrible issue that makes playing on Reborn unbearable. However, if you want to make a thread, with an intelligent, detailed OP, then I'll (and the community) be more inclined to listen. Chase, most of Reborn doesn't agree with banning evasion. So let's not put words in people's mouths. (And what's with this scouting Ryan shit? That's creepy as fuck. Be a man and come up to him outright)
  9. The number of people using it is a BIG issue. It obviously isn't over-centralizing the metagame if a grand total for 2 people are using it. As for your second point: You're assuming the only teams that can make it to the top are rain based because the ones at the top are rain. I'm more than certain that if someone were determined to get their sand (or non weather) team to the top, they could.
  10. First: How often do you even see a team built specifically for evasion?If your answer even involves crep, then you might as well not even type it. Secondly, every argument you've had has been based around viability in OU, yet you have the audacity to use Drifblim and Mr. Mime as examples. Come back when you can actually make an argument and can stick to the one you're making.
  11. Serenity, I've got $2.95. Come leave me breathless.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Neo


      A roll of bills marked "$2.95" duh.

    3. Brave
    4. Melody


      My body is ready, qq.

  12. Back up, Yi. It's the Lulu zone now.
  13. I hope you feel bad about yourself for that. Sweet, we can finally shut up those people bitching about the ladder reset, AND keep more people out of the secret clubhouse.
  14. Neo


    Banned for having the worst avys in the history of Reborn.
  15. If he wanted RNG'd shinies, he could easily just look for 'em on the GTS. It's flooded with them.
  16. Neo


    Banned for the following: Not making the slightest bit of sense Posting in bold Having that fat shit as your avatar Still posting in the Game Corner despite saying you're quitting it Get dunked.
  17. Good luck with your quest, bro. Let me know if you need any help.
  18. Lucas and Ness won't be touched, so I don't care. But if they touch Olimar, so help me god....
  20. %s said they were gonna leave Reborn.
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