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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    Banned because you've obviously never seen a sapphire.
  2. Neo


    Banned because I seriously want to punch your avy in the face.
  3. Anyone else think Thresh is a straight up badass? I love 'em.
  4. Completely missed the point of my post. And I've played one total int bot game in my entire career. It was a game as Vayne, and I did Soso, due to lag.
  5. By being completely new. That's how. If you're level 25, why don't you set an example for them? Showing them toxic behavior (i.e calling them faggots, excessive pinging etc. etc.) isn't going to better the (already fucked up) community. Since you're at such a high level playing bot games anyway, try to lead by example. As for the TF feeding: It's a bot game. The odds of losing are so astronomically that low that even if you feed, you're still gonna win. Your game isn't even close to being ruined. A ruined game is carrying your team to a Baron steal, and taking down their Nexus turrets only to have your team drop the ball after you net a quadra and die. Leading to a loss. That's a ruined game.
  6. Neo


    Banned for never making sense.
  7. Dive straight into PVP, and get smacked around a bit. Seriously. It's the best way to make sure that the habits you developed in bots are put to a stop. (i.e. Claiming one lane the entire game) You'll lose at first but eventually you'll get into the rhythm of things.
  8. What's your favorite aminal? A BEAR?

    1. Sir Roricon

      Sir Roricon

      Cat! Even though I'm allergic to them.

    2. Neo


      The question was completely rhetorical.

  9. I'm rubber and you're...on fire!!!

    1. Melody


      That's hot.

    2. Voctrode


      wow ok just copy my status whatever

      << >>

    3. Neo


      I never saw it. D:

  10. Neo


    Banned because your avatar makes me angry for no fucking reason.
  11. (16:13:08) [sF™]Will: Amethyst likes children. (16:13:08) ~~~ [sF™]Will ran out of rings. ~~~ (16:13:09) [sF™]Will left the channel. (16:13:09) +Amethyst: Yep! (23:13:53) Satellite Mind: That feel when you're not sure which /d will be your last.' (23:14:16) ~~~ KV-4's heart was stolen by the Witch of the Waste. ~~~ (23:14:16) KV-4 left the channel. (23:14:25) Nagisa forfeited against [Aquarius]FruitJuice. (23:14:26) Satellite Mind: Let's hope it's not that one.
  12. Neo


    Banned because you're still the biggest poster.
  13. Neo


    Banned for being the reason that the game corner has too many replies.
  14. Neo


    Banned for using the game corner as your sole source of income.
  15. Using Volibear as something other than a tank? Blasphemy! He actually makes a pretty decent Bruiser. Flip and Bite for days. (On an unrelated note:)
  16. Bang!

    1. Ringabel


      Boom-Pow! POPO!

    2. Skeleton


      If I were Kira, you'd be dead.

  17. www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59702 Placeholder for a proper rate.
  18. What's your gripe with Hydra? It's a nice upgrade to the tiamat. Extra lifesteal and damage with a nice active. I see nothing wrong.
  19. Built a Hydra on Voli last night when we went all tanks. Holy shit, it's amazing.
  20. Neo


    Banned because she's nowhere near that bad (or bad at all for that matter)!
  21. I like her visual update it reminds me of the Alice games, and I love what they did with Tibbers. It's fuckin' epic.
  22. Would you like a little more rice with that?
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