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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Yi died with Fiora /late I like this.
  2. So then explain what this PSA is supposed to be announcing. If it's more than a way to get easy money. The OP barely made any sense.
  3. So you're telling them to monetize their accounts ASAP, so they can benefit from it, right?
  4. Merry Unbirthday, Amethyst.

  5. Neo


    Happy birthday, Hark. I'd get you some weed, but you live far away. c:
  6. I'm questioning how on-topic that post is....
  7. There's a difference between "being dicks" and asking them to bring the RMT to the standards set in the guidelines. To be perfectly honest, I can't really help you. The descriptions are so incredibly minimal that I don't know where to go with it. I suggest that you fix that if you wanna move forward with this RMT.
  8. Neo


    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  9. I change names a lot. I'm Live it Out for today.
  10. To me it feels like the leaders are going to counter-team the hell out of you. All of your team resists water, which is great, if you ever make it to Amy. However, small synergy issues, might prevent you from getting there. Keep that in mind.
  11. I should probably talk about the only shiny I really care about since I'm an ex-shiny collector. It's the shiny Dewgong that I caught as a Seel in Firered. It's on my Black 2 cartridge right now, and if Gen VI is backwards compatible, it's gonna move onto Y.
  12. The starters are the worst shit ever. Didn't think they could top Unova. Also, fuck them for moving to full 3D. I felt like Pokemon's identity was based on how the games look/feel, and 3D just completely takes that way. They're also fucking up the rest of the series for once Nintendo abandons the 3DS like the garbage it is. >:I
  13. Ame dropping the fucking hammer. I love you.
  14. I have two different instructions. Pick which works best for you: Grab some oil and matches Coat the Mac in oil Light match, and throw it on the Mac. or Download and install Wine Run Reborn game via Wine.
  15. You're telling me that after looking at six pages of sprite requests, you couldn't figure out that you have to post the sprite you want in the theme? Even then, the theme needs to be updated for PO V2.0
  16. Little more than a full day.....
  17. Really? Why even go through the huge spiel about leaving? You were gone like not even a week. Might as well have just taken a break to sort out your stuff. Eh, Welcome back and all that jazz. Don't pull that shit again :feelsgn:
  18. A shiny Zubat in Pokemon Gold. I nearly shit myself, but thanks to my Trainer's Guide I didn't kill it thinking my game was fucked up.
  19. Invasion is so succexy~

    1. Conor


      no pun intended


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