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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    B /10char Serebii pls go
  2. Neo


    For the love of god, people. Have you never played "Hangman" before? E btw.
  3. I laughed way more than I should've.
  4. Automod > xBot any day of the week.
  5. So how's the sixth grade going? Also, glad to see someone is taking initiative with RP'ing, but you can count me out. I stopped finding it fun ages ago.
  6. You have a Holocaust class? Why on Earth would they make a class for something like that. That never happened. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Germany could nevar do that.
  7. If you've earned it, you're getting it. I can dig it, but at some point you've either gotta stand up for yourself, or realize that words can't hurt you if you don't give them power.
  8. That's a Lum Berry, nooblord. Chesto Berry only activates on sleep. Also, the team seems a little rough around the edges. Seems like the current OU would eat it up because you've no real plan for things like Exca or Blaziken.
  9. What's the deal with whole situation between you and Caitlyn?
  10. Hark, you've reminded me that I should prolly make a new gallery threadnumber4isit?
  11. There's a reason as to why we haven't used them in the past two years. They're no longer relevant to Reborn. Also, if the auth approve one tier request, it's going to open the floodgates for a barrage of requests. It'll only end up giving everyone around here more headaches than we already get when it comes to tiers and their discussion.
  12. I can't decide D:

    1. Skeleton


      Whether you should live or die.

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Because on one hand there is pie.

    3. Neo


      Miku gets it.

  13. The background was white. Shooped in a texture that's much easier on my eyes. Also, Nyu, what DE is that?
  14. My turn! New paint job for my Mercedes Inside of car detailed 60in. TV Xbox 360 $70 RP Orianna Badger Teemo A new suit Moar neckbeard computer stuff A turtle Beach headset Bitchin' Telescope. (I've wanted it for a while now, shit is huge and computerized )
  15. I should really make it more obvious when I'm joking.
  16. I also didn't get anything, but I'll totally take Luka for a gift pls.
  17. RealPlayer doesn't respect your freedums. Also, reinstall flash and check it again.
  18. [img]http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/71/71.20.png[/img] [img]http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/2/2.20.png[/img] [img]http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/3/3.20.png[/img] [img]http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/9/9.20.png[/img] [img]http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/59/59.20.png[/img]
  19. Hori, those just look WAY too natural.
  20. Summer, I'm your SS. What I'm getting you isn't ready yet. Alsothefactthatyou'renondead/starving/dehydrated/poor andareabletoactuallygetonacomputertoreceiveagiftfromsomeoneontheothersideoftheworldshouldbemorethanenoughofagift.
  21. Neo

    For Fuck's Sake

    For fuck's sake, use the phrase right :I
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