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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. If I wasn't level 30, and didn't have those champs, I'd be in. (Though that IP boost sounds tempting.)
  2. Neo

    For Fuck's Sake

    For fucks sake, don't fucking abuse this topic. Take the fucking conversations somewhere else.
  3. [img]http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/27/27.59.png[/img]
  4. It was a Penta in PVP with Ashe. We were running through the jungle chasing, I ulted Teemo, (1), followed Fiora with a Volley (2), Ezreal fell to auto-attacks (4), Sona was an easy volley (5).
  5. I know I've said it a bunch, but.... PENTAKILL

  6. Trubbish is cute. Garbordor is a no.
  7. Programmer you say? Got any cool projects? Welcome to Reborn and all that jazz.
  8. helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nurse. </drooling> You're beautiful, Luka.
  9. Shaddap. I should probably post a proper pic, since the one over there isn't exactly decent. With me half turning around and such.
  10. Neo


    Banned because Dewgong has been my fave since Gen 1.
  11. Neo


    Banned for calling my favorite Pokemon derpy.
  12. In certain cases, it's best to use the eye colour elsewhere. Like on Gardevoir. The really dark lugia scale colour or the red would look nice.
  13. Support: Janna, Blitzcrank, Alistar. Nami (WiP), Kayle, Poppy (Yup, you heard me), Ryze, Nidalee, Karma, Yorick. I you can't tell yet, I'm going to main support from now on.
  14. Then don't listen to it. There's a skip button, y'know. My dedication to Hark: My other song:
  15. Best Tribunal log ever. I challenge you to get a better one.
  16. Neo


    Banned for breaking the chain.
  17. Yes. Fuck over your support more. Please, go afk so I can solo a lane. ahf hf h tjtr jtr;jkr yyks;fjty;jty jkty h njs yjsty kstk
  18. You know the rules. No inviting new people. I'm just playin' around. Welcome to Reborn, leave your sanity at the window.
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