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Everything posted by Neo

  1. This. Also, Vi was only previewed for PBE.
  2. Please refrain from posting if you're not gonna contribute. So, the team seems a wee bit shaky. Being a BL team, you're kinda at a huge disadvantage with Ice Type Pokemon. It wouldn't take much for a hail team to come in, and have a little fun with you, especially Kyruem. To fix this, I recommend something that can deal with them, and benefit/function in sand. You've got Bronzong who would add some much needed defense to this team, while playing the support role. Bronzong @ Light Clay Trait: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 SDef Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd) - Gyro Ball - Light Screen - Reflect - Stealth Rock Virizion @ Leftovers / Life Orb Trait: Justified EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Focus Blast - Giga Drain - Calm Mind - Hidden Power [ice] Nidoking can also do work, as long as you watch out for Weaville's Ice Shard, and Kyruem [Nidoking] (M/F) @ [Choice Scarf] Trait: Sheer Force EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP] [Nature] Modest - Earth Power - Ice Beam - Flamethrower/Fire Blast - Thunderbolt Also, it'd help if you actually played more with the team before bringing it to be rated. Issues like these probably could've been worked out if you battled more with it.
  3. Seems like you've just gotta calm down. Don't take everything so heavily, bro. I used to be the same way, raging at just about everything that even remotely pissed me off. Which, only causes more problems, and is a definite waste of time. Try to mellow out, listen to music instead of other people, don't ruffle any feathers in school, kinda just do your own thing. Don't do things that are just begging for idiots to come and hassle you. You'll get by a lot easier if you just calm down.
  4. Neo


    Banned for being Mael
  5. My team went fucking Power Rangers, and forced a surrender. We all got smite, waited 'til level 7-8, and rushed Baron. We took down 4 turrets, and an inhib. They camped at Baron when it respawned, but by then it was too late. With 4 Aces happening before we even finished the second Baron run. After we were at their nexus turrets, boom 5/0 vote to surrender. Really. Really. Really. Really. Fun.
  6. It really is. The biscuit is only useful early game, and doesn't stack with potions. It's just the fact that the mastery gives you the item, I guess.
  7. I was told it's good, and it hasn't failed me yet, soooo... blamLuis
  8. Eh, it kinda got replaced in a way with Statikk Shiv. The extra damage isn't as frequent, and the damage is 25 points less.
  9. Implying their both not perfectly relevant situation items.
  10. Ahhhhhhhhh so many champs that I wanna play. So little time.
  11. You're talking about a group of people. You must be trying to bash them.
  12. Sign me up. Also, as long as you put thought into it, I'm sure I'll like it.
  13. Mum got me a pool table for my first b-day gift this week. Sweet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neo


      She's getting me an Air Hockey Table :D

    3. Yuki
    4. Summer


      Say, Erick. Wanna trade moms?

  14. So like, someone thought it'd be cute to ignore the prof, and watch MLP:FiM on their laptop with headphones on. Now, this wouldn't bug me if I didn't have other schmucks crowding around me to get a glimpse of the show while I'm trying to take notes. I wanted to beat the living shit out of them with my laptop.
  15. Is it bad that I only understood about half of that?
  16. >Not playing on NA or Asia Pls stahp.
  17. Philo stone. So what builds a Locket of Solari and Randuin's Omen now that HoG is gone? ._.
  18. It was a joke, bro. Though it's good that you're done with it.
  19. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that my AP carries are going to have a fun time, but my tanks are crying right now. Ionic Spark on Ashe was more of a situational item than anything, and could really help farm/grab kills when you needed it most.
  20. Neo


    Banned for that messed up looking munchlax.
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