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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I'll play with unlocked as soon as I have my battle station rebuilt. Moving sucks.
  2. TBH, all I know is who goes where, when to backdoor, which lane is favorable to which side. Don't come at me with the lanes are even, because bot lane on purple has a disadvantage due to the angle.
  3. Teemo mid wrecks people. Be jelly.
  4. No, because we can get pretty smug.
  5. ...One line descriptions.. Put some effort into it, will ya? Moving on.... Aside from your Metagross/Gliscor your sets are kinda jacked. Even if you don't want to go for HJK on Blaziken, there are other strong fighting moves available. You don't really need Sunny Day on Chansey, nor do you need Aqua Tail on Salamence. The league is gonna eat you up.
  6. You might wanna go back and fix the sprites in there. Check the RMT guidelines for resources on sprites. You won't get feedback until you add a detailed description for each Pokemon.
  7. Irelia sig is best sig.

    1. TheNewEnigma


      More like metric lyrics sig is est sig

  8. This, 'cept I had 183 RP, and my debit card decided to act stupid, so I didn't get my 1/2 off Amethyst Ashe.
  9. It's a shame that us normal people will have to wait for Nami.
  10. I could've sworn that the agreement made between you all and I was that all circlejerking, and dickbaggery would be kept away from the RMT section.
  11. Learn to use the god damn edit button. Also, yeah it's dual weather, but it's a very basic dual weather concept. Owen's Sun team would have a field day with you. I'd rate it higher if you made it less black/white. 7/10
  12. Neo


    Banned because mine are quality. (I'm also redoing it. I need that smile!)
  13. Neo


    Banned for never asking.
  14. Neo


    Banned because I make better sigs.
  15. Kiozo should use my sig when I change it next week.

  16. Neo


    Banned for getting a sig from Hark.
  17. Team's alright. Though I don't appreciate the trolling in the thread. You've got a fair bit of weaknesses you need to deal with, I'd name a few pokemon that would ruin your day, but that's too much work. I suggest that you use Nidoking instead of Nidoqueen. He's got Sheer Force, which makes him a lot more worthwhile offensively. Final rate: 3/10 For the love of god, put some effort into the RMT next time.
  18. Making a guide about the most played video game on Earth....Wut? Jokes aside I commend you for making this, Ame. Must've taken a while.
  19. Neo


    Banned because NO! GTFO.
  20. It breaks the formatting, which makes it look odd. You're better off uploading it to imgur..
  21. Nah, good on you for telling him. As stated by Summer, your team won't be evaluated until you edit the post with a description for each Pokemon.
  22. Attaching large images = no.
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