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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Except for the fact that like 10 people were running for President.
  2. Make a change log on the OP. It makes it a lot easier.
  3. Neo


    Banned for being mael.
  4. Neo


    Banned for poor word play.
  5. Metric, Neon Indian, Plumtree.
  6. I'm glad to see that even though this is nearly a year old that people still like it.
  7. Neo


  8. Neo


  9. Neo


    Banned because you're not one to talk about ugly avatars.
  10. Neo


    Banned for not being Dark.
  11. This is the second time I'm going to address this. Comment on the team, don't just blindly post sets. If you're not going to do that, then refrain from posting in this section at all. Owen, I've battled you, so you know my thoughts on it. It's a nice team, but has some issues with stall in general. Rate: 9.5/10
  12. Please do not post incomplete teams, as this breaks the rules in the RMT guidelines.
  13. The change with Gothitelle is an interesting one, but a bad one nonetheless. You've kept the bug weakness you were trying to get rid of and added both a dark and ghost weakness. Venomoth (M/F) @ Black Sludge Trait: Tinted Lens EVs: 252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Sp Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Quiver Dance - Psychic - Bug Buzz - Substitute Guess who's gonna have fun with your team? I was just thinking that if you're not going to go with Cobalion, then Gallade is the next best thing. Gallade (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Steadfast EVs: 240 HP / 224 SDef / 44 Spd Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Drain Punch - Bulk Up - Shadow Sneak/Night Slash - Psycho Cut He cuts the bug weakness, give you SE against dark, and has a means of dealing with the ghosties. Just some food for thought.
  14. Neo


    Banned because those rules have been here longer than I have. No one uses them anymore.
  15. Neo


    Banned for not banning anyone! Lrn2gaem, nub!
  16. My thoughts exactly. Are you going to provide a reason as to why this set should be used over his current set? Are you going to look at the team, and analyze it rather than throwing out sets?
  17. What is this? You're blindly copy/pasting sets without any sort of input.
  18. >Not having the Miyazaki box set. Amethyst, step your game up.
  19. As you'll see when my RMT guide becomes available to the public: Why even post the guide, then not listen to suggestions? You're assuming that the team is perfect, and shutting everyone else down. You might as well lock the topic, and just have us all look at it.
  20. Rating time. Hipster Coffin (Cofagrigus) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Mummy EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 212 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Toxic - Swagger - Protect - Night Shade Believe it or not, the Protect/Swagger combo I'm using was based off what a trainer used in Pokemon White 2 (I'm not even kidding). This is an amazing staller, with Toxic and Swagger working away at the enemy while you use Protect to keep yourself up and use leftovers to heal your established wounds. With the EVs and Careful nature, practically no Special Dolt in UU or lower can harm this thing, although physical attackers are a different story. I like what you're doing with Cofagrigus. No real complaints here. You've got a ghost-type Blissey type-of-thing going on here. Keep it up. Rest of the team: Nidoking takes out a sizeable chunk of your team, with only Cofagrigus and Rotom-H to pick up the slack. [Nidoking] (M/F) @ [Choice Scarf] Trait: [Encourage] EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP] [Nature] Modest - Earth Power - Ice Beam - Flamethrower/Fire Blast - Thunderbolt He comes in, and will mess up your team. From there,the opponents physical sweeper of choice can come in. Otherwise, I love the idea behind the team. I think it was executed nicely. Final score: 8/10
  21. I was dead serious about Quilfish. He's more than viable. More often than not, OHKOing most Pokemon that don't resist.
  22. Neo


    Banned for multi-color signature.
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