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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Fuck you. Get out. Not just you, but those around you. Fuck everything about you. Fuck your very existence. Leave.
  2. I'd recommend Protect on Blaziken, since if he does get hit with an Earthquake, it'll hurt. Especially if something like, Hippodown comes in while you're trying to dance.
  3. The buttmad is cute, bro. If you'd really like me to, then I'll dig out an old team.
  4. So naive, bro. It's a huge issue, and if you're relying on one Pokemon to save your team from getting whipped, there's a problem.
  5. You talk as if Drifblim's attack is worthy of anything. I don't know about you, but i build a defensive Gurdurr, and he'll have no problem taking that.
  6. What happens if you run into a Gurdurr? It often packs payback, making your Drifblim useless. You might want to rethink that a bit.
  7. But it's faster than me! OP! What? Mach Punch? Do I look like a fool to you?
  8. Neo


    Oh look, you're planning on taking your grudge somewhere else. Grow up and get over it, you lost. Now, don't misconstrue my comments about the team. Yeah, the 5 pokemon of the same type is bad. But for a what I'm assuming is a first hail attempt is a common mistake. Rather than beating a dead horse, comment on the other parts of the team. RMT's are there for critiquing, so you all have nothing to do but flam, kindly leave.
  9. I stated that I've been battling since then, can you read? Secondly you're going to say that you can't acquire figures on Evasion, yet you ladder. Are you unable to record the number of your ladder battles that involve the use of Evasion? Are you unable to do simple math? I'm done with you until you can present an argument based on facts.
  10. Excuse me for not making my sarcasm far more blunt for you. If you actually knew shit from shinola, then you'd know that I ladder quite fuckin' often. Secondly you're calling not only my principles, but everyone who has disagreed with you's principles "outdated". Well who the fuck elected you king shit of the metagame? Please tell me how I'm supposed to play because you can't do something simple like Phaze or use Haze/CS. Please come and tell me that I obviously know nothing about battling having battled since Gen II competitively. Where are your facts and figures, huh? Where's the hard data that says that Evasion is detriment to the ladder? I love how you completely ignored that point because you can't fuckin' answer it. This thread is almost as sad as Rotomfan's due to the fact that you can't come up with any argument better than "I can't hit it" Having haze is sooooooooooo unviable, right? Why is it that Dodrio uses it all the time with damn good success rates? Why is it a very well-known strategy? Well shit, all those people who use it must suck, especially if certain Pokemon are given roles to solely do that. What a bunch of dumbasses, right? With every post all you're proving is that you're a mediocre battler who can't hand something as simple as DT.
  11. So you're proposing a tier for 10 pokemon at the most? Get out.
  12. So what I'm taking from this is: You're "qq"ing over the fact that you can't ladder without knowing you're going to hit all the time. Next you're speaking for everyone on the ladder without knowing who ladders. In other words; This thread is nothing but a tantrum. A tantrum that's being thrown because "He's not playing fair, mommy!" "I'm supposed to win!" Well get over it. You can bring forth all the opinions you want, you've still yet to make even the slightest convincing argument. Show me the percentage of games won by Evasion. Show me that it just can't be stopped. Show me that it's making a significant impact on the metagame. Until you can do this, you have no argument.
  13. Manaphy can easily deal with Rotom-W and Keldeo. Next.
  14. What the fuck is with all the qqing about the metagame lately? This isn't fucking Smogon. This isn't fucking Beta. If you want a metagame like that, take your ass over there. "It's too hard to beat, let's get it banned" Man the fuck up and deal with it.
  15. So you shouldn't have to prepare for a part of the game? Well, shit. I'm going to stop worrying about Jirachi, Whimsicott, Muk, and every other Pokemon I deem too haxxy for me to play with.
  16. You're going to need to cite the following: Pokemon: (Manaphy obviously) Base Stats: Common sets: Checks/Counters Why it should be moved down: Effect it will have on the metagame: Then we'll take this seriously.
  17. You're making assumptions. If you think that having a Pokemon with Haze/Coil/Clear Smog in a metagame where everyone wants to try to set up is not practical, then maybe you shouldn't be laddering. Amoonguss (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 48 Def / 208 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Spore - Clear Smog - Giga Drain - Hidden Power [ice] There ya go.
  18. Everything living thing thrust into the ring. Fighting to "wow" the crowd.~

  19. Then run something to stop it. Note that you're one of the few people complaining about it. Everyone else has probably learned to deal with it. It's a part of battling, if you can't deal with it Beta is only a couple slots above on the registry.
  20. Neo


    Oh please oh mighty Skywayz educate me in your magnificent ways of battling. Did you miss the part where this is a hail team? As for that little 5/6 comment, look at your league team and promptly shut up.
  21. Every Miyazaki film is amazing. If this month works we'll be able to get to the other Miyazaki movies among others. Let's no flood with suggestions, eh? Plus Ame has good judgement. He put the best movie first.
  22. If it takes no skill, then it should take relatively low skill to beat it. It's like the stall battles of Gen II. Yes it didn't take skills to do it, but it didn't take much skill to beat it. Once you figure out how to deal with evasion, it will never be a problem again.
  23. Luck is an element of any game. If they want to increase the odds in their favor, then fine by me. Either I adapt or lose.
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