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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Lapis portals Gold bank Tpa (must have) War anvil mcmmo (yes pls) sky chest (^) disable tnt lockette (not sure if bukket) Blocksdrop EDIT: Lightning arrow, Super Wheat, Portal Gel (yes pls), Creeper Heal, Adminchat, Ownblock plus. I'll post more if I can think of 'em.
  2. To be honest, why even put bans before the tier is even up all the way? You should let the metagame sort itself out. If these things still warrant a ban after the fact, then they get banned.
  3. Neo


    You asked me nothing. Filthy liar.
  4. Thank you all for pointing the blame at me. My hacked client wasn't god. It couldn't spawn things instantly. It needed the material for the swastikas. Which I built in the desert to take out rage. Secondly, I had no motive to grief Cloud. I got my armor back and that was that. Thirdly, Edge is right, I'm not gonna blow the shit out of the castle when I spent hours gathering the sandstone for it. I'm still not done either. Fourthly (these words are are getting weird), I was around when Cloud's room was destroyed, but I was working on my room at the time. So uh, thanks for the accusations. Oh and refer to the list below before you pull shit out of nowhere. Things a hacked client CAN'T do: 1) Make something from nothing 2) Turn invisible 3) Cause explosions (It has nuker, but Edge already saw that the pattern from my Nuker was different from any of the messes)
  5. Do you have somewhere I can send bitcoins? I'll float some your way.
  6. Didn't we have the same problem last year too.. In fact, that's when Ikabro got owner. < < > >
  7. (23:10:24) +[sU]Kaito: Dammit, you got me hard. @.@ (23:11:48) +[sU]Kaito: Damn man. I have to congratulate you for that. @.@
  8. Every game in the Fallout series. Fallout 3 alone will keep you busy for weeks.
  9. Neo


    Banned for logging off of PSN whenever I log on :c
  10. Neo


    Implying you need to max everything out. If you can get the sweep going at +4 Evasion and +3 atk, def, then more power to you.
  11. Happy birthday, bro. Where can I ship your soul to?
  12. Neo


    [quote name='Phazer' timestamp='1340053322' post='34650'] Set weak to Perish Song. [/quote] You do realize that ALL set up sets have that problem, right?
  13. %s thought they could take on Tenshi %s got confused about the Pacific tires death %s angered the breloombot
  14. I liek this. weaboo End the topic. Gogogogogogoo
  15. I don't see Bullet here O.o lolol anyway welcome, hopefully you like it here Squidwife said it best.
  16. Change the /ds? You silly kids.
  17. To be fair, Nicki Minaj's older stuff was actually good. Then the sellout kicked in.
  18. Neo


    Banned because my banhammer has spoken.
  19. If weather is a prominent as you say, then why wouldn't an experienced battler just switch in their own weather and put a cap on Excadrill? Secondly, Excadrill may be fast, but any fighting type with priority (or something with aqua jet) is going to completely screw Drill over. More often than not they 2HKO him. (Even though anyone with half a brain would switch out) As for things like Kingdra, you're forgetting something. Kingdra has more or less always been good and Swift Swim just gave him a little boost. The only really useless pokemon that becomes a monster with weather that I can think of is Quilfish. His attack matches that of Kingdra, and with Swift Swim he's able to speed-tie if I'm correct. Otherwise, I'd have to say that weather just takes already usable pokemon, and makes them even more usable. (Also, not ever sand team has those ;; Look at mine)
  20. The best way to tell if you're immune is to get spammed by it. Zalgo is meant to fuck with your computer by it not being able to recognize the multiple languages at one. Your best in the event on a Zalgo attack is to not touch the windows during the initial freezing. I'd also recommend alt+tabbing out to another windows. After 30 seconds just come back and play as you were. Only you can prevent Zalgo attacks!
  21. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an opinion.... Wolf summed it all up right here.
  22. Welcome to Reborn. Leave your sanity at the window.
  23. Great! Just look for me on the server, and we'll get started.
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