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About Devonaki

  • Birthday 07/07/1993

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    Behind Wall Rosa
  • Interests
    I'm fond of books. I also enjoy a big selection of music, particularly maritime bands. I also like anime/manga, video games, and mythology.

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  1. Fair points on all three bits there. Didn't know that Lucarionite is banned in league (I really hope its not banned in OU). Maybe I can use this necessary Lucario revamp to use my little dog buddy as that requisite special attacker? Nasty Plot, Flash Cannon, Vacuum Wave and Shadowball seem nice, though I'd miss Ice Punch. That thing was useful in the extreme. Vacuum Wave will give me a typed priority move, which I'll need if I'm getting rid of Breloom. Roserade does add a nice poison prescence though. For the multi target issue, perhaps dazzling gleam instead of moonblast on gardevoir? Not sure if that's worth the drop from 95 to 80 in power. Rock Slide would be a valid change on Feraligatr for Doubles and Triples, and Flying Types would have something to fear, but that does leave him open to electric types so I question if it would be a wise change on a one on one level. Thanks for the comment dude!
  2. A continuous string of losses to Saphira caused me to take a hiatus from league. The recent introduction of Gen 6 and Fairy typing has made me wonder if I should just re-register with my teams Gen 6 variant. I ask that you take a look at the team and the pre gen 6 one in my signature and tell me if it's worth my time to replace the latter with the former or if trying with this team would be pointless. Pardon if any stubbornness on my part frustrates you. I'm stodgy, stubborn, and not quick to change (its pre-fairy variant is one I've used since my intro to reborn several years ago). All comments are appreciated. Without further ado. The Team The High-Speed Lead and Dragon Slayer: Grace the Gardevoir Trait: Trace EVs: 240 SAtk / 16 SDef / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) Item: Choice Scarf - Psychic - Shadow Ball - Moonblast - Thunderbolt She can outspeed Gengar (both with and without megastone boost) and Thundurus, she hits hard, and Trace has always been good for a surprise (an unpleasant one if I've copied Truant or Defiant, but that's only happened once on each of them). Grace has been my go-to-gal for Scouting since I joined reborn. STAB-Psychic takes out Poison types and Thunderbolt at least keeps steel and water types wary. Shadow ball takes care of ghosts. All three of them hit Fire types reasonably allowing STAB-Moonblast to be the go-to for everything else that isn't Fire, Steel or Poison. Unfortunately she drops like a rock if she so much as trips. At least she doesn't have to worry as much about Pursuit and U-turn now with the Fairy typing. Glass Cannon Pup: Sirius the Lucario Trait: Inner Focus EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) Item: Lucarionite - Swords Dance - Close Combat - Ice Punch - Bullet Punch Lucarios are the epitome of Glass Cannons, in that they hit hard as hell if used right, but crumple like a house of cards at the merest indication of fire, psychic, ground or electricity. Close Combat's debuff's only worsen this, but at least it resists Stealth Rock. One Swords Dance and a Mega-Evolution make this guy hit like a tactical nuke (so long as you're not Chandlure or Jellicent, who break Sirius' stride pretty well). Surprise Ice-Punch has made this guy Grace's Dragon Slayer partner and helps with the Ground types that plague him and the grass types which worry Gustave and Wayne. However, using that does sacrifice the ability to deal with the aforementioned ghosts. Adaptability boosted Bullet Punch has allowed me to survive the onslaught of Grace's Fae brethren. Queen of Spores, Multi-hits and Priority Toph the Breloom Trait: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) Item: Life Orb - Swords Dance - Spore - Bullet Seed - Mach Punch I've called her Brebroom, as she cleans things up for me nicely, and her occasional sweeps are beautiful. Gen 6 has given her the ability to block spore for me (though other can do it to her now too), and taken a bit of the fear out of Magic Bounce. Bullet Seed deals with water types and Substitutes. Mach Punch is consistently useful and becomes devastating once Swords Dance becomes a factor. Ghosts are troublesome to her as they were to Sirius but she's useful against Blissey, Chancey and Audino walls. The Ever Reliable Calamity Gustave the Feraligatr Trait: Sheer Force EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) Item: Leftovers - Dragon Dance - Waterfall - Ice Punch - Earthquake The reason I first came to the Reborn Server is because Sheer Force is legal for my favorite starter here. It's biggest issues are Jellicent (which walls it), Rotom-W (Volt-Switch dude), and speedy Electric and Grass types (both of which become a non issue with a few DD's and either Earthquake or Ice Punch). Other than that Gustave has just enough bulk to be a good fall-back and packs a ridiculous punch after a Dragon Dance or two. Fire, Ground and Rock types beware. Death From Above and Below Wayne the Gliscor Trait: Poison Heal EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) Item: Flying Gem - Swords Dance - Acrobatics - Earthquake - Toxic Flying Gem Acrobatics hits hard, add a Sword Dance and it just straight up destroys. Wayne is my striker, pin point and good for cover. Poison Heal keeps him legal on the main server and Toxic has been at times replaced with Thunder Fang, Ice Fang and Poison Jab. Grass and Water are troublesome, and the only defense he has against Ice is speed, but he's neutral to everything else and negates troublesome electric types. The Derptastic Heavy Hitter Nidhoggr the Dragonite Trait: Multiscale EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) Item: Lum Berry - Dragon Dance - Outrage - Fire Punch - Extreme Speed I love this derpy bastard, I really do. So long as I get her in before someone pulls off a Stealth Rock this one can always tank at least one hit (unless its a ridiculously suped up Fairy, Ice or Dragon attack). Dragon Dance is instrumental to this set. One and she's troublesome, two and she hits like a freight train, three and she has become death on stupid wings. Extremespeed has been useful in the excess, but I have to be careful in the setup if I want to use outrage. Lum Berry furthers tanking ability and wards off the unfortunate confusion debuff for one use of Outrage. Possible Replacements: If I'm really well convinced that any of the earlier need to be replaced (something I'd very much like to avoid) here are some of my suggestions: Roserade for Breloom @ Life Orb/Black Sludge Trait: Technician/Natural Cure EVs: 16 HP / 252 SAtk / 240 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Leaf Storm/Giga Drain - Sludge Bomb - Hidden Power [Fire]/Shadowball - Toxic Spikes Talonflame for Gliscor @ Life Orb/Flying Gem Trait: Gale Wings EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Brave Bird/Acrobatics - Flare Blitz - Roost Threats: Alakazam- Only with a Megastone. Same goes for Medicham and Kangeskhan. Chandelure- Without Choice Scarf he's manageable. With it he's a freaking nightmare. Ditto- Never let a set-up Mon near him. NEVER. Espeon- Magic Bounce was a lot more troublesome for me pre-gen-6. Ferrothorn- Easy enough to take out but there's still something to worry about here. Genesect- SCREW THIS ROBOT JERKOFF AND HIS WHOLE FAMILY (insert rageface here). Gengar- Grace takes him out pretty quick as she can outspeed him even when he's Mega and Psychic drops him like a rock. If Grace is gone however...yikes dude, just yikes. Jellicent- Stalls are a pain in general for me and Alfred here epitomizes that. Grace and Toph have to work in tandem to take care of him or Nidhoggr or Wayne have to be set up reeeeeealy well. Rotom-W- Nasty little switcher, the source of many a headache. Thankfully a low Defense and Special Defense. Skarmory- I want to take the guy who thought up this Stall-King and kick him in the balls. This thing is a headache. Wuagsire- Unaware makes this thing dangerous, as does its stall strategies.
  3. Since lots of other folks seem to be doing it, My team (post-Noel): Grace (Female, Shiny) Lvl.56 Modest, Trace Psychic Shadow-ball Calm Mind Teleport Marceline (Female) Lvl.55 Mild, Moxie Hi Jump Kick Crunch Strength Brick Break Bruce (Male) Lvl. 53 Jolly, Infiltrator Acrobatics Confuse Ray Cross Poison Bite Gustave (Male) Lvl.53 Careful, Sheer Force Agility Ice Fang Water Gun Crunch Vulcan (Male) Lvl.52 Quiet, Vital Spirit Fire Punch Confuse Ray Flamethrower Faint Attack (Thunderpunch?) Bumi (Female) Lvl. 52 Adamant, Sturdy Stealth Rock Earthquake Rock Blast Rock Smash After that is my Reserve, those who either add variety to the team or are in training. They range from Level 54 to 45 in order: (from Left to right: Antheia Lvl.54, Kyu Lvl.52, Morrigan Lvl.52, Auriol Lvl.52, WALL-E Lvl.51, Jormungand Lvl.50, Marianne Lvl.45).
  4. When I got into Pokemon Online it was pretty late in the game. The Unova generation had long since made its debut (a gen I had not taken part in) and I was lost in a sea of stratagem after stratagem. I, who had never once battled against anything besides an NPC and had been unable to play the games since Sinnoh came out, was in over my head. Thankfully a few of Reborn's more experienced players took me under their wing and helped me build a team. They taught me the basics, advised my choices in builds, and helped make some of my favorite Pokemon viable. From that came the Team I use now. My old reliable, my fallback. I'm stubborn and I get sentimental at the drop of a hat so rather than make multiple teams centered around strategic choices I make the best I can out of my few favorite Pokemon and stick with that team for good, making only the occasional change now and then to moves or stats. For a while that worked, I slogged my way through most of the Reborn league and even managed to peak at a 1300 score for a very short while. But I've run into trouble recently, and troubles name is Saphira. Her triple battle team is beastly and its been beating my ass with impunity. My team's not built for triples and the reborn league rules state I can't change moves. So I'm stuck. I'd rather just find a way to use my current Team in a creative way to finally win, or wait to see if Saphira will ever switch to single battles or even doubles (unlikely but a guy can dream). But even I can see sense. One person suggested I just start over and, while I'm loathe to admit it, she most likely has a point. So I'm presenting my current team here for review before a jury of my peers. So without further adieu (and at last a cessation to my rambling), here's my first RMT: The Promethean Team Be gentle? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Grace Item: Choice Scarf Trait: Trace EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Psychic - Shadow Ball - Will-O-Wisp - Hidden Power [Fighting] You won't see a Gardevoir much outside of NU, so my favorite lead has also become sort of a personal trademark for me. Grace has reasonable Special Defense and Speed Stats, but its her base 125 Special Attack that makes her stand out. Fully EV that stat and her STAB becomes devastating. As long as they aren't too bulky and don't have a resistance to Psychic, Grace can two shot most contenders easy, and her SpA gives Shadow Ball enough buck to act as a nice defense against other Psychics even without STAB. With a scarf she can outspeed any unscarfed Pokemon, though that does restrict her to a Scouting and Revenge Killer role, which Trace allows her to excel at. I use her to get an idea of the opponents abilities, take out enemies like Thundurus that are too fast for the rest of my team, and as a curveball of sorts. As an example, I lead Grace, you lead Blaziken, Grace traces Blaziken's speed boost allowing her to keep up with Blaziken which is ordinarily impossible without priority moves, catching the opponent off guard. She does have her drawbacks though, her Defense is really low and the tunnel vision that Choice Scarf provides is always a pain. Her last two moves don't get used much as there's not much call for them (though replacing Will-O-Wisp with Hypnosis or whatever the fairy typing will bring me may change that). Dark types and U-turn are rough on my early game plans and Genesect quickly becomes the bane of my existance. Still, she's the corner stone of my strategy and I won't do without her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Sirius Item: Life Orb Trait: Inner Focus EVs: 8 HP / 236 Atk / 12 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Close Combat - Ice Punch - ExtremeSpeed Sirius fits the "Glass Cannon" title to a T. He hits fast and he hits hard and he breaks pretty quick. He's mostly used as a Revenge Killer, but with enough set up can act as a Sweeper when needed. Ice Punch has been of immense help, making him my premier method of dealing with Dragons and Birds, and a single Swords Dance can even make him a viable threat to Skarmory, which causes me trouble otherwise. He's got a nice +4 resistance to stealth rock and the access to ExtremeSpeed makes up for any issues in speed, but defensively speaking that's where the benifits end. The garbage defense means that a single super effective hit like a well placed Earthquake is all takes to drop him, though this does validate the use of Close Combat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Toph Item: Life Orb Trait: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Spore - Bullet Seed - Mach Punch Priority, priority, priority. The name of the SporeDance game is priority and with Technician Mach Punch Breloom plays like a charm. The set up it takes is a pain, and Breloom has more threats to it than a cat at a dog show, but the sheer amount of sweeping Breloom can pull is worth every bit of it. Even unboosted Breloom is a valid threat against pokemon like Tyranitar and Terrakion and is quite useful against Jellicent. Barring any Espeon shenanigans, Spore is the perfect opening for a set up, and Bullet Seed's multi-hit nature allows me a defense against Substitute users. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Wayne Item: Flying Gem Trait: Sand Veil EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Acrobatics - Swords Dance - Earthquake - Thunder Fang Gliscor is actually a pokemon who doesn't need the boost of Sword Dance to hit heavy, the +2 is simply a method to elevate the Acrobatics/Flying Gem combo to outright devastation. This guy sweeps like nothing else. Earthquake and Thunder Fang are added in for a nice bit of coverage, especially because Quake gets STAB as well. Poison Heal or Sand Veil are a non-issue. Unfortunately gliscor shares a theme with the rest of the team, and that's his weak defense and his vulnerability to ice. The ground typing cancels Electricity but opens up a host of typing issues. Ice and Water take it out and Thundurus moves fast enough to hidden power it to death. Though that may be solved by substitute, which I've never had the patience for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Gustave Item: Leftovers Trait: Sheer Force EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Dragon Dance - Waterfall - Ice Punch - Earthquake The fact that Sheer Force Feraligatr is banned from most servers OU is a crying shame. Reliable bulk, reasonable coverage, and one boost is all it takes to get Gustave sweeping. Thunder and Grass moves are its only threats, so Gustave is usually what I switch in on to spare other team members pain, and leftovers allows him to hold up against Sandstorm sets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Nidhoggr Item: Lum Berry Trait: Multiscale EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Dragon Dance - Outrage - Fire Punch - ExtremeSpeed The classic psuedo-legendary is my bulkiest and heaviest hitting team member, Multiscale allowing it to survive most hits (barring field traps). Once DDance is employed, little slows the Nidhoggr down. Lum Berry has the added effect of warding away Scald and Paralysis users.ExtremeSpeed is necessary to keep up with the faster Garchomp and Salamence, but Fire Punch is not as useful as I'd hoped, only truly useful against Ferrothorn. In my ladder version of this team I've since replaced the move with Earthquake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soooo yeah, there you go. Threats: Alakazam- Usually leads, and usually dies in a Shadowball shoot-out with Gardevoir. Blaziken- Half my damn team takes it out, and thats not even counting Gardevoir who (if it traces Blazikens Speed Boost) takes it out with impunity. Breloom- I use it, I can counter it. Chandelure- Depends on whether its scarfed or not, dangerous regardless. Chansey- Breloom and Lucario. Cloyster- Tough but Breloom and Lucario handle it. Ditto- Never let this thing near a set-up poke, NEVER. Dragonite- Either DDanced Feraligatr or Dnite Espeon- Breloom is a BAD idea near this. Ferrothorn- Gliscor wins it out but still annoying. Garchomp- Speedy Psuedo-Legendary. Frak. Genesect- Versatile and a pain in my ass. When I'm not being sweeped by this thing constant pressure from Dnite, Breloom, Feraligatr and Lucario are what takes it out. Gengar- Ghost/Poison, meet a mach speed Psychic. Gyarados- Either overpower via set up or Thunderfang it over several turns with Gliscor. Haxorus- Dragonite, Feraligatr or Lucario Hydreigon- Lucario is my co-pilot. Jellicent- Breloom usually. Jirachi- Earthquake is key to defeating this one, and I got quake to spare. Jolteon- Not really all that troublesome. Latios- Latios is fast, but Gardevoir is faster, also no one sees the Lucario Ice Punch coming, and DDanced Feraligatr ftw. Metagross- Earthquake. Porygon2- Versatile. Hate it. Respect it as an enemy but hate it. Reuniclus- Easy so long as trick room is prevented. Rotom-W- Versatile but you can corner it with clever switch outs. Salamence- Moxie makes this one tough. Scizor- Similar to Breloom and thus counterable. Skarmory- Fracking robo-bird *grumbles angrily* Slowbro- Shadowball from Gardvoir, though I do risk Breloom for a quick Bullet-seed clean up. Tentacruel- Gardevoir or Breloom. Terrakion- Tough but Garde, Breloom and Feraligatr handle it. Thundurus-... >.>; (in all seriousness it takes some real finagling to take it out and is the bane of my existance. Gardevoir and priority moves are key in its defeat.) Togekiss- Ice Punch from Feraligatr or Lucario, or just blunt force trauma from the rest of the team. Tyranitar- Lucario and Breloom take it out quick, but if it has Pursuit then Gardevoir is doomed. Volcarona- Gliscor or Feraligatr, though I have to do it quick, one quiver dance and this thing is dangerous. Whimsicott- I have NO idea why this is a threat. Zapdos- Manageable. Celebi- Manageable. Wuagsire- what is this I dont even- Breloom get it out of my prescence at once. Sableye- No useable weakness so I have to blunt force it. Sigilyph- Never seen it used. Smeargle- Only see it in baton pass teams, which I despise but can handle. Starmie- Fast little shit, but thats what Gardevoir is for. Hippowdon+Excadrill- Managable. Tyranitar+Landorus- arrrrrrrgh. Ninetales+Venusaur- You're a giant-ass Dino thing with a tree on your back, you have NO business being that fast Venusaur. WTF gamefreak. Politoed+Kingdra- As long as I get enough DDances in Dnite takes kingdra out, but its always a near thing. Politoed+Ludicolo- Multiscale lets Dnite charge up to overpower these guys. Politoed+Vaporeon- See above. Chansey+Skarmory- I see these two in my nightmares sometimes. Scizor+Rotom-W- Meh. Challenging but manageable.
  5. Somethings never change. And by somethings I mean the fact that Saphira can still wipe the floor with me.

  6. Is it too late to sign up, because if it isn't then I am totally in.
  7. Finally have the first four badges under my belt!

    1. Voctrode


      That's not how you wear badges!

  8. Nix'd is in fact a word (or at the very least one I use, not sure how much of an indicator that is). As for the new ladder, yo me gusto mucho Senorita Ame. The whole prize thing gives laddering a bit more of a point and clearing the ladder allows us to see where we actually stand against others rather than where we stand against a crap ton of alternate names and people who haven't been on in forever.
  9. Hello there Reborn, I'm Devonaki ([sTK] Devon on the server) . I joined about a month back but never got around to introducing myself. So I thought I should write a quick blurb about me, see if it'll be the kick in the ass I need to actually start talking to people. I was born in Canada and am still technically a citizen there, but I've lived a sizable part of my life in America. I'm 19 years old and an avid reader, particularly of fiction of varying genres. My favorite author is Douglas Adams and my favorite series is his "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" series. I've also enjoyed "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "John Dies at the End" by David Wong, and "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman. Due to this fondness of storytelling my dream is to be a novelist one day (though its one goal among many). I also enjoy a lot of music. Classical, Easy Rock, Hard Rock, Electronic, you name it I probably have it buried somewhere on the Ipod, though I'm particularly fond of the maritime band Great Big Sea. I love the smooth almost folk rock feel to their work. It's fun to sing (which I'm fond doing), its good reading music (or drinking music according to my uncle, they are Newfoundlanders after all). Outside of those two wider interests I'm also interested in running, swimming, amateur psychology, mythology of various cultures, art, anime/manga, and shows like Doctor Who and Sherlock. I'm a relatively quiet fellow (don't let the long ramble above detract from that) so I won't usually go out of my way to talk to people, but I'm easy to engage and I'd still enjoy the company if any of you want to drop me a line. I'm very new to Pokemon Online, or really competitive battling in general. Never did a single online match until I downloaded Pokemon Online. But I'm doing my best to learn as quick as I can and Reborn Server has been VERY accommodating towards that. You all seem like nice and interesting people to talk to. I hope we can get along! -Devonaki
  10. Looks good. When does the tourney actually start?
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