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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Jelly

  1. (just posting to say that for some reason the forum didn't give me notifications for this thread even though i have them turned on. apologies for no vote. will monitor more closely in the future.)
  2. i think we should vote to kill whoever mentioned sweet fruits on pizza
  3. oof ive never met 2/3 of these guys marc hold me
  4. who can guess what the battle of the week will be
  5. we play for nations. im free after 6pm gmt-5 on weekdays and i have shaky weekend availability.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jelly


      i can do friday evening. around 8ish my time?

    3. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Sure. That should work. If something comes up I'll let you know :3

    4. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Hey Jelly, is it possible to push the match back about an hour?

  6. ZION v/s POLARIS (3-2) in RU-BL2 FraRPetO vs Personthing Pyrro vs Shinyrio Swampellow vs Anstane Wendel vs Chimchain mar_mar vs zanshouken SUBS: Sparky, CrimsonDragon / Blackpoi, Riku - LIGHT GAZERS v/s ZODIAC (1/2 - 3/4) in NU-BL3 Skitty vs NDG Azery vs Bagel LordofCold vs DW Jman vs Scep Ros vs St0mpa - this one is a toss up SUBS: Alex, Joker / LeonVermillion, DiamondTiara -
  7. thanks goodness this isnt being done retroactively
  8. hey man welcome back im also into fasting these days
  9. Forum name: jelly Showdown alt(s): rural Discord: rural#3027 Availability*: after 5 CST. weekends unsure Favourite type(s): fire, ground, electric Least favourite type(s): fairy not taking a leadership role in this incarnation
  10. ive discovered some songs that sound better when sped up. feel free to share your findings 1.25x 1.25x 1.25x 1.25x 1.25x OR 1.5x 1.25x
  11. Name/Known as: jelly Age: 20 Gender: m Birthday: july 25 Location: louisiana Height: 6' Hair Color: dirty blonde Eye Color: blue Lives with: 3 roommates Pets: none Relationship status: commited Dream job: data analyst Currently playing: witcher 3 Favourite Food: hot wings Favourite Drink: water Favourite Color: green Favourite kind of Music: depends really. Favourite Band: no vacation Favourite Album: nonagon infinity by king gizzard and the lizard wizard Favourite Songs: who - wetter, we're not just friends - parks squares and alleys, cha cha - dram, yam yam - no vacation Favourite Game: street fighter 3: third strike Favourite Genre of Game: fighting Favourite Hobbies: coding, running, cooking, reading Favourite Movies: rounders, trainspotting, 12 angry men, the good the bad the ugly, se7en, the usual suspects, howl's moving castle, oldboy, taxi driver, sword of the stranger Favourite Shows: i mostly watch anime so: darker than black, flcl, nichijou, noragami, ttgl, ping pong
  12. i highly recommend the asus ux330u. it's been my daily driver for a little over a year and it's the perfect size for cramped desks and lap usage. very light and surprisingly sturdy. i also have no problems running pretty intense programs on it for prolonged periods of time.
  13. zoom in on random places on google maps and steal/alter town names from there i will say that the anagram idea is super nifty
  14. reborn only became interesting after i joined
  15. dissatisfaction is just a product of ambition

  16. haha u got owned nerd loser
  17. the oui'd numbre,,, fantastic idea
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