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Everything posted by Equinox
If anyone can make out that emblem behind my thumbs up you get a cookie
No prob, I'm just glad to get some welcomes!
Update: is now my most favoritest, greatest treasuredest band evar now. That is all. <3
"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man"
Aww I suppose I'll just have this thread locked or something
Thanks for all the welcomes, and I can't wait to battle/talk to you all!
On Tenrai's Server, I 6-0'd the mod, and I declined all his challenges after that match and he perma banned me from the server, lol
Trainer Name: Malum Trainer Class: Veteran Start text: Are you prepared? End text: Nice! Pokemon: Tyranitar, Latias, Gyarados, Blissey, Ferrothorn, Gengar
On Scizor you're better off ditching the set/EVs and replace it with either Scizor@Life Orb Adamant Nature Trait: Technician 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def ~ Bullet Punch ~ Roost ~ Swords Dance ~ SuperPower/Bug Bite or Scizor@Choice Band Adamant Nature Trait: Technician 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def ~ Bullet Punch ~ U-Turn ~ Pursuit ~ SuperPower You should also change your Reuniclus set, as there are much better sets like: Reuniclus@ Life Orb/Leftovers Bold Nature Trait: Magic Guard 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD ~ Psyshock/Psychic ~ Recover ~ Focus Blast ~ Calm Mind Togekiss should also be changed to a bulkier set of: Togekiss (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Body Slam - Air Slash - Roost - Aura Sphere That Levitating Pokemon...is that Rotom? And last but not least, Umbreon should be changed, as Assurance isn't really all that good, and you're running Curse. I'd suggest: Umbreon@ Leftovers Careful Nature Trait: Synchronize 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp. Def ~ Protect/Toxic ~ Heal Bell ~ Payback ~ Wish
Introduction I'm a newcomer to Poke-Place of course, but I am no newcomer to Pokemon nor the tiers. Also, what appears to be a gimmicky team is actually quite threatening, being able to withstand the forces of weather in our current generation, and most of the threats that come with it. This is perhaps one of my most deadliest teams, getting many a rage quit or snaring many a Pokemon with Choice Items. While no one has probably seen my name on the ladder, this team does claim many a win. One last thing if you're reading this, try the team out please, it's fun to play. Thanks for reading, now, for the team: Changes in Bold At A Glance: The Team Up Close: Uxie @ Choice Scarf Trait: Levitate EVs: 232 HP / 124 SAtk / 152 Spd Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Trick - Stealth Rock - U-turn - Psychic Uxie is suprisingly a bulky Pokemon, making a perfect lead, as well as being a scout. Stealth Rock is a need on this team, due to all the switching that the opponent must do in order to try to keep up. Trick is here to hamper the effectiveness of the foes lead, and is also the need of this team. 232 HP Evs give Uxie some pleasant bulk. 124 Sp. Atk is needed to remain useful and not just some throw-away lead, and 152 Spd Evs is need to keep up with everyone else. Bold nature keeps physical attacks to a minimum. Simple enough, right? What Uxies does: Uxie is meant to Trick Scarf off first turn, or as soon as possible, then proceed to setting up hazards, then U-turning away. Uxie is also a nice physical wall, and has been on the recieving end of many Dragon Claws, Drain Punches, etc. only to punish back with Psychic.Uxie is also playing the part of a scouter. Uxie also makes great synergy with Heatran and Jirachi, should the common EQ/fighting move be expected, I can simply bring Uxie in to take/resist the move. Latios (M) @ Choice Specs Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Draco Meteor - Surf - Dragon Pulse - Trick Latios has joined the team as well! He's very useful and can rip through unprepared teams. Again stated, Trick is need as a constant barrage on the other team. Latios is very straightforward, and the same as Uxie, is definitly useful even without Specs equiped. The EVs and nature is very straightforward. Timid boosts Latios's speed, allowing him to outspeed the metagame. EVs allow Latios as max speed as possible whilst also being able to hit hard. What Latios does: Latios acts as my special sweeper, and this doesn't change even when Choice Specs has been Tricked. Due to the metagame's use of few items, any item tricked back (except Choice Band) will be useful, which is pretty much the case for the whole team. Likewise, Latios makes good synergy with Rotom-W, Heatran, and Jirachi, as Latios resists EQ,a major problem for both Jirachi and Heatran, as well as electric moves aimed at Rotom-W. Rotom-W @ Choice Specs Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature - Volt Switch - Hydro Pump - Trick - Hidden Power [Fire] Typical Rotom-W set, only I gave it Specs as I wouldn't want to give all the Pokemon I'm facing a speed boost. I'll keeping saying this on each description so get used to it, Trick is an absolute need for the team! Volt Switch works just as well as U-Turn and in Rotom-W's case, Volt Switch is very powerful due to the STAB boost. Hydro Pump is also on Rotom-W for being very powerful, and HP Fire is on due to the oh so common Ferrothorns within the metagame. A Timid nature is on Rotom-W so he outruns Gyarados (lol), Heatran, and anything with a speed lower than 292. EVs are also straightforward, max Spe investment and max Sp. Atk investment lets it be speed as well as powerful. What Rotom-W does: Rotom-W shares a role with Uxie; scouting. Rotom-W isn't commonly used for nothing. Grateful for typing, Rotom-W blocks Heatran's main weaknesses, vice-versa. Rotom-W makes for a powerful tricker, and is an important part on my team, as he resists a major weakness for two of my Pokemon, Heatran and Jirachi. Heatran (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Flash Fire EVs: 244 HP / 44 SDef / 220 Spd Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Lava Plume - Protect - Substitute - Torment Heatran is on my team! The number 1 used Pokemon in DPPt's OU, he is the main Pokemon of the team. After everything has been tricked onto the opponent, Heatran comes in to play. This is a very infamous set, capable of causing vast frustration, and can help psychologically make the foe more reckless as he gets more frustrated. Lava Plume is chosen over Taunt so Heatran himself isn't complete Taunt bait. Protect is used so any Super Effective move doesn't break sub first turn and (when against a Choiced Pokemon) will make them struggle. Sub acts as my shield, walling off any attempt at breaking into his health. What Heatran does: Heatran is the cornerstone of this team, and is the main drive that keeps my team together. He acts as my wall, coming in on a move Heatran resists, than sets up with Torment followed by Protect. Due to Torment's one move use only every other turn effect, coupled with Trick, this keels over into massive frustration considering Struggle does hardly any damage, and in turn does massive recoil. Thanks to the moveset, Heatran can easily entrench himself into battle, and burn physical threats in the process. Sableye (F) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Trick - Will-O-Wisp - Recover - Night Shade I thought of this self-made set myself. It acts as a second Heatran should somehow Heatran die. What seperates Heatran from Sableye is that Sableye can quickly and easily setup on anything via trick and spread the frustration even more. The EVs are different than most sets, as I want Sableye as physically bulky as possible (due to Heatran's Sp. Def. Bulk). HP EVs help Sableye's low HP problem, and a Bold nature is put on so Sableye can take hits better. Due to Saybley's Prankster ability, Sableye doesn't have to worry about speed at all. He can easily trick faster Pokemon, then just as easily use Torment, which is very useful. What Sableye does: Sableye is the second Heatran, should anything topple over the mighty molten golem. He's also a tricker, and can set up faster than Heatran, due to priority moves going first. Sableye is also another wall in fact I could say. While it doesn't have any weakness, it certainly helps with Heatran's fighting weakness, being able to come in against Terrakion or Conkeldurr and Trick/set up with what it's meant to set up. Jirachi @ Choice Scarf Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Iron Head - Body Slam - Ice Punch - Trick The last Trickster on the team, Jirachi can just as easily Trick a Pokemon, as hax it to death. Thanks to Serene Grace, Jirachi can easily outspeed and flinch any slower Pokemon to death (60% flinch rate). I added Body Slam over Fire Punch so when I Trick Choice Scarf, I can just as easily paralyze the foe. Ice Punch is need in taking out Dragons, specifically the likes of Dragonite. Nature and EVs straightforward, max speed investment and a speed boosting nature tie in evenly, and the attack EVs are simply needed to hit as hard as possible. What Jirachi does: Jirachi does what Jirachi does: Hax. You either attempt a Flinch, or Trick when you think the timing is just right. Jirachi is a snug fit for this team, as Jirachi can come in against anything attempting a Draco Meteor/anything else Jirachi resists and hax/trick to death. Export: [hide]Uxie @ Choice Scarf Trait: Levitate EVs: 232 HP / 124 SAtk / 152 Spd Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Trick - Stealth Rock - U-turn - Psychic Latios (M) @ Choice Specs Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Draco Meteor - Surf - Dragon Pulse - Trick Rotom-W @ Choice Specs Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Volt Switch - Hydro Pump - Trick - Hidden Power [Fire] Heatran (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Flash Fire EVs: 244 HP / 44 SDef / 220 Spd Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Lava Plume - Protect - Substitute - Torment Sableye (F) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Trick - Will-O-Wisp - Recover - Night Shade Jirachi @ Choice Scarf Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Iron Head - Body Slam - Ice Punch - Trick[/hide] What the team does: The whole point of this Trick team is to cripple the foe's team by tricking Choice items (items that allow for only one move to be used when the item is held). For this to work, Choice items must be tricked on to as many Pokemon as possible. After this goal has been met, the point of this team is to then stall out the opposing team with TormentTran, which sets up Sub, then uses Torment, which slowly takes the opponent's health down. This is to be done to as many Pokemon as possible. Should TormentTran be killed/run out of PP, Sableye comes in as an extra. Should these two Pokemon die, the team can still survive, and does totally not depend on having Choice items. Threat List Color key - Minor threat (defensive Pokemon, Pokemon that can sometimes be quite a threat; something like Unaware Quagsire, etc.) - - Medium threat (can take some turns to properly be a threat, can at times be speedy attackers like Latios) - - Major threat (can easily take my team down, is a bad problem) - Tornadus/Sableye/Erufuun - Should these guys have Taunt, they can prevent my Tricks, but other than that, they aren't much of a threat. Volcarona - This Pokemon is only a true threat if it has HP Ground, or, if Heatran has been killed. Can be remedied by Tricking a choice item onto. Gyarados - Gyarados can be a threat, only if it has Moxie. Other than that, he's not all that threatening, can easily be taken out with Rotom-W. Dragonite - Can be considered a threat should Stealth Rocks not be up. Other than that, if I'd foolishly let Dragon Dance get pass +2, he can be a threat, can be handled with Jirachi or Latios. Salamence - An upgrade from Gyarados, Salamence after +2 can almost obliterate this team, if it's not at +2, Jirachi can outspeed and hit back with Iron Head/Ice Punch. - Anything else will be added should it be found as a threat - Color theme is that of The Joker for those wondering.
Thanks Eternal for the welcome!
This is an easy game to play. Alrighty, so there's a hill, and you need to take it. Sound easy enough right? WRONG. The objective is to take the hill, example: Tyrant Tyranitar scared away [insertnamehere] My Hill. Equinox nuked the hill, killing Tyrant Tyranitar. My hill. It's a simple game, but fun to play, and you can make up any excuse you want to take the hill. You can use Pokemon moves, dance moves, missiles, your imagination, the sky is the limit, the only rule being is in your post you need to say somewhere that you took the hill. I'll start things off: Equinox has captured the hill! My hill!
Banned because you can't criticize me until someone else posts, even then you can't.
They're from a set of pics that are made up of Pokemon hereos (Green Lanturn, Human Torchic, etc.)
Thanks! I hope to stay active here
Martyr Defiled, , , , The Black Dahlia Murder, and Killswitch Engage<3
Um... Don't know what to call it... team... xD
Equinox replied to Solstyce's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
If you're going to have Salamence, you're better off replacing the current set with this: Salamence@Naive Nature 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe ~ Outrage ~ Dragon Claw ~ Fire Blast ~ Earthquake/Brick Break This set easily revenge kills everything, and, thanks to Moxie, if your opponent isn't carrying around a Steel-type Pokemon, their team will be destroyed, as everytime Salamence KOs a Pokemon, its attack increases. -
My name is Equinox, and I wanted to say hello! To start things off, I've been competitively battling since 2008. I'm originally from Pokebeach, and I'm looking forward to more battles, as well as meeting you all!