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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shanco

  1. Been a hot minute. Let’s use one from earlier this year at a wedding in May. (Not my own, mind you.) I’ve lost a fair few pounds since.
  2. Abbey Street Primary: Mid Secondary: Jungle
  3. I’m personally more a fan of the Monaro’s deisgn, but outside of that they’re pretty much the exact same car.
  4. Half an hour left before signups for the Reborn Smash Ultimate tournament closes and the tournament begins...if you want in, just let me know! (Preferably by pinging me on Discord) https://challonge.com/ul1li73d
  5. Hey everyone! I'm back yet again - although this time, I'm not in charge of the ever-so-dramatic Jack Frost + Snow Queen affair. I'll be running the Super Smash Bros Ultimate tournament! So here's how it's gonna go down. It's a 1-vs-1 double elimination tournament where you play in a first-to-2 (or best of 3) set against your opponent. Grand Finals, however, will be first-to-3 (best of 5) instead, though, so the title is gonna take some work to nab! These are the rules you'll want to set for your matches: - 3 Stock, 7 Minutes - Spirits, Items, FS meter are all set to OFF - Stage hazards are preferably off, but can be used if desired Stage Striking is also used here. It's a bit confusing, so I've modified the rule a bit for more clarity. - Before the first game of a set, the stage is chosen from one of the five starters. To do this, each player chooses two stages that they do not want to play on (stage bans), and the stage chosen for the first game is what's left. In the event that, for some reason, these stage bans overlap, the player with the lower seed will choose from what's left. Check the Challonge bracket for your seed number; the bigger your number, the lower your seed (outside of the top two or so, it's going to be mostly random seeding anyway). - After the first game has been played, the three counterpicks are now available to be chosen in addition to the starter five. Whoever won the last game chooses two stages to ban, and the last game's loser gets to pick from one of the remaining six. This repeats for each game in a given set after the first. The legal stages are as follows: (hazards off) Starter: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium 2, Yoshi's Story Counterpick: Town & City, Yoshi's Island (Brawl), Unova Pokemon League You may go to any stage not listed here as long as both players agree on it. Your tournament matches may be recorded for posting to YouTube at a later date if desired. If you'd like that, make sure you let me know so I can accommodate time to host the lobby. If you need assistance setting up your own lobby, DM me on Discord (Abbey Street#4993). If you have a challonge account, you can pre-register for the tournament here. This is also where you can see the tourney bracket. Best of luck to everyone!
  6. Roy is actually quite different from Marth so I personally wouldn't compare them. Roy wants to use his low fast jump arc along with the new mobility mechanics to get up in the opponent's face and throw out safe moves and plus frames to open them up. He's comparable to someone like Kim from KoF. However, while I'm here, here's who I'm planning on playing in SSBU.
  7. In the case of Bowser and Lucas, their nerfs were perfectly justified. In a game like Smash Bros., it's less about what makes a character too good overall, more about what makes a character just not fun to fight against. With Bowser, it was the boring-ass grab confirms when another character existed who did largely the same thing. Bowser had that on top of some of the game's best footsies. With Lucas, it wasn't really exciting to have to always compete against the playstyle of spamming PK fire until they could fish for a grab and get a full combo off of it. It was way too linear and boring to go up against no matter the outcome of the fight. This same "balance philosophy", for lack of a better term, also explains why Sonic, Corrin and Luigi got slapped just as hard, as opposed to the other top tier picks like Sheik. That being said I really don't know why Samus got nerfed.
  8. Jigglypuff is going to have to die for this one. Should bring in a lance user, like Ephraim, Cordelia, idk. Axe users will probably play too similarly to characters who are already in the game, like Ganondorf.
  9. 'Sup. I'm Shanco. Or Ryan, that works too. A new face for many, not so much for others. Why is that? Because I've been a member of this community for about...give or take, five and a half years, having had a save file for Reborn on hand since Episode V. Come to think of it, that's a long damn time ago. But aaaaaanyway, since we're here, I'll re-introduce myself. I'm in my early 20's trying to dig my way into the radio and television industry over here in Canada. I began the series playing Pokemon Blue, although my personal favorite to date is Black 2. It was my favorite game series for a while until it took a back seat to Fire Emblem and King of Fighters. I kill time by playing said series (along with Guilty Gear and League of Legends) among other things, like making and editing music and lurking this forum. I don't really think I'm good with introductions, so if you have any questions for me to get to know me better, ask away! It'll be an interesting time, and it'll serve to fill the void left by whatever I missed in my re-introduction. Time to do something now that I should have done a while ago: catch a nap. I'll be back in a bit!
  10. There was a similar list that I found recently, so I was already cooking up a response to that when I stumbled across this. I'll toss in a few characters that I'd like to see in the next Smash, and a few that I don't think will make the grade. Yes - Mipha (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) The Legend of Zelda needs some more love. Melee, Brawl and S4 have seen, for the most part, the same five characters repping the franchise covering many different styles from nimble and weak to slow and mighty. With Sheik having not been in a Zelda game since '98, and having been completely left behind in Breath of the Wild's stories of the Sheikah, it may be time to move on from her. An ample replacement? You could fulfill the fast niche and toss in some fresh gameplay ideas by introducing Mipha. A supporting character from one of the best video games ever, Mipha could combine long-range, quick spear strikes (spears in smash? Interesting.) with Greninja-esque water manipulation to create a graceful fighter that would be an interesting departure from the kind of characters to which Smash usually plays host. No - Konami characters A Konami IP in Smash? Damn, I sure wish. However with how tightly Konami has been clinging to their IPs as the company drowns further and further in a sea of mobile games and pachislots, It's unlikely that Nintendo ever gets rights to these characters. This is especially true in the case of Snake, as Sakurai has made a case in the past to not go ahead with MGS in Smash without word from his good buddy Hideo Kojima, the series' creator. Unfortunately this Konami assholery looms over Castlevania as well (even with the new Netflix anime series which, funny enough, is actually pretty good), so who knows if either IP will see the light of day again. Yes - Decidueye (Pokemon series) Talk always circulates about which Pokemon in a recent generation would work well in Smash Bros - after all, every Smash game to date has at least one playable mon from the at-the-time current generation. So, talking about Gen 7, who's most fitting? Why not Decidueye! You could take this character in plenty of directions: he's a ghost, he flies, he fires arrows from his damn arms, and Pokken Tournament DX gives inspiration to create his character in Smash Bros. Not to mention, Smash 4 was sorely missing a Grass-type playable character after Ivysaur was sidelined. Perfect time to give Decidueye a shot (no pun intended). No - Goku...or anyone Dragon Ball for that matter Although he may not be in charge of the next Smash game, Sakurai's on the record as being starkly opposed to any Dragon Ball character, especially noting how the manga and anime came before the games, and that such an addition would be akin to "a cartoon character". Dragon Ball isn't a gaming IP by any stretch. If you want to beat ass with Goku, I strongly recommend Dragon Ball FighterZ when it comes out in January of next year. As someone who played the beta, I can attest that you'll probably love it if you play Smash. Yes - Isaac (Golden Sun) Nintendo is no stranger to giving second chances to series that had a terrible outing in sales; we wouldn't have Robin, Lucina or Corrin were they not so forgiving. (We could do without one or two of those, though.) Not gonna pretend like I've played a lot of Golden Sun, so I don't know too much about what would constitute a moveset for Isaac, but Nintendo's RPGs are all treasures, and they need more attention, especially those from the 2000-2009 era as both the GBA and DS had libraryfuls of godlike role-playing games. So, uh, yeah. Isaac for Smash? No - Ice Climbers Bah. It pains me to put this one as a no on my list given the hours I spent playing them in Melee. (I'd play them in Brawl, too, but Wolf was a thing.) But they who were once a celebrated character that celebrated the early NES days have been largely forgotten and, sadly, they have been effectively replaced completely within the series. The tag-team/puppet character archetype has been taken over by Rosalina, who will always be more popular because she's a Mario character, while the retro-NES representation has been fulfilled by Duck Hunt. Were it not for the 3DS's hardware limitations, we might have been talking about how cool they were in S4, but Nana and Popo have been lost to time - and if you ask some pro Smashers, that might be for the best. Yes - Hector (Fire Emblem) Even with Nintendo's obsessive pushing of Fire Emblem Fates, fans have voiced loud and clear that the likes of Ryoma and Camilla could never trump a legendary character like Hector. He has been a long-desired character for Smash, and now thanks to Fire Emblem Heroes there's a greater pool of content upon which to base the Ostian Badass's would-be appearance. It would take work to make him feel unique, as he faces inevitable gameplay similarities to Ganondorf (and to a lesser extent King Dedede), but swinging around a ginormous axe in the midst of an all-out brawl would make for some entertaining and ridiculous moments. No - Corrin (Fire Emblem) Our favorite dragon waifu gets the honor as one of the least likely characters to return to Smash along with Dark Pit. There were a number of problematic gameplay issues associated with her, which amounted to a character that stomped online battles with very little learning curve. It doesn't help that we're getting REALLY tired of seeing Fire Emblem Fates dominating the series' now-plentiful spin-off media. Corrin's gameplay style and niches can be accomplished by other characters and ideas, so it's time to get rid of her to cut back on the Fire Emblem rep, if only so that we can make way for Hector. Yes - Heihachi Mishima (Tekken series) Heihachi was actually planned to be included in Smash 4 DLC alongside Ryu but his moveset proved too difficult to implement into the game. With numerous experiments made by smash (and other fighting games) to include weird and wonderful characters, it's possible to recreate Heihachi within a 2D environment maybe in a similar vein to Street Fighter X Tekken. You could even include his son Kazuya instead (perhaps even Jin, his grandson and the current Tekken protagonist), and you'd have the fans appeased as all three play pretty similarly, but Heihachi is the obvious choice over the other two given his legacy. It's just, good luck doing EWGFs on those controllers... I might add more later.
  11. I have emerged from the depths of college!

  12. We were just better off without the deadweight.
  13. I got Mastery Level 7 with Ziggs! Finally!
  14. How fitting that Steamroller is a Bug-type move.
  15. Donkey Kong and to a lesser extent Bowser have evolved into bullshit incarnate over the patches. I really hate fighting those characters. Corrin is overrated as hell and I love fighting him. Any character that has strong out of shield punishes (Bowser, Dr. Mario, Yoshi) destroys him.
  16. Ey yo doggo. Warwick's been on live servers for abooooout a couple days and through all the annoying dodging kids on PBE who were mad they couldn't instalock Warwick quicker than the next guy, I sifted through the worst of them and sat down and watched some Warwick games. Did I play Warwick myself? I indeed did - a couple of games, to be exact. Reading around and having experience myself, I can offer up some initial thoughts. Warwick's Niche Drain-tank geared to hunt down and eliminate weakened enemies. Pros Can rock a solo lane or the jungle; seems to be viable in both In combat, his tankiness and unpredictability lead to him being a potent duelist Massive movement speed out of combat with Blood Hunt Primal Howl makes lane trades super strong Ultimate has longer range and is a non-targeted, CC-immune dash Extremely versatile overall Still quite easy to play Cons Countered hard in the early-game by having adequate vision No longer capable of buffing allies Blood Hunt has the highest cooldown of all basic abilities in the game (120 seconds) Struggles to overcome a defeicit Beyond screwed if he misses his ult in teamfights He MUST flank his opponents in order to teamfight optimally WTF is this new E? Primal Howl? Ah yes, that replaces the old attack speed buff. See, this thing is secretly the best ability that Warwick has now. Instant damage reduction of this scale (35% at rank 1, 55% at rank 5) is huge in duels and in lane, and can make your lane exchanges nearly uncounterable. Use Primal Howl, get in with Jaws of the Beast and an autoattack (or maybe even more) and then pop Primal Howl again after the fact to terrify your enemies out of a chance to counteract. If you choose to dash through with Jaws of the Beast and then pop the fear, you can easily set up ganks! You can also combine it with Infinite Duress, having a backup plan in case the ult misses; since it pops immediately if Infinite Duress connects, combining it with his ult is also something you can do as a means of initiating fights. Its only flaw is that you have to make it count, since it has a high base cooldown of 15 seconds at rank 1. Even then it still only has the low cost of 40 mana. Not bad. Blood Hunt The change to this spell has helped define Warwick as a character after the rework. If anyone's below half health, the doggo will lose his shit and get a trail that brings him to said champion; alternatively, he can activate the ability to just sniff out the nearest enemy champion whatever their Health total. You're not going to see them like you could before the rework, but Warwick will have a massive up on movement speed in that direction, as well as an increase in attack speed when you arrive - if the hunted champ is critically low, those speed bonuses are massive. When you first set out as Warwick, the hardest part of playing him will most likely be fighting the temptation to hunt down that low-health champ. You don't want to have to deal with an unexpected guest on your way to killing an enemy - stay vigilant! Always beware of other enemy champs' positions; that's where Blood Hunt's active comes in, so if the closest champion is in another direction, maybe there will be nothing standing in your way. When Warwick smells blood and loses his mind, it's important that you maintain your composure as to not throw yourself head-first into danger trying to nab that kill. Power spike The late-game power of a guaranteed, uncounterable lockdown has been shifted into his early- and mid-game by way of being able to do much more without his ultimate. This balances out his time strength almost evenly between early to late game as long as he doesn't fall behind. Jungle or solo lane? This is not exactly clear, if I must be honest. While Warwick was definitely re-imagined with the jungle in mind, Jaws of the Beast is straight up too good in lane. It will be tougher to keep using it later on into laning due to its high mana cost, but with its % health damage, it'll keep scaling anyway. That same scaling is what makes Warwick so powerful in the jungle, as the cap against monsters doesn't stop it from doing massive damage, with blue buff to help out with the increase in mana cost with rank. I say he will start out as a popular jungle pick, but solo laning with Warwick is definitely not out of the question. Example builds Warwick doesn't have a set build at all. AD? AP? On-hit? Full flippin' tank? You can cover a different avenue with Warwick with every game thanks to his build flexibility. However, the PBE folks found the most use in these builds in particular: Top/Mid Warwick Jungle Warwick Now that he's out on live, I may have more to add, I may not. As a whole, I think Warwick came out of the rework shop as a champion that may need a nerf or two; his utility and versatility might be a tad too much in the current meta. I guess I'll keep an eye out for his results and see how he does, then go from there.
  17. And after day 1, the game leading the EVO player vote is...Pokken Tournament!?

  18. The only thing about the Fire Emblem direct that I was not hyped about: Lilina's voice.

  19. Whew. It wasn't easy, but there's no fun in something that doesn't at least give a little bit of challenge. Attaining this was a pain in the ass, but hey, it's a team game after all. It made no sense to continue to tackle this obstacle myself. I'm truly grateful for the people I've met on Reborn - not just these folks, but everyone here. As miniscule as it may seem for some, it meant a lot for me. It's little moments like these that make the near 5 years I've spent as a part of this community, into what it has been. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Thanks a ton, everyone. Here's to more wacky and wonderful stuff down the road for the community.
  20. Damn, this champ becomes a fucking freight train if she snowballs!
  21. Bae-ken.

    1. Godot


      Business Ninja is silly.

    2. Deleted User
    3. Godot


      I am never going to call baiken by her original name anymore...

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