Ay yo.
So Aurelion Sol's been on the PBE, he's now out on live, and I've watched him played quite a bit, as well as played a few games of him myself. After toying around with him a bit, here are some initial thoughts about this dragon dude.
Aurelion Sol's Niche
AoE DPS mage with great out-of-combat mobility. Situational initiator.
- Great laning phase with big base damage
- Extreme synergy with Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Has a toggle to quickly charge Tear
- Very mobile out of combat
- High sustained damage
- Good scout champion
- Has no problems kiting large groups of champions
- Most of his item core builds both Health and AP, making him weak to % health damage
- Immobile in combat
- Can't hide in brush
- Almost nonexistent poke, and no good answer to enemy poke either
- Confusing character to play at first
Aurelion Sol's damage
Aurelion Sol deals almost entirely AP-scaling magic damage that comes mainly from his passive. Many of his skills, rather than doing immense damage, work to help Aurelion Sol continuously apply the passive damage.
The Outer Limit
Much of Aurelion Sol's kit revolves around this and it's quite a confusing concept. Think of it as a magical ring, around Aurelion Sol (that is bigger than his passive normally is), inside which foes are subject to Aurelion Sol's mystical magicks. The ring has a radius of 650 units, aka twice the range as his non-toggled passive, and equal range to Caitlyn's autoattacks; if you can autoattack it, they're definitely within your Outer Limit by at least a Teemo.
Aurelion Sol players succeed by properly spacing his passive (through his W toggle, which when toggled on expands the passive orbit to his Outer Limit). Movement items help with this, but if you buy a Rylai's Crystal Scepter you can control the area around you almost effortlessly.
Aurelion Sol's Starsurge pops when its center reaches his Outer Limit, or when recast.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, Aure-lion sleeps tonight...
Nah. Aurelion doesn't sleep in the jungle, but if you play him there, you might be lulled to sleep from the dullness of his clear speed, especially taking into consideration the lack of sustain he has. That said, he can take unusual and often unexpected gank paths which can scare side laners pretty harshly if they're not paying utmost attention. Runic Echoes is a very generous damage spike and can make Aurelion Sol's post-6 ganks very effective if the stars align for him and his laner(s). Prepare to suffer farming up that enchantment, however.
What does he do in teamfights?
Unlike many other DPS mages such as Karthus and Swain, Aurelion Sol doesn't like being on the front lines in the middle of the enemy team. He takes a defensive role in teamfights, kiting with his passive and spells. This is where knowing and working with the Outer Limit is extremely key as you may want to dip as far up to the front lines as safely possible to pick someone off with Starsurge.
You can use your ultimate on reaction since you can do a mini teamfight reset if someone slipped through your front line (and you need them off you or your ADC immediately). The powerful slow gives it offensive use, but it is best to keep it for defensive maneuvers and then use it in cleanup if you still have it on the ready.
Example build 1
Is this the best build for Aurelion Sol? Hell if I know, but it's what I like the most after the games I played.
Rod of Ages
Sorcerer's Shoes (Alacrity or Distortion Enchantment)
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Archangel's Staff
Liandry's Torment
Zhonya's Hourglass
Rod of Ages is the first major item you should be after, as Aurelion Sol can make great use of all the stats it provides. From here you should look into buying a Tear as it can charge quickly with the W toggle, not to mention the fact that I just found out Starsurge's both casting and reactivation counts as an ability use, which may or may not affect Tear growth. I admit I wasn't paying attention to that. Anyway, don't buy Archangel's Staff second though; Rylai's is just too awesome on Aurelion Sol to skip on. Seriously, Sol with Rylai's is just bonkers.
With Rod of Ages, Rylai's, tier 2 boots (preferably Sorcerer's Shoes) and maybe a Tear, it is here where your build begins to get more flexible. Archangel's Staff is nice to have, with the AP, extra mana and a nice shield in case things go south. Zhonya's Hourglass provides some armor which will help fend off physical poke and help get Sol out of a sticky situation. Finally, with Sol's high DPS, he can keep reapplying the %health burn with Liandry's while using the item's flat penetration to hammer away at squishies. Only buy Void Staff against heavy magic resist (ie. your team is 3 sources of magic damage, or there's hexdrinkers coming out left and right, etc.).
Really looking forward to a potential addition to my mid lane champ pool!