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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shanco

  1. I've typically banned Riven most games I've played in, especially if someone on my team declares they're playing her. (Rengar has been a bigger priority for me however.) My negative experiences with a Riven teammate far outweigh the positive ones, and she has a questionable standing in the meta due to Lethality being terrible. Hopefully someone can restore my faith in the character one day.
  2. Warwick's Champion Update is on the PBE! Here's what he does now: Passive - Eternal Hunger: Warwick's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage based on his level on hit. If Warwick is below 50% health, he heals for the same amount. This heal triples when Warwick is below 25% health. Q - Jaws of the Beast: Warwick leaps at an enemy and bites them, dealing some of Warwick's Attack Damage as well as a portion of the target's maximum Health in magic damage, applying on-hit effects. Warwick heals for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the key is held through the bite, Warwick then moves behind his target. Both dashes lock onto the target. W - Blood Hunt: PASSIVE - Enemy champions below 50% health leave a global scent trail that Warwick can follow. Warwick gains extra out-of-combat movement speed when moving toward these champions, and increased attack speed against them. These bonuses are amplified if Warwick is below 25% health. ACTIVE - Warwick gains the trail to the closest enemy Champion regardless of their Health total. E - Primal Howl: Warwick takes reduced damage for a short time. When this time expires, or if Primal Howl is reactivated, he will briefly terrify nearby enemies. R - Infinite Duress: Warwick makes a huge dash in a direction with range equal to 2.5 seconds of his total Movement Speed, and suppresses the first enemy he runs into for 1.5 seconds. The suppressed target takes magic damage based on Warwick's Attack Damage over the duration. Infinite Duress applies on-hit effects three times. Here's his voiceover: There's new Sewn Chaos skins for Amumu and Blitzcrank this patch, as well as new chromas for Popstar Ahri and Prestigious LeBlanc, you can find 'em here: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2017/01/110-pbe-update.html#more
  3. One or many of these could be factors: Less than 50% kill participation Less CS and lower level than Karthus Possible diminished participation in objective kills (towers, drakes, etc.) How much damage you dealt compared to the rest of the team (if you secured a lot of kills rather than killing someone from 100%, this can affect it, though it often doesn't)
  4. First pentakill of the year! My god this champ's damage is insane.
  5. First game as Lux with the new skin after Christmas funds. Definitely worth.
  6. @Arkhi We found another of your kind
  7. Found an awesome new avatar while I was creeping around. Ame's tumblr ftw. Also dark Lux is bae

  8. I don't know how I got the S, but hey, that chest I got gave me a new skin.
  9. The Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission has declared broadband high speed internet a basic service across Canada.

  10. After 2GGT: ZeRo Saga, Zelda is now the only non-Mii character to never place top 32 at a major Smash 4 tournament.

  11. Since I didn't know this existed until yesterday, I figured I'd share this for other people who also were unaware of this track's existence. Many of you are familiar with Burning Bright, the musical piece composed for the Star Guardians. Lo and behold, the Japanese theme for the Star Guardians is called "Endless Starlight" and is COMPLETELY different from the English version. Now I don't consider myself an anime junkie, but I do think this is a substantial improvement upon the other...
  12. Thanks to all the nominations for Rebornies and Royalty! Some clarification regarding the voting periods for the party, as there has been some confusion. **We are voting on Reborn Royalty first, separately from Rebornies, and we are doing so earlier than usual.** Reborn Royalty voting will take place at 1:00 PM ET. Pick and choose your royal triage for the party! Nominations will be accepted right up until the time when voting begins. The OP has all the nominations, so if you don't see someone there whom you'd like to nominate, please do so! If you or one of your fellow nominees are not going to be at the party come voting but are still nominated, you may retain your eligibility by messaging me on Discord, Showdown, or this forum. (Rebornies don't require your presence for you to win.) The Reborn awards, Rebornies, will have their voting take place at 6 PM ET. Anymore questions? Ask away and I'll get to them when I wake up
  13. Either later or on Sunday would honestly be best. As we're wrapping up exams, essays and finals, our mid-afternoon schedules are too variant. (I can't attend the tourney if it stays at the current time.)
  14. If Thousand Arrows gets banned it could possibly be due to Zygarde-Complete. However, Garde Dog could see a lot of standard meta use since it outspeeds Garchomp while having Extreme Speed and two boosters. Only problem is it's a lot worse against physical attackers due to lack of access to Rough Skin (or any half-decent ability for that matter) and worse HP. It lacks Garchomp's sheer utility.
  15. It already outspeeds regardless of natures, and +1 Thousand Arrows with Life Orb + Adamant is a guaranteed OHKO on Tapu Lele. If Zygarde runs Jolly Nature instead, Swords Dance can still cause Thousand Arrows to OHKO, even if Tapu Lele runs max Defense EVs (which I don't see it doing due to its poor base Defense). +1 Thousand Arrows also OHKOs Skarmory after Stealth Rock. The raw power of this set is just nuts.
  16. It probably would look a lot better with just a couple o tweaks. The best fix would be to adjust her idle pose, that's most of the battle right there.
  17. Rengar had 100% pick/ban in the first week of pre-season ranked in Platinum and Diamond in NA. He was disgusting because no one knew how to fight him. Kha was more reasonable. Hey, new skins on PBE! Looks like we get Lunar Revel and new skins on this one. Let's get firecrackin'! Dreadnova Gangplank (Pirate with a railgun!? Unfair!) Warring Kingdoms Azir (Shurima with a touch of the Dynasty) Warring Kingdoms Garen (Will his ponytail twirl when he spins?) Warring Kingdoms Vi (Those jade gauntlets tho.) Heartseeker Lucian (Shot through the heart, but he's to blame) Heartseeker Quinn (giving "lovebirds" a whole new meaning) New chromas: Firecracker Jinx (Insanity comes in many pretty colors!) More is coming later in the week...? That's the impression I got.
  18. Not much talk about Super Doggo lately. So let's bring up Zygarde's 10% Forme real quick. Do note though, I'm not calling this thing OP by any means.
  19. Remember to not nominate someone that's already been nominated. Once someone has been nominated, they're in and eligible to be voted on. That is a different process that occurs come the Party. @mde2001 Feel free to amend your nominations.
  20. Hey, folks. I'll be stepping up once again to help with Rebornies voting and Reborn Royalty. Rules on voting for Rebornies are being amended as we speak~ Current Rules (Rebornies) Current Rules (Reborn Royalty) I will not be running the Smash tournament this year. Godot has agreed to take the reins this time.
  21. See, I am a shining example of someone who could use the very tips I posted.
  22. This forum has some new features that set it apart from the old one. It can take some time getting used to, but once you get the hang of things, you'll come to appreciate the upgraded software. Below are some things you can now do with it: Logging on If you're having trouble logging on, it may be because your username and Display Name have now been harmonized and you use your Display Name to log in. Case in point, under the old forum my username was rc52, which was my old Display Name. It became Shanco later on, but I still logged in using rc52 for a user name. Now my login is my Display Name (aka Shanco or whatever it may be at the time), and the login info changes as my username does. Formatting When using a Link, you may simply embed it into previously typed text by highlighting what you want the link to embed into and then clicking the Link / button. The Quote / and Spoiler / buttons work identically. You can either add the boxes first, then put text and images into them, or you can highlight the text you want to put into the Quotes or Spoilers before clicking on the respective buttons. If you want to add sub-bullets to a list like this one, there are two ways to go about this. The first one is by starting a new bullet and then pressing Tab. The bullet will indent and become hollow. Once you are done with the sub-bullets, press Enter twice to return to normal bullets. The second one is accomplished by the Increase Indent button, right next to the Bulleted List button. Once you are done with the sub-bullets, press the next button over, Decrease Indent, once you get to the next line. Images Posting a link of a picture into your post will cause the forum to automatically embed the image. This is something to keep in mind when posting in a screenshot thread. If you don't want this, you may look for the prompt. If you are using Firefox or Chrome, you can copy an image directly into the post by simply right-clicking, selecting "Copy Image", and pasting. Saves you time chasing the URL. To make the picture itself turn into a link, highlight the picture, press the Link / button, and put the destination URL. Before posting Check the box below your post that says "Notify me of replies" to get Notifications to the top right of the forum that alert you to whenever someone else posts in the thread in question. Otherwise, you will only be notified if your post is Quoted or gains Reputation. If you want to preview what you're writing, click on the Preview / button. There will be three options: Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. I'd personally only worry about these options if your post is heavy on images, for larger images can pose viewing headaches. If there are any more, feel free to add them in! After all I'm sure there are more to come.
  23. This is the way League was meant to be played.
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