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Everything posted by Shanco

  1. I need to play Samurai Shodown again. Nakoruru is great.

    1. Hiss13


      Indeed. Nakoruru is wonderful~

  2. Why hello there. Camille's been out on PBE for a week or so. I've spent a bit of time watching a few Camille games (often dittos, which were hilarious to watch). This woman seemed to be my kind of champ, so I gave her a shot or two too. Sooooo...here are some initial thoughts. Camille's Niche Highly mobile AD-based initiation/aggression bruiser. Pros Elusive early-game, making her very hard to gank even in top lane Very strong sticking power Powerful jungle duelist Untargetable dash Physical, magic and true damage, including %health scalings Can function late-game with either tankier or more damage-oriented builds Feels great and fun as hell once you get used to her Cons Questionable strength vs mixed comps Disengaged from very easily outside of lane Mediocre waveclear Gets absolutely ruined by CC in teamfights Very feast-or-famine-ish Requires precise control in order to achieve optimal play Camille's Damage Camille's a physical damage-oriented champion first and foremost, but her Q gives her access to true damage if she can stick to her target. Once Camille gets her Ultimate, she gains magic damage equal to a portion of the target's current Health as long as she's in the zone. Adaptive Defenses This is very important for anyone who plays Camille. Attacking an enemy gives Camille a Health-scaling shield to protect from their primary damage type; for example, attacking Yasuo will give her a shield to protect against physical damage, while taking a swing at Elise will give her a magic damage shield. As you can imagine, there's no way to protect against both types of damage simultaneously (unlike most shields). As a tradeoff, the shield strength is a whopping 20% of her maximum Health - just enough meat on it to stuff less impressive early-game damage. The shield acts as incentive to make the first move in fights and trades, nullifying many panic options. Thus staying unpredictable and on the attack will usually draw the best use of the shield, as opposed to playing reactionary and defensive. This can backfire in lane however, and it will backfire hard if you let it. Champions with high mixed damage early game, such as Shen, Singed or Tahm Kench, can work around this shield through their damage, particularly if they have high DPS to shred the shield while continuing to whittle down her health, staying up close in order to not give her Tactical Sweep's incentive for landing the long-range kick. The 20-second cooldown of the passive enables adversaries to jump on her in this window to lay down large portions of hurt without much opportunity for a worthy return trade. In order to use this passive to its fullest, remember that Camille ought to be the one to set the pace of lane, NOT her opponent; If control of the lane is lost, it will take a lot to get it back. When you make the first move, the shield acts as incentive to keep the pedal to the metal and out-trade. Power spike Camille gets going in the early-game, particularly between levels 4 to 6 where the damage from Precision Protocol really starts to hurt. As with other snowbally champs like Diana and Riven, the length of her power spike hinges on her success in lane; if she loses the momentum, she is easily countered by simply grouping up and taking objectives, since she's only an average splitpusher. If she can continue pushing her advantage past level 9 this is when she gets super scary, being able to give (and take) a ton of damage in a moderate timeframe. Reaching six items before her opponents will give her team an immense leg up provided they give her the ward support and followups on her engages once she makes a move in a fight. Regardless of how poorly she's doing, if there's one thing Camille can always do well past lane phase, it's initiate a teamfight by isolating a key threat (or several) through proper use of her ultimate. The timing of its use makes or breaks fights however; sometimes it just makes more sense to ult on the tank for peel, or in order to make it clear to your teammates who priority number one is in your mind. But don't push melees too close to your ADC however! Keep in mind where the rest of the team is going to be knocked to when you ult someone. Camille in the Jungle All in all, while I do think Camille is best suited to top lane where she can exploit all of her strengths to the fullest, her jungling isn't bad. She has sustain, a stun, an attack speed steroid, %health damage, and auto resets to rack up DPS on the camps. Hookshot helps her get through the jungle pretty quickly when she has blue buff. Unfortunately, if you're picking Camille in the jungle, she doesn't have a lot of tools there that aren't outclassed by Lee Sin's. What she does have going for her, however, is a slightly better late-game thanks to Hextech Ultimatum (her ult) that can have more catastrophic effects on teamfights. Example build 1 You have to choose between super tanky and super damage-y going from game to game, but in an average Camille outing, I think you can rely on this path. The Black Cleaver Boots of Swiftness / Mercury's Treads Frozen Heart Banshee's Veil Frozen Mallet Dead Man's Plate When it comes to Camille and bruisers like her, Black Cleaver is love, Black Cleaver is life. Camille loves everything about this item, from the armor-shredding damage to the movement to the Cooldown Reduction. You can augment Camille's tricky movement even further with Boots of Swiftness, but given how Camille doesn't like getting hit by hard CC, Mercury's Treads can mean the difference between dying and being able to hookshot your way out of trouble. After this I've just built standard off-tank stuff, but Frozen Mallet and Dead Man's Plate have their own great benefits with Camille, a champion that likes to look for skirmishes and picks above full-blown teamfights. There may be more to add to this later, so if something noteworthy arises, I'll post it. I'll continue to play Camille right through to release! ...lol jk, Elementalist Lux is out today EDIT: Speaking of, this just popped up.
  3. Well Razalor, it's been fun. But I've gone too long without a Raymond Swanland avatar.

  4. Here's Camille's voice. Sounds like Stephanie Sheh. I can't be certain though.

    1. Azeria


      Gotta chain for a while and it's chance of appearing is low as fuck...but when you find it, it's absolutely glorious lmao.

    2. Jmanultrax1


      its a masterpeice

    3. Maelstrom


      now if only it was shiny too.

  6. If a Psychic-type pokemon really wanted me as a partner for life, they probably would have hypnotised me into doing so already. That being said... How well do they cook?
  7. This is the best I've ever done in League. Quite proud of this one!
  8. The new SNK fighter has some great music. The King of Fighters XIV - tachi bou ke (Vocal) - Athena vs. Kensou The King of Fighters XIV - Soy Sauce for Koyadofu - Theme of Team South Town The King of Fighters XIV - Soy Sauce for Geese - Terry vs. Geese
  9. I found a wireless bluetooth keyboard today at college. Found out I can connect my phone to it. This could actually be reallyuseful.

  10. Teaser for a forthcoming champion has been dropped http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/camille-comic
  11. Farm was bad but oh well. That wasn't gonna stop me from 1v4'ing the enemy team at drake. EDIT: Fuck yeah! First ever win as Shaco on SR despite multiple tries going back probably four years or so. Maybe the rework was what I needed.
  12. Not sure when we can expect this on the PBE, but tradition dictates it will be there later today. As per usual with Ultimate skins, it is likely that there will be no other skins that will debut on the PBE at the same time.
  13. Probably based on the popular "Void Lux" fan concept. Except this is way better.
  14. That Darkness form though... ...good lord.
  15. Some raggedy shit went down in this one... We went into this game looking for some fun and acknowledging that victory was extremely unlikely. Which it seemed like at the first 15-ish minutes with bot lane getting destroyed. Despite this, I kept to myself and kept on farming even though with our vision botside was constantly getting wiped by Ivern, with blue often disappearing with it. But lo and behold, leave it to Teemo to put destiny in a chokehold, as he managed to find away to thoroughly booby trap Ivern's jungle with every dragon attempt. Ivern and Fiddle constantly getting bodied by shrooms helped me make key solo picks in addition to securing every dragon - stealing twice - while Thresh's damage was still awful. Then he got Rapid Firecannon.
  16. LB's banning is going to depend (for the most part) on whether or not Banshee's Veil will block Sigil of Malice. If Sigil is still applied with a spell that is spellshielded, that will inevitably cause problems. (I say this because it didn't on PBE when LB rework first came out.) I still see Syndra being banned en masse come preseason though. There's really nothing that slowed her down. If anything, she was buffed indirectly by assassin changes. Curiously, she will not be touched in the preseason patch.
  17. This was the first time I have had to actually enter my login information in over a year. Dammit I almost forgot what my username was.

  18. Hard to believe it's been five years since the last one. The last time we had a winter Rift, the KR server had just launched (along with that server's commemorative champion Ahri).
  19. The Nonary games will be coming to PS4.

    1. FraRPetO


      And Vita. Don't forget the Vita.

  20. Anyone who focused me got mowed down.
  21. I'm entered for the big school tourney tomorrow. Smash 4, Project M and a Guilty Gear Xrd side event. I'm going into the S4 bracket as (in all likelihood) first seed. Let's see what I can do.

  22. Charles Martinet's facebook page says he is no longer the voice of Mario.

    1. InnocentSerenity


      The apocalypse is nigh.

  23. Congratulations on being the first person I've ever met that has Deep Sea Nami Anyway.
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