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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shanco

  1. Hey guys. I figured I've kept you all in the dark too long about the tourney that was supposed to happen this past weekend. I'm posting here rather than in the tourney hub because I want it to be strictly for signups n results n shit like that. The reason for the cancellation (a rather unnanounced one, mind you) was for a couple of reasons. First off, TONS of unforeseen circumstances were encountered this past weekend. TONS. Work called me in, had to prep for school, car's transmission got fucked, a whooole bunch of things. I had entertained asking OmegaRa1der to run it in my stead but couldn't reach out to him in time. The second reason is, as many of you could have guessed, not enough entrants. Only three people were confirmed tovbe able to attend by Saturday. I think that one's on me, so I'll take another look into the circumstances behind the low attendance, and go from there so that the next one can be as enjoyable as possible. So, where does that leave the PR? This strictly-for-fun-turned-somewhat-serious PR? It was initially planned to be after this one + one more open roster event, but I'm pretty confident that I can craft the next PR right now using what information I've got, but there's one small problem. The information that I have would suggest that Pyrrhon and Dark Desire are practically deadlocked at the #1 spot. To settle this, Pyrrhon and Dark Desire will play a Best-of-5 match to determine who gets the #1 spot. This set can be played just between the two of them (with no Judge spectating) as long as the end result is agreed upon by both parties, but the results will be sent to me in private. I've got the rest of it figured out from there, but you can always play myself and the other peeps and share your results (preferably by YouTube replay), which means you still have a pretty decent chance to change your fate before the final PR is determined. Hope this clears things up! It's hella late for me at the moment so I'll end the post here. If you guys have any questions about any of this, feel free to ask via PM or on Discord.
  2. This was my first game on Summoner's Rift in a long while, and I felt pretty good about it despite the L being a tough one to take. I had laning phase nailed down, terrifying Wukong to his tower, killing Graves when he ganked, having some timely appearances for big fights and even turning one of those into victories. It really did a lot for my confidence, and I'm pretty sure that with literally anyone else playing ADC, this game wouldn't be so far gone, and maybe even winnable. Who knows. Did really help me to win a lot of the night's shindigs, however.
  3. Annie and Malzahar still counter him laughably hard.
  4. If Garen's your only dedicated frontliner, you probably shouldn't have been expecting much peel, unfortunately, when the other team has Koggles...
  5. Eh, most reveals happen on Tuesday, actually. So good chance we'll actually see him today!
  6. Pantheon's new skin is a recipe for success.
  7. Sorry about the lack of communication, folks. It's been a long week. After some deliberation, there are two forthcoming changes to the event. The date has been changed to Saturday the 27th - that's a delay of a week. More people are available then - this was a pretty difficult weekend to do even for myself. So we'll have it then. The 3DS tournament has been cancelled, so it's Wii U only. Unfortunately signups are lacking on both sides, but especially the 3DS side, since a lot of people are struggling with the network bug that prevents players from getting online with the 3DS version. I'll edit the appropriate posts. Please stay tuned for more info!
  8. Was there really no better title for this AMA? Thoughts on Plumeria? Are you interested in any fighting games besides Smash? Who do you ship in Pokemon Reborn? Who do you suppose is the one responsible for taking care of Ikaru and his squid tank?
  9. EDIT 8/19 @ 4:44 AM ET: The tournament has been pushed back a week. Still same time. In addition it is now WII U ONLY. It's time for the next tournament! Well, announcing it anyways. I originally promised an all new format called the World Warrior Challenge. However, due to some difficulties, that format is no longer possible. Instead, we'll have it at a later date. But enough about what happens in the future. Let's instead turn our attention to the past. Over eight years has passed since the release of the Smash Bros. series' third installment, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. While remaining without question the best game in the series from a casual standpoint, there's very little question about the...questionability of the competitive metagame. Hitstun cancelling, chaingrabs, infinites, and the resulting 90-10 matchups, all when combined with some very questionable stages, really made the game not stand out to the Melee-accustomed competitive masses. Fast forward eight years later. We're pushing two years since the 3DS release of Super Smash Bros. 4. A lot of things have been changed since those dark days of Brawl. Longer combos are reinstated, chaingrabs are gone, as are the infinites that plagued the game (well, if you wanna be stingy about it, Mewtwo and Lucina have infinites, but we don't talk about them.) With rebalances across the board both before and after Smash 4's release and a much more stable competitive meta, let's revisit the time of Brawl and live the good ol' days of complete jank. The Eight Years' Brawl A Smash 4 Wii U Tournament Saturday, August 27 @ 6 PM ET Yep. As you could probably guess, only characters and stages that appeared in Brawl will be legal. Rules The rules are pretty much the standard except they have been geared a little bit to closer resemble competitive Brawl. The more intricate rules, however, are consistent with the past couple of tournaments that we've held. Reborn Power Rankings will be updated post-event, so here's a shot to get in on it! General Stuff 3 Stock, 8 Minutes Double Elimination Bracket All sets including Grand Finals are best 2-out-of-3 All items, custom moves and equipment are banned Stage Selection For the first game in a set, the lower seed will strike two of the three starter stages. From there, the higher seed chooses the stage of play from the remaining two. For each game after the first, the winner of the previous game will strike one stage between the starter and counterpick stages. The loser will then pick the stage of play from the remaining six. Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect - You may not pick a stage that you have previously won on in the same set without your opponent's consent. Stage Availability Wii U Starter Stages: Battlefield Final Destination Smashville Wii U Counterpick Stages: Lylat Cruise Castle Siege Halberd Port Town Aero Dive Special Victory Conditions Click here to sign up for the Wii U Bracket Alternately, just post in this thread after this post and I'll get you in. GLHF!
  10. Next Smash tournament will probably be announced tomorrow. It will take place on the 20th.

  11. This Ahri skin was made for Ame. I just know it.
  12. Mates wouldn't shut up about surrendering, so fuck it. It was time to take matters into my own hands.
  13. Ontario license plates are the best. There's some real goodies round these parts.
  14. PS, trying to kite Fizz or Yi at all is tantamount to suicide unless you're prepared adequately. Flash will be necessary against the former though. You really can't take the same method of kiting Udyr, to kiting more assassin style champs. Sometimes you just gotta know when to run like hell unless or until your mates bring them in line.
  15. Frozen Mallet can save your ass if Udyr's the only legitimate threat that you need to itemize against.
  16. Of all the places Tim Hortons could have expanded to, I don't think anyone was expecting the Philippines...

  17. Kled's gonna be garbage in the jungle. Without Skaarl, who he will likely lose at 1st or 2nd camp, he doesn't have the HP he needs to survive early clear. His mobility is also severely hampered without Skaarl, screwing his clears even further. If anything he could be a mid, and although he wouldn't be too strong in lane against long-range champs like Syndra, he could do some pretty nasty damage to the side lanes should he get a chance to roam. And if he got ganks from a jungler like Lee early..."holy shit", that'd hurt.
  18. I assume the reason is story-related but it could be for clarity as well. For the argument of story: The Feng Shui Engine was the source of the purple "ki" in Street Fighter IV. The type alpha Engine is completely different from the old one, which was destroyed in her fight with Bison (the new one was salvaged from an S.I.N lab and tinkered with by Juri herself). As a different version, it functions a little differently and alters her ki as a result. For the argument of clarity: There's a lot of purple shit flying around in this game as it is. I assume ths silver "ki" color helps Juri differentiate herself from other characters like M.Bison; it seems miniscule from a competitive standpoint, but it would suck to get some kind of VFX from one of Juri's attacks, like a fireball, lost in the middle of something that Bison is tossing out while in V-Trigger, or as Bison, you didn't see what move you got hit with because the colors blended.
  19. "Ganon FFAs are fun until you get your shield broken then you got thrown into a D-smash Ganoncide"

  20. Ganon actually does alright against ROB due to how bulllshit aerial Flame Choke is on him. Ganon alsp massively outranges, forcing ROB to rely on his laser and gyro. And with a gyro in hand, Ganon gets an instant shield break. I dunno where to put Doc on the tier list honestly. He has some pretty bad matchups amongst the high tiers, but hard-counters ZSS and Corrin, in addition to beating Fox and Villager and maybe post-patch Bayonetta. He does have major issues against heavies as well, so Ike, Cloud and Ganon are all hell for him.
  21. You can use Puff's as a mix-up kill move at mid to high percents. That's pretty much the only reliable kill move Jiggs has between 80 and 100.
  22. Ganon Punch is kind of bad but at least has some niche uses, such as the ability to kill some of the cast in one hit. Super armor makes it a good punish on some moves and a read for others.
  23. Worst neutral special? I'd honestly say... looks around nervously Falcon Punch is pretty bad...
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