Yoooooooooo. So earlier this week, I got really bored. I started talking about Smash to some peeps around our community, and realized that there's a fair few of us who play Smash. I needed an excuse to not only kill my boredom, but to get re-used to Pixlr. Thus the Reborn Smash 4 Power Rankings was conceived. It is measured based on performances in our two tournaments as well as in serious sets outside the event - shoutouts to the people whom I talked to and gave me opinions and shit. In addition, offline results will also play a factor, so feel free to boast about what you've done offline. An important thing to remember is that this is purely a project for fun. At the same time, I have kinda shy hopes that this will encourage more Reborners to come out and play the rest of us. It'll be great to play all of ya, whether you're on 3DS or Wii U. If you're not on here, it very well could be that you haven't played the rest of us enough! So hopefully that'll change. And without further ado, here ya go.
Pyrrhon (Luigi / Kirby / Lucina) - I honestly don't think there was any doubt about this one. Our defending Smash champion on the Wii U side, Pyrrhon's Luigi rules our Smash community with an iron fist, and to my knowledge has beaten everyone else on this PR soundly with him, often multiple times. His Kirby is pretty good too.
Abbey Street (Roy / Ganondorf / Lucina) - I feel a bit like an ass putting myself here, but I'm very confident in my knowledge of, and skill with, Ganondorf and the Fire Emblem characters, including when playing against you guys. Of course, this is an invitation to prove me wrong. Come kick my ass and I'll write you in for a spot on the next ranking.
Godot (Little Mac / Fox / Yoshi) - Godot spearheads our Smash community and has a very solid, thorough understanding of this game. His Little Mac play is super crisp and his Yoshi is a thing sent from hell to decimate everybody and everything.
Dark Desire (Bayonetta / Dark Pit / Lucina) - DD's a fuckin' good player that has proven competence with every femme fatale in the game. He played Bayonetta during her hey day, and took our most recent 3DS tourney, but very much lacks a consistent secondary with whom he can beat the three above him.
FraRPetO / Washman (Yoshi) - He's really good with Yoshi, and although he has solid play with other characters such as King Dedede, it's the Yoshi that sees him through, both in our past Wii U tournament and elsewhere. If we have another tournament soon it's possible that he could be Pyrrhon's biggest obstacle in defending his title.
HONORABLE MENTIONS (not in order, mind you)
Trevo (Villager / Charizard) - Trevo's solid play with Villager got him 3rd place at our last event, but he hasn't played with too many of us since and thus I really wish he could be evaluated fairly. If he played with us more he could be top 3 for sure. Also it says you play Charizard because a mistake was made on my end - oops.
Omega Ra1der (Cloud / Mario / Luigi) - One of our most improved players over the span of the past few months, I personally have been loving Ra1der's dedication to this game and the strides he's made with the characters he's chosen. Unfortunately his performances have been a little inconsistent so here's to hoping he keeps it up.
Maelstrom (Mewtwo / Donkey Kong) - Mael's got some pretty badass play on Mewtwo, DK, Ike, and Ganondorf, but in games against his mates has been known for going ham and dying for it. This begs the question if there's any content or premise by which Mael's skill can be truly measured against the other folks. Could he be top 3 here? Absolutely.
Again, if you're not here, or even if you are, we want ya to come out and play us! We're always down to fight some fresh blood (or returning veterans). Hopefully we can get some real fierce competition around these parts.