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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shanco

  1. The results are in for the Summer Struggle! 3DS 1. Dark Desire 2. Felix the Cat 3. Pyrrhon 4. Maelstrom 5. Lord Bagel 5. PBSlaughter 7. pbood2 Wii U 1. Pyrrhon 2. Maelstrom 3. Dark Desire 4. OmegaRa1der 5. FraRPetO 5. BBCraffy 7. Abbey Street 7. Vdeogamer231 9. K_H 9. Trevore 9. BIGJRA 9. I'm A Spork I couldn't tell you when the next tournament will be, but this one was a great success! Shoutouts to everyone who came out and played with us! It was a hell of a fun time running and playing the event with you guys. Cheers!
  2. We're just about ready to start! Hop on Showdown on the Games channel. If you dunno where that is, ask me where it is and I will help you along. http://challonge.com/SummerStruggle3DS - 3DS bracket http://challonge.com/FezzdogSmells - Wii U bracket Once we get seeding finished, we'll begin. Best o' luck to everyone!
  3. Oops. Looks like people couldn't register themselves on the bracket because I never changed the tourneys' start time on Challonge. That's fixed now.
  4. Name: Ryan Age: 21 Birthday: 7 September 1993 Location: Guelph, Ontario Height: 5'10" Hair Color: Dark brown Eye Color: Dark brown Live With: No one atm Pets?: A cat Relationships?: Kinda sorta maybe. I dunno. Crushes lately?: A special someone. Dream Job: Multimedia producer, but I'll go wherever life takes me. Currently Playing: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Fire Emblem Fates Revelations Favourite Food: A meaty pizza Favourite Drink: Too hard to decide. There's so many. I'm a sucker for sweet things though. Favourite Color: Red Favourite kind of Music: Lots of rock music, mostly the grungy stuff. Some folk mixed in there as well Favourite Band: Either Weezer or RHCP Favourite Album: Californication Favourite Game: 3rd Strike right now. Favourite Genre of Game: Fighting and racing games are my jive. Favourite Hobbies: Travelling and getting a good walk in along the local trails and arboretums. Favourite Movies: Space Jam Favourite Shows: idk, probably Forensic Files.
  5. Trying to find a 3rd Strike arcade machine in South Ontario is like trying to find El Dorado.

  6. ^ this, but outside of that I might not care too much
  7. The Summer Struggle smash tournaments have been pushed back a week to Saturday the 25th. Personal schedules and Nintendo maintenance schedule are to blame.

  8. Hey guys. The Summer Struggle tournaments have been moved to Saturday the 25th at 7 PM. There are numerous scheduling problems, including the maintenance that Nintendo just announced for Monday, that prevent us from doing it any sooner. If this is a problem for anyone, please let me know!
  9. Ganon wins. Bowser loses. This is a rule that was changed from Godot's posted rules. I will put a overrule notice there, thanks for pointing it out. The reason for Bowser losing and Ganon winning, as it was a bit of a weird decision, is because this is the intended mechanic of the game itself as of version 1.0.4. It's actually more confusing when Bowser is allowed to win off a Bowsercide. In most offline tournaments it is the same way; Ganon wins while everyone else loses, as the game intended.
  10. Hey guys! I've got bad news. The current start date/time for the tournaments could possibly change. I am currently in an unforeseen scheduling kerfuffle that I am trying to sort out. This means that the tournament could be moved, to Monday at a slightly later time - although this is not a guarantee. I still plan to run the event as scheduled, but if it needs to be moved then you guys will know as soon as I get the info.
  11. Miis are banned as per Godot's rules - that rule wasn't amended. Corrin's not moving, guys. I'm not discussing this here.
  12. A reminder that this thread is NOT for tier list discussion - the tier list will be posted in the Smash Bros thread shortly and it can be discussed from there. In addition the time has been finalized for 6:00 PM ET. Registration is also open now! It will be open throughout the week. You may sign up by the links provided at the bottom of the OP, or simply by posting in this thread.
  13. EDIT 6/17 00:37 ET: The tournaments have both been rescheduled for Saturday, June 25th at 7 PM ET. EDIT 6/13 13:45 ET: This topic is NOT for tier list discussion! The tier list will be posted shortly in the Smash Bros thread. EDIT 6/13 14:34 ET: Signups are now open! Check the links below or simply post in this thread. Date and time has also been finalized. This Saturday is the Reborn Summer Party. It was mentioned by Arkhidon that a Smash tournament could happen during the party. Surprise - there is! But while you're encouraged to give it your all, it's still the Summer Party, and I wanna make sure you all have fun while beating the daylights out of each other in Smash. Alas, this tournament has a twist! The Summer Party is all about fun. Any highly competitive Smash player can tell you that many of the higher-tier threats in this game are, in all honesty, not fun to play against. Things like Cloud's limit camping, or Sheik's needles, or Bayonetta's constant running away. So, if only for a day, these characters, as good as they are and as fun they can be to play as...let's just pretend they don't exist. Summer Struggle A Smash Bros Wii U/3DS Mid-Tier Tournament Saturday, June 25 @ 7:00 PM ET That is correct! This go-round, you will only be allowed to pick mid-tier and below characters. What tier list are we going by? Well, we won't be using either the 1.1.3 tier list nor a tier list from a pro player. Instead, I bring you another one, courtesy of my pals at /r/crazyhand, to form a new tier list, free o' bias.This means 21 high-tier characters will be banned from competition, but you've still got 34 to choose from! Rules Ah, the rules. I do ask that you read these rules, because they differ a fair amount from Godot's Smash tournament rules in order to be brought more in line other current tournament rules. General Stuff 2 Stock, 7 Minutes Double Elimination Bracket All sets including Grand Finals are best 2-out-of-3 All items, custom moves and equipment are banned Despite what the above image says, all Mii characters are banned Stage Availability Wii U Starter Stages: Battlefield Final Destination Smashville Wii U Counterpick Stages: Town & City Lylat Cruise Dream Land 64 Duck Hunt 3DS Starter Stages: Battlefield Final Destination Yoshi's Island 3DS Counterpick Stages: Arena Ferox Prism Tower Dream Land 64 Duck Hunt Special Victory Conditions All other rules not already listed or stated can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10340&hl=rules Click here to sign up for the 3DS Tournament Click here to sign up for the Wii U Tournament Alternatively, just post in the thread and I'll get you in. GLHF!
  14. Why was the ban on blood donations from LGBTQ people lifted only temporarily? Did someone from Congress/the Senate get upset? I legitimately do not understand.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      yeah its almost like no one is safe from a fuckin blood disease who knew

    3. starkidcosmo
    4. Anvilicious


      It's because being queer is worse than being dead.

  15. I wonder when the enemy team goes "Gosh, you know, Akali's kinda fed, we may need some more Magic Resist..." Maybe they got cocky since we had and AFK...
  16. I don't think Microsoft will touch Banjo-Kazooie, Conker or any of the Rare series outside of Killer Instinct; the majority of those games' fans are loyal to Nintendo and thus the games likely wouldn't sell on their own. The Conker's Bad Fur Day remake and Banjo/Perfect Dark sequel doing commercially poorly showed just show this. Yooka-Laylee looks like a fantastic spiritual successor, however.
  17. "MMA fighter Kimbo Slice has died at age 42. Slice was hospitalized today for undisclosed reasons." - tweet from @SportsCenter

    1. Neo



    2. Monochrome_Complex


      I wonder why? Maybe roids? Bad eating? he was a hefty fellow.

    3. Garnet.


      bro why the fuck

  18. Ryan C here. It's sure been a while, dude. Nice to see you around these parts.
  19. tbh I'm kinda glad they delayed it. After the (lack of) success of some other rushed games this shows that they're caring wholly about the product and making it as quality as can be.
  20. I do! It's a guilty pleasure of mine that I admit I haven't played in a bit. You should add Abbey Street on NA and then we can go fuck shit up on 3v3. EDIT: The double sniper comp is
  21. Yoooooooooo. So earlier this week, I got really bored. I started talking about Smash to some peeps around our community, and realized that there's a fair few of us who play Smash. I needed an excuse to not only kill my boredom, but to get re-used to Pixlr. Thus the Reborn Smash 4 Power Rankings was conceived. It is measured based on performances in our two tournaments as well as in serious sets outside the event - shoutouts to the people whom I talked to and gave me opinions and shit. In addition, offline results will also play a factor, so feel free to boast about what you've done offline. An important thing to remember is that this is purely a project for fun. At the same time, I have kinda shy hopes that this will encourage more Reborners to come out and play the rest of us. It'll be great to play all of ya, whether you're on 3DS or Wii U. If you're not on here, it very well could be that you haven't played the rest of us enough! So hopefully that'll change. And without further ado, here ya go. Pyrrhon (Luigi / Kirby / Lucina) - I honestly don't think there was any doubt about this one. Our defending Smash champion on the Wii U side, Pyrrhon's Luigi rules our Smash community with an iron fist, and to my knowledge has beaten everyone else on this PR soundly with him, often multiple times. His Kirby is pretty good too. Abbey Street (Roy / Ganondorf / Lucina) - I feel a bit like an ass putting myself here, but I'm very confident in my knowledge of, and skill with, Ganondorf and the Fire Emblem characters, including when playing against you guys. Of course, this is an invitation to prove me wrong. Come kick my ass and I'll write you in for a spot on the next ranking. Godot (Little Mac / Fox / Yoshi) - Godot spearheads our Smash community and has a very solid, thorough understanding of this game. His Little Mac play is super crisp and his Yoshi is a thing sent from hell to decimate everybody and everything. Dark Desire (Bayonetta / Dark Pit / Lucina) - DD's a fuckin' good player that has proven competence with every femme fatale in the game. He played Bayonetta during her hey day, and took our most recent 3DS tourney, but very much lacks a consistent secondary with whom he can beat the three above him. FraRPetO / Washman (Yoshi) - He's really good with Yoshi, and although he has solid play with other characters such as King Dedede, it's the Yoshi that sees him through, both in our past Wii U tournament and elsewhere. If we have another tournament soon it's possible that he could be Pyrrhon's biggest obstacle in defending his title. HONORABLE MENTIONS (not in order, mind you) Trevo (Villager / Charizard) - Trevo's solid play with Villager got him 3rd place at our last event, but he hasn't played with too many of us since and thus I really wish he could be evaluated fairly. If he played with us more he could be top 3 for sure. Also it says you play Charizard because a mistake was made on my end - oops. Omega Ra1der (Cloud / Mario / Luigi) - One of our most improved players over the span of the past few months, I personally have been loving Ra1der's dedication to this game and the strides he's made with the characters he's chosen. Unfortunately his performances have been a little inconsistent so here's to hoping he keeps it up. Maelstrom (Mewtwo / Donkey Kong) - Mael's got some pretty badass play on Mewtwo, DK, Ike, and Ganondorf, but in games against his mates has been known for going ham and dying for it. This begs the question if there's any content or premise by which Mael's skill can be truly measured against the other folks. Could he be top 3 here? Absolutely. Again, if you're not here, or even if you are, we want ya to come out and play us! We're always down to fight some fresh blood (or returning veterans). Hopefully we can get some real fierce competition around these parts.
  22. You've already clearly wasted money on all them skins, so what's it gonna hurt getting Oktoberfest Gragas, clearly the best skin in the game
  23. It pretty much was until they took away the Tenacity. Now it's sadly just a ball-of-stats skill.
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