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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shanco

  1. Spin Dash is indeed a pain in the ass. Mario lacks any good way to counter it either - his range sucks, he's floaty, and since Spin Dash is invincible on startup, Sonic gives no shits about fireballs either. The lone matchup where Ally would probably be better off going Marth.
  2. Everyone's FAVORITE whiny schoolgirl kunochi thing is back!
  3. A number of peeps in my scene play Extended. There was some real crazy bullshit between Zendikar and Innistrad blocks that kinda turned me off it, but I had been playing the format dating back to Lorwyn.
  4. Good ol MTG. I only play Commander, with Captain Sisay being my commander, but I've been looking into getting back into Extended which was a format I bossed at back in the day. The new Zendikar sets have piqued my interest.
  5. I have 3DS and have been waiting to kick your ass for a very long time.
  6. What is Diana th...uh...nevermind.
  7. The thematic of black mana in Magic The Gathering has always been pretty cool. If you're playing black you could be trading in practically anything to do some of the game's most destructive things, being able to use pretty much whatever you want as a resource.

  8. Some crazy shit happened in dubs last night. Players in order are myself, Pyrrhon, Godot and Washman
  9. Alistar's ganks are devastating and at the right time/place almost guarantees a kill. His biggest issue is his clear speed, which is really bad until you get Cinder.
  10. The good Bayo players will adapt and probably resort to the keep-away strat that had been working for many before the nerfs and remained largely untouched. She's definitely not getting buffed.
  11. Jigglypuff is probably never going to get touched again if it hasn't been thus far. It's actually gotten to the point where tier lists are giving it the Brawl Ganon treatment and putting it in its own tier below the others.
  12. Ghostblade is a great item on Jhin...if you're snowballing. Popping it for your ultimate in the mid-game can make your ult do stupid amounts of damage Otherwise there are better things for him to buy.
  13. Gran Turismo Sport looks fucking smooth. I am in awe.

  14. Patch isn't out yet and this smells very fishy, yet people are taking the bait. I wouldn't trust anything until the patch hits live.
  15. Holy, 8BitMan, TeKNo, Raffi-X, Wiigi... I don't even know why I answered you, honestly. A pinch of research would have answered it just fine.
  16. lol. If anything ROB's getting nerfed. He has very large amounts of representation.
  17. Sega has announced they will once again be at E3 and will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog
  18. Sony will also showcase Red Dead Redemption 2, new Gran Turismo and OddWorld games, and a project that Kojima Productions is working on Ubisoft should talk about Beyond Good and Evil 2, new South Park and Ghost Recon games, and other things such as Ancestors and For Honor Bethesda will bring something involving Elder Scrolls VI to the event, as well as something for Fallout IV called Far Harbor. I forget what that entails. They also have Dishonored 2 and a new Call of Cthulhu on the way. Atlus bringing Persona 5 - for real this time - and Etrian Odyssey V. Square Enix will bring FF7 and FF15 news, as well as KH3 and Deus Ex Mankind Divided. They are also expected to announce Dragon Quest XI. Epic Games has Unreal Tournament 4, Gears of War 4 and Paragon to talk about. There may also be updates to Unreal Engine 4. 2K will discuss Civilization VI, Borderlands 3 and a few other smaller projects. Capcom will discuss MHX, the Resident Evil 2 remake and the new Ace Attorney game. Rumor has it they are unveiling Resident Evil 7 as well. They are also expected to show off Ibuki and/or Juri for SF5. Bandai Namco has a fighting game to announce alongside Tekken 7 FR, apparently. I would argue that it's a new Soul Calibur. Tales of Berseria and Ace Combat 7 are also on the radar. SNK have Fatal Fury 4 and the King of Fighters XIV to show off this year. Apparently they have other projects as well. Looks like Electronic Arts are no longer presenting on the main stage. Would be suited since their last few E3s have been awful. Expect no news from them whatsoever outside Battlefield 1. Konami have pulled out of E3 entirely after the company's mass of internal problems. The maker of the Castlevania series has a new project that he's working on. Due to Konami being fuckheads, he can't make another Castlevania game, but the game that he's making will play identically to said series. Mighty No. 9 should be playable at E3. It comes out the following week.
  19. Every single recent tier list I've seen from a top Smash 4 player says that Jigglypuff is worst in the game. Ouch.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BIGJRA


      i've been beaten by a Jigglypuff once... as Ganondorf

    3. Shanco


      Ganondorf should crush that matchup imo

    4. BIGJRA


      i think his air game was really strong and i couldn't recover once i got pushed off

  20. Thought to bring this back from the dead because I stumbled over this YouTube vid, and this is crazy.
  21. Ganon has results outside of North America, unlike the other two, including BEAST 6 and several Umebura events. His 1.1.5 buffs were massive, including universal kill confirms, improved followups on other moves, and another Rage-abusing kill move, which add to an edgeguarding game that was top 10 even before the patch. His neutral still sucks ass and so does his recovery to an extent. I still dunno what to think about Falco. The Smash buffs help quite a lot with issues that Falco had before, but his neutral is still bad and he's kinda edgeguarded easily despite his mixupable recovery. He's also not very good when played aggressively; I know a lack of aggressive playability at a high level tends to turn the Japanese community off a given character. The Japanese really don't like Ike for some reason. Then again, they seem to favor characters that can function optimally on an aggressive playstyle, and at a tournament level, Ike does not fit that bill at all. His recovery also sucks against characters that can edgeguard well, such as, well, Ganon and Falco.
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