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About !^.:AlphaWolf:.^!

  • Birthday 01/02/1997

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    Anywhere you wish.
  • Interests
    Swimming , Gaming , Food! :D

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  1. A New Laptop, Rs. 8000, Headphones and a HP X1000 USB Mouse. Guess I could buy a new game. :3 I KNOW, LETS PLAY BF3
  2. 1. Be a Pro at CS 1.6/ CSS / CSGO / CSCZ 2.Form a Clan on CS 1.6 which will turn out to be a success 3. Be glued to the laptop for more playing hours 4. Pay more attention on PO 5. Finish my Studies 6. Be more friendly 7. Staying away from Pandora 8. Read Resolution 4 again 9. Dance and Enjoy my life
  3. You wasted 2 minutes of my life ._. GIVE BACK 3 MINUTES OR DIE! (For writing this : 1 minute, For reading: 2 minutes) Also, nice poem thingie Hark >_>
  4. (14:40:58) ~~~ Atticus Finch farted volcano stuff ~~~ (14:41:02) AlphaGhost: I feel something like this (14:41:03) AlphaGhost: ._. Wrong Timing...Dundundun... T^T
  5. I'm going to steal it Epic team dood. Can't see any flaws ._.
  6. Someone make me de-lonelied ;-;

  7. His World Zebrahead Version Sonic the Hedgehog(2008)
  8. /me is happy c: Also, you are epic to use "The Exact Center of the Universe" thingie.. Dr.Nefarious and Clank >> <<
  9. A Tall guy with white spiky hair ._. and a keyblade sort of something....

    1. Skeleton


      Stop being so weird.

  11. I prefer the Extreme Killer Arceus Set (SD+ES) It's really nice Other than that, The Team looks Flawless >_>
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