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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by !^.:AlphaWolf:.^!

  1. A New Laptop, Rs. 8000, Headphones and a HP X1000 USB Mouse. Guess I could buy a new game. :3 I KNOW, LETS PLAY BF3
  2. 1. Be a Pro at CS 1.6/ CSS / CSGO / CSCZ 2.Form a Clan on CS 1.6 which will turn out to be a success 3. Be glued to the laptop for more playing hours 4. Pay more attention on PO 5. Finish my Studies 6. Be more friendly 7. Staying away from Pandora 8. Read Resolution 4 again 9. Dance and Enjoy my life
  3. You wasted 2 minutes of my life ._. GIVE BACK 3 MINUTES OR DIE! (For writing this : 1 minute, For reading: 2 minutes) Also, nice poem thingie Hark >_>
  4. (14:40:58) ~~~ Atticus Finch farted volcano stuff ~~~ (14:41:02) AlphaGhost: I feel something like this (14:41:03) AlphaGhost: ._. Wrong Timing...Dundundun... T^T
  5. I'm going to steal it Epic team dood. Can't see any flaws ._.
  6. Someone make me de-lonelied ;-;

  7. His World Zebrahead Version Sonic the Hedgehog(2008)
  8. /me is happy c: Also, you are epic to use "The Exact Center of the Universe" thingie.. Dr.Nefarious and Clank >> <<
  9. A Tall guy with white spiky hair ._. and a keyblade sort of something....

    1. Skeleton


      Stop being so weird.

  11. I prefer the Extreme Killer Arceus Set (SD+ES) It's really nice Other than that, The Team looks Flawless >_>
  13. Actually All were there(except Auth Members). But were bleeding or injured. (Almost everyone) @Ryuki : Yes @Maelstorm: You were there but as I said "Bleeding and injured". I want to know what happend after that monster explodes and we faint. :c
  14. Do you think I'm weird?

    1. Noivy


      Everyone's wierd in their own sense. It's what makes each of up different.

    2. diana


      Not really, though I've never seen you online.

  15. *Name* got GodKilled by Arceus!
  16. Spiders, Even if you look down a 2 storey building Height,More Heights,Bigger Heights, More and More Bigger Heights and Skeletons, Rats,Spiders,Butterfly(ikr),Going to the Bathroom at Night,Ghosts,AND MUCH MORE ;-;
  17. I saw this dream , it included Reborn and (almost) everyone in Reborn. So I'm going to Narrate my dream. It so happend that I found myself in the middle of a ground, filled with broken buildings and rubble. I kept walking in this ground until I saw a strange mysterious figure standing, It was small, It had long black hair and pale skin. I went to it and kept my hand on its shoulder, it showed it's face and suddenly dissapeared.It's face had one eye on it's forehead, It was like a Cyclops.It then suprised attack from behind by punching me and then it dissapeared again, Out of no where Godot sprang and saved me.Now, Godot took me in a underground tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, a door opened and I entered it.All the Members of Reborn were in this room,Suprisingly I didn't find any auth members (except Godot).Most of them were injured, bleeding badly etc, I asked Godot what had happend , he said they were attacked by a group known as the "Hackers".I had more questions but he handed me a gun and a pocket knife.He took me to a huge tower , It was surronded by Black Aura and blood and gore,On the Enterance were dead corpses of some of those creatures I encountered in the beginning.Godot then told me to get ready.The Moment we entered there were big ghosts and monsters running towards us, Godot killed them all easily.And then a big monster lashed at me, I tried to kill it but it was hard, It nearly killed me.But then, Godot saved me again. Now a Big Shadow Appeared, Godot hit it with his sword and then the Big Shadow took a long hand and captured me.Now you know the villain threatens to kill me if Godot doesn't give up, So I sneak behind him and kill him.A white light suddenly burst out and everything turns white and we both faint. ... And I wake up ._.
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