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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by akaFila~

  1. Sure, if you solely look at it from a competitive perspective. Seemed like a fitting enough ability for the design/concept.
  2. ~Mega Persian~ Type: Normal Ability: Normalize Stats: Significant Boost -> +Speed Other -> +Atk , +Def , +SpA
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NePDUrEtv2I
  4. Anything in particular you're looking for?
  5. ~Tigers~ (Creative right?) ~ Blue & White ~
  6. Hatched my first 6 IV poke and picked up a Modest 4IV Rotom over Wonder Trade ~ Good Day ~

  7. Sounds good. Added note: I'd prefer it to be a male if you're ok with that.
  8. Alright. You good with trading for anything I listed in my last post?
  9. Brightpowder + Snow Cloak is so broken..
  10. I could offer~ 5IVs: 1. Honedge - No Guard/Brave (31/31/31/31/31/x) 2. Joltik - Compound Eyes(Unnerve on the females I have) (31/x/31/31/31/31) 3. Kangaskhan - n/a / Jolly 4-5 Relevant IVs (I'm beginning to breed them today) 4IVs: 1. Froakie - Torrent/Timid (31/x/31/x/31/31) 2. Joltik - Compound Eyes (Plenty left over from breeding/ All are missing Atk and one other stat as 31s) 3. Bronzor - Levitate/Impish (x/31/31/x/31/31) 4. Stunfisk - Limber/Calm (x/31/31/31/x/31) <-- Want it gone, but don't feel like using WT..
  11. Think you could Christmas my current avi up? <-------------------------------------------------------
  12. First impression was that Fern was pro.. and not a complete douche.. #Noobin'
  13. Looking For: 1. Bunnelby - Huge Power/Adamant (31/31/31/x/31/31 ~ Or 6 IV ) 2. Charmander - Blaze or Solar Power/Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31 ~ or 6 IV) 3. Rotom - Levitate/Modest or Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31 ~ or 6 IV )
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