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TheNewEnigma last won the day on November 27 2012

TheNewEnigma had the most liked content!


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About TheNewEnigma

  • Birthday 11/23/1999

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  • Location
    Land of Ooo
  • Interests
    Scott Pilgrim, indie bands, Ellie Goulding, EDM, adventure time, meep

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  1. I'm going to slowly kill myself by watching several pewdiepie videos. Wish me luc.

    1. TheNewEnigma


      That's it. I have descended into the paradise known as Valhalla. I'll be waiting here, folks.

  2. 1) Make an ask.fm account 2) Post it here 3) ??? 4) Profit! http://ask.fm/JahIthBer mine
  3. [nonchalant jazz music]

  4. A lot of you are too attractive to be posting on some Z-list forum took this pic the day before
  5. dear god don't open the closet

    1. Maelstrom


      My song knows what you did in dark places.

  6. I saw that too, I thought it was pretty cool.
  7. and then romeo-kun and juliet-chan inevitably committed the seppuku

  8. so like, is Pacific Rim a thing I should be looking in to? Never really heard of it until Game Grumps plugged it because I'm a media hermit

    1. Maelstrom


      I only made a topic about it in the radio tower several weeks ago. Ima go see it, no matter what people say.

    2. Maelstrom


      And the trailers look good. =3

  9. banned for not shiggy diggying
  10. "It's okay. 9.5/10" -IGN I lub Teemo
  11. Repostan Name: Maria Age: 13 Birthday: 23/11 Location: Brussels Height: something like 180 cm Hair Color: Dark brown Eye Color: Brown Live With: Family Pets?: None atm, will have one soon Relationships?: >tfw no bf Crushes lately?: This one canadian guy Dream Job: Cartoonist Currently Playing: Pokemon Platinum Random Team Run Favourite Food: Nacho chips Favourite Drink: Dr Pepper Favourite Color: Red Favourite kind of Music: EDM Favourite Band: Gorillaz Favourite Album: Gorillaz by Gorillaz Favourite Game: Yoshi's Island Favourite Genre of Game: RPG Favourite Hobbies: Drawing Favourite Movies: The Lion King, Django Unchained Favourite Shows: 30 Rock, Daria
  12. Banned for not announcing
  13. Why was Skeleton banned? She complained about life, sure, but she was okay, I guess.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Who said that was the reason? lol. Way to be like x amount of months late tho >>;

    2. Ysera


      She didn't complain about life. She complained about everything, and too often for it to be healthy for the community as a whole.

  14. I like the look of the new Sword Pokemon. EXCALIBUR HO

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