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- Birthday 02/09/1994
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ah the life of a breeder.... GET THE FREAKIN 5 IV'S POKEMON
Ah back on the adventure i go, and with this new pokemon in hand i will now train it to become the GREATEST giant flying dragon dino thing to ever live! Dax is shaping up to be a good pokemon on my team mostly due to the fact that its not a fire type... its a rock... and rock types are A-OK in my book... also he flinched and killed pikachu in two hits, so there is also that. So anyways i made it out of the forest now with my team... got some free pokeballs... beat up some trainers to get some money and now make my way to route 3... a new route so that means... New Team Member! so lets go searching! and the first pokemon i find today is.... Burmy..... hm not a good thing i want though if it was male i might have kept it... oh well to the wonder you go! and what do i get in return you ask? oh would you look at that... Feebas! ... a japanesse one at that so i don't know what it means... but the Feebas is level one so its staying on my team! ((now to find someone to trade with it to make it evolve...) but hey at least it knows Hypnosis and confuse ray... somehow... Fujino Gandolf(M) Dax(M) Feeb(M) The unwise Without Jax (might be changed) Level 8 Level 8 Level 1
Ok my other piece of advice is to look at the OU percantage use list... i know we had it at one point but eh. just look it over... look at the pokemon you really wish to use (pick one or two really) then look at the most used and ask... what could i possibly use that can work with my team WHILE being able to cover myself against these pokemon. For an example i will use this List i found (This is old and a picture) that is i don't know how old ago (though it was 6th gen) and use the top 5 as examples while using the pokemon i said on my first post as my two pokemon i wanna use (aggron and trevanent. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/679/948/c05.png Rotom-W (31%) this thing i know is gonna be seen a lot in the OU metagame... THANKFULLY Trevanent already can handle Rotom-W thanks to the fact that it resists both its stabs can stay with that thing for an indeffinate amount of time with Leach Seed, Will-O-Wisp, Harvest shenanigans Genesect (21%) now this thing is scary cause of its unpredictability and the fact that it can do whatever the heck it wants and still kill anything on my side... though a good pokemon i could probably use to Combat said bug is Infernape... it handles both its stabs... is faster then it and can punch that bug in the face for 4x damage. Lucario (19%) Aggron can tank Lucario... for a bit... until it mega evolves... BUT thankfully the pokemon that i chose last actually still works here too, Infernape can resist its Bullet punches... though it can't outspeed unless i choice it... OR an iron fisted Mach Punch to the face will tell it to GTFO. Talonflame (18%) now this thing i know is a big threat to my team cause Infernape doesn't like a Priority Brave bird to the face... nor does Trevanent... and Aggron can only take some many Flare blitz in a row before its down... the only pokemon that i know of that can combat such a evil for... Rotom-W, its fairly bulky, resists both its stabs, and can kill it with any of its stabs. Aegislash (18%) this thing is... predictable.. like very predictable, Rotom-W can have a very meh fight with it... Though Trevanent can easily handle it in a way, unless that thing carrys Shadow sneak, it will be burned... and then seeded... and then die a slow and painful death... heck Aggron can take a lot of hits from it and nail it with a EQ. And with that said i now have 4 Pokemon on my team, (aggron, Trevanent, Infernape, Rotom-W) now what my team needs here is some pokemon to support them, thankfully i know just the one... Sylveon, its a sp. Wall that compliments Aggron, has wish to help out some of my team at low health (mostly aggron) and can dish out PAIN with that Pixilated Hyper Voice. now what i miss is a 6th pokemon... This is where you need to experiment, i have many i can choose but only a few work... i could try Cofagirifus and see if it can help out the stall game with the Mummy and the Disables and the what not... i could try Whimiscott if i feel my opponent will probably just set up every time i try to stall... or i could even go Greninja if i feel my team lacks some SUPER COVERAGE... but yea, thats probably my best advice for a beginner i guess.
i swear heroic your becoming my least favorite person here now.... but anyways Just build a team that fits YOU is the main tip of the day... helped me when making my team, i was like "you know, Aggron is really awesome and now that it has a Mega... I wanna use it more, and that Trevanant, after using it once i wanna use it again and again" so i kinda built a team around them... a stalling team... Its painful but funny and works some of the time (i need to breed me a sylveon at one point...) Oh and Don't worry about laddering... just focus on battling some people and that If you want to proof you are the Best... well if Tenshi was still here... you would have to prove it by beating him but he isn't here so yea.
well I just delivered a letter to my mom saying "Tell your kid to leave your house and go on an adventure" so yea... Off to the new area with all me pokemons to the next route... that means you Gandolf... i still don't have pokemon so unless i get them before the next route i am gonna be unable to get anything for a long while... anyways with this town map... My adventure truely beg- wait my mom owns a Rhyorn? i though she loved ice types more... HAVE I BEEN... oh wait this isn't my mom but a figment of my imagination? well ok then... well i bought some few extra potions because well... its needed to be safe on a journy and off to Route 2 We go! Two steps into the wi- oh wild pokemon... well... uh since i don't have pokeballs this will the ONLY exception to the rule off can't catching so yea... Pidgey... sorry but you have to go... Anyways back on to said adventure i meet... the chipmunk girl and calem again... and they will teach the Pokemon catching thing... Yay pokeballs time! So yea it seems the guy cat- Fletchling... i don't like this guy now... and he caught a pokemon before me.... Oh the rivalry BEGINS... at least he gives me pokeballs... maybe out of self pitty or some reason but hey now i can catch my first pokemon, and its gonna be SO MUCH cooler then that Bunny i can tell you that! And so our FIRST tru.... its a Bunny... Well because of the special rules of the nuzlock i will have to wonder that thing cause NO WAY am i keeping a rabbit with me... i already have enough in my hat anyways... so a simple ember shou-.... one hit it... well there goes the pokemon i would have gotten... guess i will have to wait a long time before i get my next pokemo... Oh a trainer battle... this will be eh... and he sends out... Zigzagoon.... I want that somewhat... it would have been better then that rabbit... oh well an easy Battle and more money for me and now into a... forest... well its a new area so that means A NEW POKEMON FOR ME! oh wait the chipmunk girl is gonna heal my pokemon... with me... well uh.. ok she isn't a poke-center so you know... Yay... oh and a potion... double yay Welp the first pokemon i see in the fo-.... FLETCHLING! you will not last long, you will be in the wonder world SOON ENOUGH.. First ember hits and... burn... well you just made this difficult on me fletchling... First pokeball goes out and... Fletchling Caught but seeing as i despise that thing so... To wonder trade you go... OH who knows what i might get... hopefully it will be something Icy.. And off fletchling goes and here comes... Aerodactyl.... well ok then thats... something, BUT we must check its level and its level 1... makes sense... So that means we now have a new addtion to our team... and since i can't nickname you in game... I MEAN cause your not mine i will just think of your nickname for everyone else.. and you will be called Dax... cause dactyl... anyways With that i think it would be a good way to end the day off... Well this is FUJINO signing off! Fujino Gandolf(M) Dax(M) The unwise Without Jax Level 8 Level 1
Well as my adventure begins i met a Professor and Got my pokemon and that... Beat a chipmunk girl using the chipmunk pokemon chespin... met my friends and got my pokemon Fennekin (which for some reason IS A MALE) i would put more detail in it... which i did but then i back spaced and it was gone and i am too lazy to bring it all back so i am just summarizing... BUT THIS WILL NOT STOP THE GREAT FUJINO'S ADVENTURE! (also they asked me to give them a nickname so everyone at home and my friends can now call me Fuji-Chan) Fujino Gandolf(male) The unwise Level 6
Hello everyone, My adventure awaits in this brand new world we call Pokemon... who am i you ask... well none other then the most Famous person you have met... FUJINO! wait you never heard of me... Oh of course you have, i am the famous Ice gym leader of a region you have never heard about and or never will go to in a long time cause of how tough it is... But aside from that I am gonna start a new adventure because my brother Rodaku has already did so many and I felt that since he keeps having all these fun adventures, Why can't I!? so i left all my pokemon back at home the gym and will now begin my Adventure in the Kalos region! why Kalos? well thats easy because.... wait why am i starting in Kalos again... hm... Well i guess the details arn't really that Important all you need to know is that my Adventure will begin NOW and i will become the worlds POKEMON MASTER, the greatest there ever was, THE ONE WHO SHALL RULE TH-.... i mean beat everyone and make them pay me money for me to get more Pokemon and more money!
Hello all of you peoples of reborn and are of not reborn or maybe are but not really... I am Rodaku... 3 year member (and still going) and today i will like to share with you my first Nuzlock run... because why not, its gonna be fun right? anyways i set up some rules a bit for myself in this... FIRST: First pokemon i find in an area is the Pokemon i catch, if i don't succeed in catching said pokemon... then i can't catch anything else in said area, if i do catch.. thats the only thing i can catch, I can heal my pokemon ONCE at a pokemon center in each town (so i can only heal once in a town and if i wanna get healed again, i must head over to another town i haven't healed in) Healing items are fine and can be used at any time... Pokemon that faint will be put in the Dead Box (mostly cause i might wanna transfer some over to remember them). And last but not least, If i catch a pokemon but do not wish to keep it i CAN wonder trade it but i WILL have to keep what ever i get from wonder trade... ALSO if i get a duplicate of a pokemon i am FORCED to wonder trade it (evolutions count as duplicates) Also if the wonder traded pokemon i get is HIGHER level the the strongest pokemon i get... i am forced to wonder trade it for a new pokemon. And there are my Rules... MAY My... or well someones adventure begin!
Because i am bored and thats i will just give my few thoughts on each all the pokemon on the list because why not (even genesect and blaziken agains...) So lets start with Ubers to OU Manaphy - Manaphy was really considered strong last gen to get to ubers is the sweeping potential it had in rain... and with rain nerfed... well... Manaphy felt the pain too.... least it still has its Cute looks and some power to it (and heart swap) ((To note i have no huge opinion on manaphy so but i don't see it being a huge threat)) Zygarde - ... i really don't see why he should be in Ubers in the first place... Zygarde in my opinion is a Poor Mans Garchomp.. What Zygarde has over Garhomp is that it has better defenses and a bit better Sp. Def... but what it lacks.. is the attack of said Garchomp... heck its slower as well... and its Sp. attack is only 1 point higher... ONE POINT... and when you compare the speed of Mega Garchomp to Zygarde.. zygarde is faster... by only 3 points... its ability... well lets just say that it doesn't have one cause its useless UNLESS the enemy carrys a Yveltal or Xerneas... so yea... he should have been in OU the whole time... Ubers is just too much for him. Kyurem-B - It has Damage.... like.. TONS OF DAMAGE... but what it lacks in return... A move pool to actually use said damage... and with the addition to fairys... that move pool got a bit worse for it... but only a bit.. its still good but i am leaning towards it going OU somewhat (though that might be because i like how it looks... and that its an ice type legendary) Now to OU to Ubers Mega Kangaskhan - 2 hits... Every attack... is 2 hits (unless its Double hit... then we get some shenanigans). But yea Mega Kangaskhan got that one ability now that just made it WAY too good. stats wise is eh but that ability just means its doing double the damage with whatever move it uses (not including the chances of it criting) oh and don't forget if the move has a secoundary effect, it will still go off... Power-UP punch? hit once, get a boost, Hit harder Get another boost, you just now used Swords danced and punched your opponent to death (or near it) Mega Gengar - Remember how when Chadelure had Shadow tag and we didn't complain about it (except for the who just came to reborn) same can't be said about Mega Gengar... it has a lot more better stats then Chandelure (WAY more speed and Sp. Attack) and it doesn't care what can come it cause its move pool is diverse enough to handle any Situation... Mega Blaziken - Speed... more damage and some bulk to go with it... no weather can stop it now cause of the weather nerfs... it now got baton pass to leave a situation to someone else suited for the situation (ala Genesect)... yea i think it needs to go a bit (sorry may) Mega Lucario - Eh... i kinda see why but i don't see why... my opinion for Mega lucario for now is... it can stay in OU for all i care but then again i haven't a problem with Mega Lucario... Genesect - i am just say this right now, at first i was like, 'eh' but after reading all these posts... (and knowing how much pain and suffering this thing causes) i do wish it to be gone somewhat... its got the 'jayce' effect (or in non LoL terms) aka 'Jack of all trades, Master of all' it can do almost everything you want it to do and it will succeed 99.9 times out of 100... that is a Very bad thing... and every time i see a post defending Genesect and read it... most of the time... its causing me to want it banned more seeing as it tells me NOTHING at all about why it should stay... only more reasons to GO.
As much as i love Darkrai... it shouldn't be OU... that thing is scary once set out cause it puts your opponent on the back foot... once you send it in on something that can't do much to it then your opponent is stuck, they have to either Keep the pokemon in hoping the opponent will use Dark Void so they can safely switch in something to beat Darkrai cause of sleep clause... or Switch in early hoping that it only sets up... Darkrai also has an incredible speed to help it sweep stuff unless your opponent carrys a priority move of some sort. It also has BoltBeam... the best coverage in the game, adding this thing is like keeping Genesect in OU.. Speaking of Genesect on OU... nah it should be Uber... with weather nerfs it can work its wonders... yes the weather rocks will keep weather longer but it will still run out at one point... once the weather runs out genesect just comes in, kill the weather user or anything that would use the weather to its advantage or just set up since the weather user won't stand a chance most of the time. Genesect also having a such a huge varied movepool and the stats to do whatever it wants, Causes major problems cause no matter how you see Genesect on the enemy team, you won't know how to stop it until it actually comes into play, And that still won't help tell you what its gonna do. Genesect may have lost resistances to Ghost and dark... but that doesn't hurt it a lot.. it will still One hit dark types and it doesn't care about ghosts at all unless they carry Will-O-Wisp and even THEN its still gonna be able to do anything. The one biggest problem with Genesect though is that it brings the Big question... "why should i use X when Genesect can do the same thing but still have something else up its sleeve."
Ok, on the way of Klefki... annoying... maybe? though does that warrant it going to Ubers... OH NO... that thing will barely survive, EQ and [insert fire move here] destroys it (unless it brings up some kind of walls) annoyance is the only thing it has going for it really... bring in a ground type and klefki is bound to flee from you... and on the idea of swagger... well we would probably need to ban all other confusion moves a bit... though i am fine with keeping swagger in... its a Risk vs Reward move... You give your opponent an attack boost and pray he hits himself... or you get swept to death by what you did (unless its a Sp. attacker). though hitting yourself in confusion after a swagger is painful, (RIP Aegislash... one hitting yourself) it won't stop the problem of parafusion... its been a thing for a long time so you know.. eh... if Klefki had Parafusitract with a bit of Flinch... THEN it would warrant an 100% ban.. but for now... both things aren't THAT bad.
Pinsir (M/F) @ Pinsirite Trait: Moxie EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Quick Attack - Return / Thrash - Earthquake / Close Combat - Substitute / Swords Dance / Bulk Up So remember how Pinsir was inferior to Heracross and Scisor for a good... 5 gens now? well uh, we might need to rethink that now that with the bug trio.... Pinsir got a mega evolution... and my gosh how Powerful it got compared to what the others got... lets look and see what it gets. well first its Mega turns it to a Bug/flying... a common typing but yea it happens but that doesn't stop it there... it gets an ability called Aerilate which is basically Pixilate or Refergerate but it makes move Flying... and Pinsir can actually use this ability well, also it boost the moves that are changed to flying by x1.3 ... not including stab, which is crazy good... and since most normal attack are physical... well... now then lets begin at the moves... Quick attack is Mega Pinsirs main priority... and with its boosts... its gonna hurt a lot of things. Now here comes the big moves... Return... this move after the aerilate (or however its spelled) ability... and pinsirs 155 base attack... hits just as hard as a neutral Earthquake... from a Groundon with LO and the same nature... but if you don't feel like thats enough damage you can always go for THRASH... with MORE POWER.. but with the same drawbacks as Outrage. Next thing you want... Earthquake... if the opponent can resist a Flying type move... it won't take a Ground move, and thankfully Pinsir got one of the strongest Ground moves... or if you don't feel like it you can go Close combat.... but it lacks the coverage of Ground/Flying... and last but not least... i would go Support for the safety reasons and that and not to get burned or that... or you can go Swords dance and go LUDICRIS mode... or you know bulk up for half the ludicris and half the defense.