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Amanderr last won the day on August 21 2012

Amanderr had the most liked content!


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About Amanderr

  • Birthday 11/12/1995

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  • Location
    Rhode Island
  • Interests
    Im an avid artist, and I love pokemon c:
    Here's my DA: relentlessmanda.deviantart.com

    And Yes, I made my Picture :x

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  1. (23:23:45) Pocky: i merd a vernderng mercherne (23:23:47) Amanderr: I love xbox. (23:23:49) Amanderr: xD (23:23:52) [silver]Dark Pit: X Bawks (23:23:53) [silver]Dark Pit: ? (23:23:54) Pocky: terk dert (23:24:00) Amanderr: yerr xbawks (23:24:09) [silver]Dark Pit: My gods (23:24:12) Amanderr: dats wherrt i serrd (23:24:12) [silver]Dark Pit: I made like (23:24:23) Pocky: xberkz merstur rerce (23:24:24) [silver]Dark Pit: a 5 minute long tunnel (23:24:32) [silver]Dark Pit: SO MUCH GLASS (23:24:39) [silver]Dark Pit: SO MUCH UNDERWATER GLASS (23:24:46) [silver]Dark Pit: Then, I drowned (23:24:47) Amanderr: derr creeperers err scerry (23:24:55) [silver]Dark Pit: Oh, (23:25:04) [silver]Dark Pit: the creeper exploded and made me drown. (23:25:10) [silver]Dark Pit: It broke my tunnel (23:25:11) Amanderr: I dernt sperk engresh (23:25:13) Pocky: herherherher (23:25:21) [silver]Dark Pit: Killed the 5 of us (23:25:21) Pocky: i sperk erngrersh (23:25:29) Amanderr: i dernt nerr wert yer seryin (23:25:32) LittleYame: Who slipped Reborn the Derp Drug? >w> (23:25:41) Pocky: yermer derd (23:25:42) [silver]Dark Pit: .. (23:25:43) Amanderr: deerrp dreeg? (23:25:48) [silver]Dark Pit: Wait, there were 7 of us (23:25:49) Amanderr: ermergerd (23:25:58) [silver]Dark Pit: 7 of us, in a tunnel (23:26:07) [silver]Dark Pit: Creeper killed us all [silver]Dark Pit has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep! (23:26:09) Amanderr: werr erll gerrna dierrr (23:26:09) Pocky: derk pert (23:26:18) Pocky: terk erngrersh
  2. You always die when I tell you I love you ;0;
  3. When people joke about rape, sexual abuse, or physical abuse... It makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with people these days... And also reminds me of things better left forgotten...
  4. I already told my Olly-Boo Happy birthday c: But here it is again Happy Birthday Olly :3 <33
  5. Let the Night Club commence! (Amanderr): YAY >:3 Kay, Night Club times is over... (01:06:08) Amanderr: Darn (01:06:10) Amanderr: ;0; I never get to have fun :c
  6. (23:13:36) Pocky: So I need two arms, two legs, a body, a neck, a head, and a lady gaga wig? (23:13:42) Amanderr: Yes (23:13:44) Amanderr: ^ (23:13:52) Rose Knight Antimony: LOL AT THE kAST PART (23:14:04) Amanderr: KAST NIGHT I HAD A SAMMICH (23:14:18) Amanderr: >.> (23:14:19) Pocky: KAST TIME I REMEMBER YOU MADE A BURRITO (23:14:32) Amanderr: KAST NIGHT I DREAMT OF A BANANA UNICORN (23:15:17) Supergum1295: KAST NIGHT I DREAMT ABOUT MAI WAIFU (23:15:18) Supergum1295: >> (23:15:18) Supergum1295: << (23:15:20) Amanderr: KAST NIGHT I HAD A VIVID HALLUCINATION OF SALAD FINGERS AND LADY GAGA HAVING AN ORGY WITH A PILLOW PET. (23:15:24) Pocky: KAST FRIDAY NIGHT! (23:15:46) Amanderr: THE KAST SUPPER (23:16:04) Swimming95: O.O (23:16:13) Pocky: I litterally laughed at the Hallucintion line. (23:16:19) Amanderr: XD
  7. Evans is adorable x) And now I feel like the, least attractive girl on reborn xD Everyones so beautiful ;0;
  8. (16:19:34) Amanderr: *Amethyst... You should make me a sammich c: (16:19:37) +Ame|Reborn4: (but aside from that, it was an Unown) (16:19:44) +Ame|Reborn4: Hai Kid Dark. ;p (16:19:50) +Ame|Reborn4:Amanderr- What toppings? (16:19:59) Amanderr: hmmm. turkey, and cheese (16:20:04) +Ame|Reborn4: Mmkay, (16:20:05) +Hark: pop quiz. What's the first shiny pokemon Ash encounters in the anime? (16:20:07) Kitty Purry: No mayo? (16:20:10) +Ame|Reborn4: Noctowl? (16:20:11) +Hark: no google! (16:20:12) Amanderr: YES MAYO TOO (16:20:13) Amanderr: xD (16:20:14) +Hark: yes (16:20:14) Swimming95: hmm... (16:20:15) +Hark: << (16:20:16) Swimming95: butterfree (16:20:20) +Ame|Reborn4: Ohw ait, yeah (16:20:21) +Hark: oh true shit (16:20:22) KFC: Kirito (16:20:24) Kitty Purry: None, because Ash is an idio (16:20:26) +Hark: fuuuuuuu (16:20:26) Kid Darkness: Gotta get off my alt (16:20:27) Kid Darkness: XD (16:20:30) +Kirito: Mhmm. (16:20:31) Swimming95: hark... did I just outpokesmart you? (16:20:38) Swimming95: and what were you thinking of? (16:20:48) +Hark: I forgot :c they madea big deal out of it in the noctowl episode (16:20:51) *** Ame|Reborn4 grabs two pieces of bread, puts turkey and cheese on them, and then stick Amanderr in the middle of them *** (16:20:52) Swimming95: ... (16:20:55) +Ame|Reborn4: There you go, you're a sammich! (16:20:55) Swimming95: noctowl was late (16:20:58) Amanderr: D: (16:21:02) Amanderr: ok v.v (16:21:07) Amanderr: <3 (16:21:08) Kitty Purry: Still no mayo (16:21:10) +Ame|Reborn4: <# (16:21:11) 「AS」Silver Knight: Im back off alt (16:21:12) +Ame|Reborn4: / (16:21:14) +Ame|Reborn4: ... (16:21:14) +Ame|Reborn4: <3 (16:21:15) [sU]Pandora: lol (16:21:18) Kitty Purry: Put mayo on it (16:21:19) Kitty Purry: qq (16:21:22) 「AS」Silver Knight: Pandy! (16:21:25) Amanderr: YEA >:I (16:21:26) [sU]Pandora: Hello (16:21:28) *** Swimming95 glomps hark ** (16:21:37) +Hark: the list >:c (16:21:45) *** Ame|Reborn4 sets a jar of mayonaise on top of one of the slices of bread *** (16:21:46) +Ame|Reborn4: Done! (16:21:53) Kitty Purry: No pickles? (16:21:58) Amanderr: I am the best sandwich... EVAR (16:22:02) +Ame|Reborn4: I'd say she's in quite a pickle already. (16:22:07) *** Amanderr is now a sanwich *** (16:22:09) +Hark: ahahha (16:22:11) Amanderr: *sandwich, (16:22:14) Amanderr: oh the puns. (16:22:14) Amanderr: x3
  9. I dont even..... (11:51:57) +Godot: Damn Kuja and his Man-Thong (11:52:04) Rodaku: anyways Godot, ive you want a tip on any character ive used, just say so (11:52:11) Rodaku: (i also use GILGAMESH cause GILGAMESH) (11:52:24) +Godot: ... (11:52:27) +Godot: hiiiiim (11:52:35) Rodaku: And now... (11:52:51) Rodaku: We shall fight light Men, and Ladys, And Ladys Who dress like Men, for GILGAMESH, ITS MORPHIN TIME (11:53:06) Bowser: ... (11:53:07) +Godot: XD
  10. (00:55:50) Amanderr: I WANT TO MAKE ALL OF YOUR CHILDREN. (00:55:52) Amanderr: ALL (00:55:53) Amanderr: OF (00:55:55) Amanderr: THEM. (00:55:56) Amanderr: <.< (00:55:57) Amanderr: >.> (00:56:07) *** Amanderr shoots selff *** (00:56:11) JellyMan: kikny (00:56:15) [HLC]May: (00:56:16) Amanderr: YES, (00:56:18) Amanderr: VERY (00:56:18) JellyMan: dammit (00:56:19) +Wizard Howl: kikny, eh? (00:56:19) Amanderr: KIKNY (00:56:20) PUNJABIWARRIOR: dean (00:56:29) JellyMan: DAMMIT (00:56:31) [HLC]May: super kikny (00:56:39) JellyMan: KINKY DAMMIT, KINKY (00:56:41) Amanderr: Indeed (00:57:20) Reborn's Tyranitar: ._. (00:57:49) JellyMan: DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TOO, OWEN? (00:57:53) JellyMan: WELL?
  11. (00:42:36) +Hark: (the wink is a link ~Manderr) (00:42:48) JellyMan: i dont want to click that (00:42:50) JellyMan: ... (00:43:08) Pocky: (19:30:17) [Reborn]Aya: It probably is. (00:43:08) Pocky: (19:30:17) Kitty: Son, I am dissappoint. (00:43:08) Pocky: (19:30:20) * Ikaru giggles and runs off * (00:43:12) *** Cloud clicks *** (00:43:43) The Forgotten Kitty: what (00:43:48) The Forgotten Kitty: I didn't say that. :I (00:43:54) The Forgotten Kitty: When? (00:43:56) Unfityellowrock: TOURNAMENT (00:43:59) Pocky: Blonde, really? Leave my hallowed halls! (00:44:05) Pocky: DARIUS HATES BLONDES! (00:44:15) Pocky: RUN! HIDE YOUR BLONDES! HE'S COMING FOR USSSS (00:44:19) *** Pocky runs. *** (00:44:19) Cloud: omg (00:44:20) Cloud: HARK (00:44:23) Cloud: CAN WE USE THAT AT ANY TIME? (00:44:28) +Hark: ANY TIME (00:44:37) +Wizard Howl: I can do that without the coupon (00:44:49) Cloud: NO IFS, ANDS OR... (00:44:50) Cloud: teehee (00:44:52) Cloud: BUTS? (00:44:54) Cloud: << >> (21:55:55) Amanderr: Im not going to lie.. (21:56:08) Amanderr: Im giving you one more chance rotomfan... (21:56:12) Amanderr: one more chance... (21:56:51) Cloud: just one. (21:57:12) Amanderr: Because personally Ive never met some one who makes me so unbelievably pissed off that it makes me want to take them, shove their body in a barrel, attach that barrel to a pegasus, and make sure the pegasus gets executed by nuclear bombing. (21:57:31) Amanderr: But... thats just me, (21:57:33) Amanderr: >.> (21:58:16) Amanderr: just saying. (21:58:24) Supergum1295: On a scale of 1-10, the scouter says that Amanderr's pissed off level is 9001. (21:58:25) Pocky: Amanderr. (21:58:29) Pocky: Aya is like dat (21:58:31) Mczipo: Does it have to be a pegasus? (21:58:39) Pocky: But since you saw that. (21:58:40) Amanderr: It can be a fucking worm for all I care. (22:20:42) Amanderr: I LOVE YOU PANDORA (22:20:47) Amanderr: DONT DENY THE LOVES (22:20:48) Pandora: I love you too (22:20:52) Amanderr: x3 (22:21:01) Pandora: Marry me bby (22:21:17) Amanderr: I cant... I am forever Kittys Lover ;o; (22:21:28) Amanderr: Unless you are ok with Poligamy ;D (22:21:28) Pandora: Then dump her,idgaf (22:21:35) Amanderr: xDD (22:21:35) Pandora: .. (22:21:37) Pandora: Hardy left (22:21:45) Pandora: I fucking hate how this league works ._. (22:21:57) +Mashew: Why (22:22:11) Pandora: Because it's 4:20 AM and I'm still waiting for my match .-. (22:22:25) Amanderr: its 10:22 here xD (22:22:39) Pandora: Can I move and live with you Amy? (22:22:41) +Hark: Toke it (22:22:54) Amanderr: Why, Of course.. You are my Husband ^,^ (22:22:58) Pandora: (22:27:53) Pandora: (04:27:37) Hazama: ewwww RP sex (22:27:53) Pandora: (04:27:42) Amanderr: It is delicious D: (22:27:56) Pandora: cx
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