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Dark Desire

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About Dark Desire

  • Birthday 04/25/1997

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  • Location
    Sacramento, CA.
  • Interests
    Looking for a purpose

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Oof it's been awhile, here's an update of me + the bf; I'm on the right.
  3. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  4. you could get away with a pre-built pc but you might still find performance issues with a budget of $200 since lower end pre-built pcs are basically trash cans i'll edit this later if i can come up with a decent and budget pc build for you, and building a pc isn't hard at all https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8bBVf8 here's what I came up with, it's ~$230 but you're getting intel hd 510 graphics which should be fine for reborn and other 2d games along with 4gb of ram; this is not including a copy of windows though what I want to know is what are your current pc's specs are, cpu, gpu, and how many gb of ram?
  5. welp despite getting leavers on my team for a majority of my placements I managed to go 4-6 and get 1902 elo which was higher then i was expecting for my first ranked season
  6. -~$300 in cash -$50 steam gift card -clothes -electric razor
  7. So the winter steam sale started today and will last until the 2nd I believe, what is everyone planning on getting? And what sales have stood out to you so far? Right now I'm planning on getting civ 6, I could get it cheaper on GMG but I have a gift card for steam so I'm forced to buy it there :[
  8. no nerfs are needed, might see some buffs but im expecting just bug fixes theres also the chance that it could be new characters, we might hear about the switch port for sm4sh and the rumored announcements for a couple new characters incoming before the patch
  9. i try for 7 but sometimes end up getting 6 and im still able to function alright, whenever i dont have school though i try for 8
  10. finally bought back sm4sh, saw it on sale for $39 online at target
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