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Everything posted by Jory

  1. Outside- Jason The Trainer chuckled and shot Brendan his trademark grin. "Yeah, I actually saw one while we were inside. Let's head there now. I'm sure Professor Juniper will catch up with everyone near the door." As Jason began to lead the other Trainer toward the healing machine, he smiled broadly. "I'm glad you thought that was a good strategy. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision." The pair stopped by the entrance to the lab, waiting for the rest of the group to finish up outside. At the door they ran into Mio and Jack, who had headed toward the lab after their battle was over.
  2. It's really up to you how to calculate it, as translating it into total is fairly easy. Just remember that extra EXP rolls over into the next level if you're closing out EXP to 0 after each level. Yes, Chim, that's an excellent deduction. Go for it!
  3. Outside- Professor Oak and Alecks "Ah, I see. What an interesting little device," Oak said with a knowing smile. "You know, I'm glad they've stopped trying to improve on the aesthetic design. After all, everyone knows the first generation model is the best," he joked. He then sighed turning it over in his hands and giving it back to Alecks. "You see, I actually invented the very first Pokedex. My research used to be to catalog data on every Pokemon in the world. He looked off into the distance, a proud expression on his face. "I never dreamed it would be the beginning of so much. With the help of two very talented young Trainers about the age of those children over there and the Researchers that analyzed the specimens they captured, I was able to create an electronic encyclopedia. My very own grandson collected every single specimen in the Sinnoh Region all on his own before becoming the Viridian City Gym Leader and eventually the reigning Champion in Kanto," he said with a hint of pride. "But the other Trainer... He climbed to heights no one had ever imagined. At only ten years old he became the Champion of Indigo Plateau. By two years later, he'd conquered the Johto League and reached the summit of Mt. Silver. He was a true prodigy. No one has heard from him in over a decade, but I'd like to believe he's still out there. At least for his Mother's sake." The old Professor sighed once more, smiling at Alecks. "Thank you for indulging an old man's tale. I'd like to give you a parting gift, if you don't mind." The Professor extended his hand to Alecks, giving him a small fabric pouch. It was fastened shut by a drawstring with two tiny bells on them. If Alecks held the bag up to his head, he could hear a light jingling from them. While the burgundy fabric was opaque, whatever was inside it was perfectly spherical. Alecks has acquired a Mysterious Pouch (Key Item)! "Don't open it just yet. Take this as a lesson: 'Sometimes, you have to trust your instincts.' When the time is right, you'll know to open it. I promise," the Professor said, grinning with a gleam in his eye. "I do hope you enjoy your journey, Alecks. Great things await you." With that, Professor Oak turned and walked back into the Lab. Jason The new Trainer waited with his Pokemon near Titan for Brendan to be done speaking with Juniper. Once the Professor walked away, Jason approached Brendan with a smile. "Don't sweat the loss, Brendan. I'm glad my first battle was with you, though. That was a great strategy to pull Gomez back toward Titan! I can tell we're going to have some awesome fights in the future!" Jason added. Rascal pumped his fist enthusiastically, giving a cry of approval at his Trainer's declaration. Bianca Mio felt a hand gently rest on his shoulder. Bianca stood next to the new Trainer, a reassuring smile on her face. "Hey, don't worry! Loam is going to be just fine! We have a healing machine inside! You and your Mudkip did an amazing job in your first battle. It was a draw, so you didn't even lose!" She giggled and put her hand on her mouth. "At least you weren't Brendan! His Roggenrola didn't last very long at all against that other Trainer's Treecko," she commented. "And look, Meena is still okay!" Bianca gushed, trying desperately to cheer up the disconsolate young man.
  4. Outside- Professor Oak and Alecks Professor Oak cocked his head to the side. "Dear me, did I forget to introduce myself? Why, I was sure I had!" he chuckled, once again raising his hand to his head in embarrassment. "I'm Professor Oak, a Pokemon Professor just like your own Professor Juniper! I do my research in the Kanto Region. Do you happen to have a Pokedex?" he asked the young Trainer.
  5. It shouldn't. Both of you are new Trainers and neither of your Pokemon have battled before. Not every attack thrown should land and not every dodge should be successful. If the battle doesn't end by tomorrow night I'm going to call it a draw.
  6. Don't worry about conserving Move Points for now. There are no Move Tutors in Chapter 1.
  7. Outside- Jason Jason knew the battle was won the moment the Rock Blast was fired from Brendan's Roggenrola; however, he still had a fight to finish, and so did Gomez. "Let's finish this! Gomez, drain him dry!" The Treecko leapt away from the first Rock Blast and the second; however, he was not anticipating the third, fourth, and fifth. He took hits from all three, dangerously depleting his health. However, a spark of defiance glimmered in the Treecko's eyes. "Get back to your vines!" Gomez sped toward the entangled Roggenrola on shaky legs, sinking his hands into the creepers. His bumps and bruises began to disappear as his wounds healed and the Roggenrola's health wound down. Suddenly, Titan fell over. It was clear the Rock-type was no longer able to battle! Battle Complete! Rank B! Gomez has leveled up! Gomez can learn a new move! Titan has leveled up! Titan can learn a new move! Before either Trainer could react, Brendan felt a tap on his shoulder. It was none other than Juniper, who'd been watching the battle between Jason and Brendan. "Hey, you should have your Roggenrola hold this!" she said quietly, offering the new Trainer a small, purple stone. "Rock-types are notoriously weak to some common starter types. And it just wouldn't be fair for me to leave you at a disadvantage against the rest of your group," she said sincerely. "Roggenrola's defenses are high, but its Speed is low. This should help Titan weather a few extra hits nicely." Brendan has received Eviolite (x1)! Outside- ??? and Alecks "You're a boy, then?" the old man asked. "Well, it just gets harder and harder to tell these days. But young man, if you want others to take you seriously, I'd consider standing tall and not hanging your head like a berated schoolchild." The man chuckled and offered a hand to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Alecks. My name is Professor Oak. Juniper tells me that you older folks are a part of some hip new research program she's trying out. Let me tell you, sonny, back in my day we just went on our journeys as kids!" His expression softened and he appeared pensive. "But maybe it's just the sign of a changing world. In either case, I envy you all. Being able to go out and experience the world of Pokemon is an exciting time in your life. You'll never forget the friends and memories you create on this journey."
  8. music optional: Outside- ??? and Alecks "You and your Pokemon really showed a lot of promise in that battle," a voice said to Alecks. It was clearly the voice of an older man, but was full of excitement and vitality. Suddenly, he seemed to remember his manners. He smiled and closed his eyes, rubbing the back of his gray head in embarrassment. "Sorry, I just love watching new Pokemon Trainers battle. It reminds me of my younger days. I guess that makes it a bit of a guilty pleasure, right?" The man laughed at his own joke, his smile pulling at his wrinkled and weathered skin. He looked totally in his element out near the battlefields, his lab coat fluttering in the breeze. Who was this old guy? Just another Researcher? And where had he come from? How long had he been watching the battles? "What's your name?" he asked Alecks. He then leaned in and squinted. "My eyesight isn't quite what it once was. Tell me: Are you a boy, or a girl?"
  9. By the way, I'd like to point out that your XTransceiver is essentially a PokeNav or Poketch. Take your pick, it's still super useful and a good way to check in with Bianca or Juniper if you're ever unsure of what to do.
  10. Bianca Bianca giggled, waving to get Alecks's attention. "Yooohoooo!" she cried in a singsong voice. "You're doing an amazing job for your first battle, Alecks!" she shouted cheerily across the field. "You and that Chimchar of yours are showing a lot of promise. Unfortunately, this is a scenario where experience is going to win the day because like it matters a lot whether or not you've had to fight for a victory before. But dooooon't worry!" she added. "I'm going to teach you your first lesson of your Pokemon journey!" Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and Bianca's serious demeanor returned. "And that's how to handle losing." She snapped her fingers, authoritatively bringing her Snivy to attention. "Snivy, Leer." While Bianca had been speaking, a change had come over Snivy. Its cuts and bruises and burns were barely visible underneath a glowing green aura that was emanating from the snake. She gave her opponent an intimidating Leer. Apollo instinctively took an uncharacteristic step backward, unsure of what to make of this new development in his first battle. However, this hesitation was all Bianca needed. "Snivy, Vine Whip flurry!" The Grass snake leapt forward, using its Speed to surprise the Chimchar. It began its relentless onslaught, firing Vine Whips quickly one after the next. At first, it seemed Apollo would be able to dodge them all, as he nimble moved from side to side and up and down. As the exchange wore on it became apparent that though the two were similarly matched in their quickness under normal circumstances, whatever the strange aura around Snivy seemed to have made the difference. All it took was Apollo stumbling after a dodge to give Snivy the opening she needed. She quickly grabbed the Chimchar around its ankles, binding its legs together and holding it up over the battlefield with the other vine poised to strike. Bianca looked across the field to Alecks, smiling but still very sincere. "Alecks, you and Apollo are going to be an incredible team one day. Don't feel bad about this loss. After all, it's not every day that someone's first battle is against a Challenger," she added with a wink. "Snivy, put down that brave little Chimchar. He deserves a rest." The Snivy nodded, putting down her first enemy. She then ran onto the field, her bubbly manner returning as quickly as it had disappeared. "Ohmygod, Snivy, that was incredible! After an intense and gorgeous battle like that, you just must have a nickname!" she rambled. The Snivy nodded, her excitement for a name all her own growing. "Hmm... How about Diantha? You're strong and beautiful, just like the Kalos Region's Champion!" The Snivy nodded, happy with this name. "Sni!" she squealed, nuzzling her new Trainer. Bianca giggled and hugged her new Pokemon, excited to begin her new journey! Battle Complete! Rank B! Apollo has leveled up! Apollo can learn a new move! Diantha has leveled up! Diantha can learn a new move!
  11. Bianca "Snivy, you're not letting him go! Stop him!" the Trainer said. Snivy reacted quickly, lashing out behind the Chimchar with Vine Whip and preventing his escape. While Snivy took a heavy hit from the Ember, she also managed to land her Tackle attack through the flames. The vines bringing Chimchar back toward her once again provided a powerful, clean hit. She got up, looking charred and injured but still able to fight. Jason Gomez was sent flying through the air toward the Roggenrola; however, his Absorb vines were still connected, and that gave the young Trainer a bit of a crazy idea. "Gomez, use Absorb again! But this time, tangle the vines!" The Treecko still had one vine attached to each hand. As he moved forward more began to sprout, weaving themselves between the original two and attempting to latch onto the Roggenrola at the end. Finally, by the time Titan's attack had arrived, Gomez had created a cushion of damaging vines for his opponent to crash into. Gomez was knocked away from the vines. He sustained damage but managed to halve it thanks to his efforts, while the Roggenrola was now tangled n a veritable net of Absorb creepers.
  12. Bianca Bianca grinned widely as Alecks fired off his attack. "Wow, great strategy, Alecks! But you're not covering your bases!" she chimed in as the flames drew nearer to her Snivy. "Snivy, vault over the Ember attack and use Vine Whip!" The Snivy used the force of her vines leaving her neck to propel herself forward and off the ground, bringing the vines with her. She cocked them back and lashed six times, three with each whip, as she careened over the Fire-type monkey and landed behind it. The blows struck hard. Luckily, they were not very effective and the Chimchar only took half of the damage. Bianca pumped her fist. "Now that you're behind him, use Tackle!" Snivy launched herself back toward Bianca's side of the field, aiming directly for Apollo's back.
  13. Outside- Jason "Get out of the way!" Jason shouted at Gomez. The Treecko agilely leapt away from the first two, but got tagged by the third. However, the Treecko pressed onward. "Roggenrola is a Rock-type, so that means Grass moves are the way to go! Now, counter with Absorb!" Jason ordered. The Treecko shot its hand out as it leapt at the Roggenrola, flinging three narrow vines at the Roggenrola. They were covered in tiny hairlike roots that were adept at sucking the strength from their victims and were currently speeding toward Titan.
  14. Bianca As the vines connected with the Chimchar, Bianca pumped her fist. "Yes! Good job Snivy! Now, use Tackle!" However, as the Snivy moved to Tackle her opponent the Chimchar set the vines on fire. "Don't release him! Just because he's a Fire-type doesn't mean he's immune to danger! Bianca shouted from her position on the field. Snivy listened well, continuing to use her Tackle attack to full effect. The Snivy cannoned herself into her opponent, pulling the Chimchar toward her to create a strong attack. As the blow separated the two and Snivy was driven back, it was clear that she'd suffered damage from hanging on with her burned vines. She looked to have taken a strong hit, but was still more than capable of fighting. "Don't give up, Snivy!" Bianca cheered on from the sidelines. "I know you can do it!"
  15. Double posting because it's important that this get bumped. In the Unova Region, each Badge you get determines what rank of Trainer you are. Adults usually use their profession as their title, so it's not uncommon to run into Hikers and Triathletes and that sort as well. 0- Amateur 1-Rookie 2-Novice 3-Intermediate 4-Rising Star 5-Hotshot 6-Shooting Star 7-Ace/Ace Trainer 8-Veteran Has challenged the Elite Four: Professional (Pro) 1 Elite Four Token: Initiate 2 Elite Four Tokens: Disciple 3 Elite Four Tokens: Prefect 4 Elite Four Tokens: Expert Has challenged the Champion: Challenger 1 Champion Token: Champion 4 Champion Tokens: Master
  16. Bianca "I'm an experienced Trainer! It's going to take more than just an itty bitty head-on attack to beat me!" Bianca said cheerily. "Snivy, use your speed to slither out of the way, then use Vine Whip!" The Snivy moved with startling agility through the rain of Embers, coming out mostly unscathed. Then she fired two long, thick vines from her neck, attempting to catch the quick little Fire monkey in a binding hold. "Wow! You're so cool, Snivy!" she cheered, encouraging her Pokemon.
  17. Bianca Bianca whirled to face Alecks, face lit up with glee. "I'd love to!" she cheered excitedly, scrambling over to the nearest empty battlefield. She grabbed her new Poke Ball and stared hard at it, willing her Pokemon to hear her. "C'mon! It's our first battle together and I just know you're going to be amazing but even so I want you to try your hardest and do your best and heeeeeere we go!" she finished, twirling and throwing her Poke Ball in a practiced motion onto the field. In a bright flash of white, a Snivy burst from its Ball. The small Grass-type snake looked condescendingly down its nose at Alecks and his Chimchar, beckoning them to fight. "Your move first, newbie!" Bianca shouted. A battle has started between Researcher Bianca and Amateur Alecks!
  18. Yep. This began in Gen1 with Golem and Gengar being nearly polar opposites. On a separate note, Your Pokedexes are more like Ash's. They can tell your character information about a Pokemon. Unless your character has been motivated toward Pokemon their whole lives, I'd recommend whipping out the Pokedex as a method of showing your character isn't a know-it-all. Keep in mind that I as host form judgments of your characters and guide them into situations that will provide adversity, so if your character is a know-it-all he's going to have to do increasingly obscure things and so on because a Pokemon Journey is about personal growth as well as just setting shit on fire. In other words, remember to leave room for growth. I can't explain how much I've changed since I turned 18, so remember that it's largely your experience that shapes your actions and opinions.
  19. Bianca The girl shrugged at Katie's question, looking at her with curiosity. "I mean, I suppose we can't force you to. However, you don't want your first battle with your new partner to be on unfavorable terms. Right now you have an opportunity to gain some experience and even maybe learn a move. As a veteran Trainer, I wouldn't recommend passing that up. Heck, if anyone challenges me I'll be battling them with my new Pokemon. But the short answer is no, you don't have to battle." Jason The new Trainer ran enthusiastically to the far side of the field that Brendan had picked, his Treecko hopping from foot to foot eagerly. Once they reached the battleground, Gomez stood in the field. "We're ready when you are, Brendan!" Jason shouted down the field. A battle has started between Amateur Jason and Amateur Brendan!
  20. Professor Juniper's Lab- Everyone Juniper looked warmly at the three younger participants, then back at the group. "They'll be with you at times, but for the most part your adventure will be separate from theirs." She gestured to the double doors leading outside. "Well, I'm sure you're all just about ready to burst with excitement. We'll be heading outside so you can each have your first battles. Pair off with each other." She walked over to Bianca, removing a Poke Ball from her lab coat's pocket. "I know you already began your journey, but these new Trainers are going to need someone among them who can guide them. Let them make their own mistakes, but should they stray too far I think you should step in." She handed the Ball to Bianca, who nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Professor Juniper. I won't let you down." She cradled the new Poke Ball. "This is so exciting! I just can't believe that I have another new Pokemon!" she gushed, overcome with glee. Professor Juniper chuckled and shook her head, then beckoned for the group to follow. She led them through the double doors marked, "Exit" and outside. Outside- Jason The sun was shining brightly as the group stepped outside and into the large meadow behind the lab. Five large Pokemon battling fields were painted on the grass, arranged in a row from left to right across the meadow and situated between the treeline and the lab. "This is is, guys," the new Trainer said to his Pokemon. Gomez and Rascal both nodded, the latter chittering softly in excitement. Gomez simply bounced from foot to foot, appearing to loosen up before the fight that was sure to begin soon. Jason surveyed the crowd, selecting his opponent carefully. His eyes landed on Brendan, who had seemed like a pretty nice guy on the walk from Accumula Town. He locked eyes with the other Trainer and took a couple of steps toward him, ready to battle. "Hey, Brendan. I heard when Trainers lock eyes, they have to battle each other. I'll try to go easy on you since I have the type advantage," he joked. "What do you say to a Pokemon battle? And don't worry, Rascal's gonna sit this one out. It'll just be Titan and you against Gomez and me."
  21. Yeah, I wasn't too happy about that long wait. We'll have to discuss Azeria's availability with him. When you challenge someone to a Pokemon battle, bold the terms and the person/people you are challenging. To accept a challenge, bold your acceptance. Yay easy mechanics! Here are some teams: Pokemon Trainer Jason Hooper (as of 12/27/16) Team: Bag: Status: Pokemon Researcher Bianca Team: Bag: Status:
  22. Professor Juniper's Lab- Jason The new Trainer was busy hanging out with his Treecko, who he thought he was starting to get a handle on. Gomez was not quick to action, but when he did anything it was deliberate and done the right way. It seemed as though he was a bit of a perfectionist, which was fine by Jason. The brown-haired youth walked over to the pair that looked like their Pokemon were about to battle, cracking a grin. "Hey, hey, quit monkeying around," he said jokingly. "If you two are going to go at it, I'd put my money on that Timburr. No offense dude, but if that hug was any indication than your Chimchar's gonna get pulped." Professor Juniper's Lab- Everyone Professor Juniper stepped in front of Alecks, Katie, and Jason, shaking her head. "You'll have time to battle in just a moment, but make sure you go outside before-" she began. However, she was interrupted by the doors to her lab loudly banging open as three adolescents struggled with each other to be the first through. Finally, the sole youth of the group, sporting a spiky navy blue head of hair, managed to push his way to the front. As a result, all three collapsed on the ground. None the worse for wear, they continued their petty arguing and jostling all the way to the front, where they stopped moving but continued loudly yelling at each other until Juniper cleared her throat. Like a dog with a whistle, the three immediately stood at attention and ceased their hullabaloo. "Glad you three could make it," Juniper said warmly. She reached into the box and took out the last three Pokedexes, handing one to each of what were now obviously the Nuvema Town group. Each one went and collected their Poke Ball, then returned to Juniper's side. She had them turn to the rest of the group and called out for everyone's attention. "Everyone, gather around. These are the students from Nuvema Town," she began, introducing them. "They'll be going on their journey alongside you. I'm sure they have something to say to you all," she finished, gesturing toward the Nuvema students to introduce themselves. Jason Jason looked on with interest as the Nuvema Town kids were brought forward. He wondered which was going to be the strongest and which ones were going to be his top competitors before laughing it off, dismissing all of that as ultimately unimportant. After all, his Pokemon journey was about growing with his Pokemon, not about who was the strongest.
  23. Feel free to keep track of your own team. You guys have 1 person to worry about, whereas I have like... Too many o.O
  24. Nuvema Town- 10:00 AM After a lovely and otherwise uneventful jaunt down the seaside Route 1 Bianca happily led the group through the gate to Nuvema Town. The team members had all gotten each others' TINs as well as Bianca and Professor Juniper's. The blonde led them to the front of Professor Juniper's lab, then turned around and smiled at them. "Well, this is a big moment for you all." Her tone was utterly serious, not at all like the adolescent chatter of earlier. "Once you walk through this door, you'll be receiving your starter Pokemon. From there, your journey will begin. I won't be traveling with you, but I'll see you around. Professor Juniper is going to explain more about that." She looked them over one more time, nodding approvingly at the end. "You're all going to make great Trainers someday. But this is square one." With that, she turned and walked through the door and into the Lab, the rest of the group following her lead and entering. They found themselves surrounded at first by a reception desk. Bianca led them directly past it and through a lab containing both researchers and advanced scientific equipment all along counters throughout the room. Some of the Researchers were wrapped up in their projects; others waved at the group, smiling at the new Trainers and reminiscing about the beginning of their Pokemon journeys. They then proceeded back through a library, a large room lined with shelves upon shelves of books on the science behind Pokemon. Bianca tripped on a chair that had not been pushed in after use (for shame!), causing a loud noise. A librarian promptly shushed the girl, pressing her fingers to her lips. Past the library was another lab, this one smaller and with what appeared to be more specialized machinery. At the far workstation was a scientist bent over her desk, her brown hair bobbing as she scribbled notes down. She appeared to finish and put her pen down deliberately, rising from her chair and turning to face the new arrivals. She graced them with a warm smile, inviting them to move closer. "Thank you, Bianca," she said. "I'll take them from here." The scientist once again turned to face the group. "My name is Professor Aurea Juniper. Welcome to my Lab," she said as she walked from the workstation toward a table to her left. The group followed her, curious about what she would be showing them. "Today," she began. "you will be receiving a starter Pokemon. On each of your applications, you were asked to select three Pokemon that you would like to train. While not everyone got their first choice, everyone got a Pokemon from their list. So don't fret," she said with a knowing smile. "We arranged it so your group would be as diverse as possible in both type and species. But the most important thing to remember is that Pokemon are not toys." Juniper's dignified manner was just as imposing in person as it was on the XTransceiver. However, there was a certain warmth in her voice that just did not carry through electronically and made her seem much more human. "They can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable. So remember everything you've learned from the time you were a child until now. Use it to help you connect with your Pokemon. Beyond simply a tool for Trainers, your Pokemon will grow to become some of your closest friends. They will be with you through trials that test the very fabric of your being, asking whether or not you are worthy to continue. And hopefully, with the help of your Pokemon, you will be." She cleared her throat. "As you are aware, your journey is intended to help us understand how going on a journey as an adult differs from going as a young person. As such, there will be a group of youngsters from Nuvema Town who will leave with you on your journey. They won't be with you the whole time, but I'm sure you will all be happy to know that Bianca will be accompanying them as a chaperone of sorts. Now, to the fun part," she said with a wide grin. She took a box off her desk and went around to each research participant, handing them a standard red Pokedex. Juniper took one for herself as well. "This is the latest Pokedex. I heard you kids all like retro stuff now, so I special ordered them to look like Professor Oak's original model. You can change the color somewhere in the menus," she added. "And now for the most important part of the day," she continued, gesturing to the Poke Balls on the table. Each one was in a small cradle that had a paper name card on the front. "You can all feel free to take your Poke Ball and let your Pokemon out. None of them are too big, so we should be fine with the space we have." Professor Juniper's Lab- Jason Jason practically sprinted toward the table after Juniper said they could take their Poke Balls, scrambling to find his among the nine that were present. Finally, he saw his name printed in bold (JASON HOOPER) and grabbed the Poke Ball. He turned to the Minccino on his shoulder as he backed away from the table and looked him in the eye, nodding. Rascal was trembling with excitement. "Well, bud, ready to meet our new friend?" Jason asked. Rascal nodded, bracing himself. Jason pressed the button in the center of the ball, releasing a Pokemon in a bright flash of white light. A Treecko looked up at Jason and Rascal with curiosity, his yellow reptilian eyes blinking slowly as he registered the new Trainer in front of him. "Hey, I'm Jason," the new Trainer said, not really sure how to react. He crouched down to be at eye level with the Grass-type. "I'm your new Trainer. You alright with that?" The Treecko seemed to consider this offer, then crossed his arms and shrugged. He walked a couple of steps to Jason, extending his balled fist to his new Trainer. Jason was shocked, his eyes wide. "That's... freakin'... AWESOME!" he shouted, elated at the prospect of having such a cool Pokemon. He quickly fist-bumped the little gecko, eliciting a slight grin from his new Pokemon. The Treecko sighed and shook his head, rolling his eyes at his Trainer's overreaction. "Oh, right, we have to name you," Jason said as an afterthought. He looked at the Treecko and nodded. "I've got just the name for you. You'll be Gomez," Jason said with certainty. Rascal chittered his approval, swishing his tail back and forth in excitement. He leapt down from Jason's shoulder, walking in a circle and examining Gomez curiously. "Do you like that?" The Treecko nodded. "Tree!" he contributed.
  25. Route 1- Captured! Bianca cheered as the Poochyena delivered its blow. "Alright, now watch closely!" she reminded the students. She took a Poke Ball out of her jacket and threw it at a Patrat, scaring off the others as their comrade was sucked into the light. The ball shook three times and then clicked, indicating the Patrat had been captured! D-Tier battle finished! Experience gained! Bianca walked over and picked up the Ball, turning to the rest of the group. "You guys did amazing! Now, if no one has any questions we're going to head to Nuvema Town!" She smiled widely before turning to walk down the path toward Nuvema. Jason grinned at Rascal. "That's how we do things, bud! Good work!" After complimenting his Pokemon, he followed Bianca toward Nuvema Town. ((posted this from mobile. Nuvema Town is coming this weekend!))
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