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Everything posted by Jory

  1. K_H, there were no closed doors you could open. Which one were you referring to?
  2. I don't know what that means, so probably not.EDIT: Just realized it's a matrix reference. No it's not. You're exploring the house for now.
  3. Route 2- ???- "Creepy Clearing!" The walls felt like regular plaster walls. There was nothing special about them. Despite Jack's best efforts, he was unable to find some kind of weird secret passage. It seemed as though he was better off exploring one of the more obvious options first.
  4. Route 2- Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Mio Fortunately for Meena, her Fake Out attack worked perfectly. As the Rattata came hurtling in at high speeds, it realized only too late that the Meowth was prepared to intercept it. "Rattata, no!" Joey shouted. However, he was too late. Meena clapped her paws on the Rattata's ears, causing the rodent to stagger for a few moments. "Rattata, Hyper Fang!" Joey shouted desperately. The rodent's fangs began to glow an angry red, foreshadowing a powerful attack. Still, it would be a few moments before the Rattata recovered enough to launch its assault on the Meowth. "That's all the power you've got behind your attacks? Wait 'til you get a load of mine!" Joey taunted once more, trying to throw his opponent off. "That curmudgeonly kitten has nothing on my Rattata!" Brendan Allen's frustration grew as his Purrloin's doubles began to dissipate, the Rock Blast attack taking out two with its first volley. How? the Youngster wondered. How is he so accurate, even with sand all over him? It was then that a realization dawned on Allen. Sand Attack relies on obscuring the opponent's vision! If that's not working, then that means Roggenrola's primary sense isn't sight! He smiled wryly, giving his opponent the smuggest look he could muster. "That's really all you have?" he asked as the Roggenrola launched its third rock. "Mittens, Snarl again!" he shouted. The two doubles moved forward, both of them avoiding the third and final rock that was launched. As they approached, Titan began to use Harden. Perfect! Now that he's locked himself down, it's our time to shine! he celebrated as Mittens skidded to a halt. Both of the Purrloins used Snarl, sending black rings toward their opponent. Which was real and which was the fake? Being able to tell would mean the difference between taking Special-side damage and being able to launch a successful counterattack. Jason The Patrat got the wind knocked out of it by the hit. However, he wasn't about to let this cheeky little Minccino get the better of him. "Patrat, Tackle!" Calvin shouted. The Patrat ran at the Minccino, staying on the ground this time to keep his traction and ability to change direction as he hurtled toward the small Normal-type. Jason smiled and shook his head, looking to Rascal. "Hit him with a Double Slap as he approaches!" Jason ordered. The Minccino darted in a zigzag toward the Patrat, attempting to outmaneuver his opponent. The two traded jukes and feints for a few moments before Rascal appeared to gain the upper hand, closing in on the Patrat's side with his tail already swinging. "Now! Bide!" Calvin said authoritatively. The Patrat suddenly began glowing red, then stood in place. Rascal's attack landed cleanly all five times, knocking the Patrat back a few steps but not managing to knock him onto the ground. Instead the rodent began glowing an even brighter red, its eyes glowing in its face as it took more and more damage. Still, the Patrat was left standing after the attack. Although it was clearly fatigued from taking multiple hits, there was no accurate way of knowing how much steam the rodent had left. "Rascal, retreat!" Jason said tentatively. The Minccino backed off, bounding backward toward his Trainer and away from the now-red Patrat. What do I do? he wondered, at a loss for the first time that day. I could keep attacking, but if I don't knock his Patrat out then Rascal's toast! he thought worriedly. But, he can't attack until after my next attack. So that means I have to make this one count! Calvin saw the confusion on the other Trainer's face and grinned. "What's the matter? Patrat got your tongue?" Calvin taunted, sticking out his tongue and spinning the propeller on his head. Route 2- ???- "Creepy Clearing!"- Jack Jack saw images flash through his mind. A small house, a dog, a woman, food, children, a tree. All of these flashed in front of him before he felt himself come to. However, when he sat up Jack was no longer in the clearing. Instead, he found himself in what appeared to be the living room of a home. Lara and Leonidas were with him; however, when Lara tried to bark, no sound came out. As the Pokemon approached their owner, there was only silence where the sound of softly padded footfalls should have been. On top of that, Jack's vision was cloudy and many of the objects in the room seemed to blend together. Upon looking around and trying to get his bearings, Jack would have noticed the distinct lack of a knob where it should have been on the front door On the walls hung pictures of a family of four- a man, a woman, and two infants. Around the room, Jack would have noticed definite signs of recent habitation. There were dirty dishes on the dining table, as well as a TV that was on but showed only static. Flowers sat in vases quarter-filled with water, the petals still attached and very much alive. In front of him and to the right was an open doorway that seemed to lead into a kitchen, while the left side of the room was home to a staircase leading up to the second floor. Against the back wall, opposite the front door sans knob, was another open doorway. However, unlike the kitchen doorway, whatever lay inside this one was completely obscured. It didn't seem as though he would be leaving from where he was any time soon. The Amateur Trainer would have to find another way out. Upon looking around and trying to get his bearings, Jack would have noticed the distinct lack of a knob where it should have been on the front door
  5. Tonight's update is going to be a big one with advances for Brendan, Mio, Jack, and Jason. Stay tuned! EDIT: lol fell asleep early. I'll get one up today.
  6. Hey all- I've been busy working the past couple of days, but today's the last day of the program I was part of. I'll have something up later tonight. Love, Jroy
  7. Route 2- Hilltop- Creepy Clearing! As Lara and Jack approached the old man, the temperature in the clearing dropped by twenty degrees. The fog, which had previously been kept at bay, seemed to appear at once in the clearing, obscuring everything but the man and the gravestone from sight. The old man slowly rose to his feet, his eyes remaining closed the whole time. Everything was crushed by an oppressive silence, not even the telltale rustle of grass sounding as the elderly fellow stood up. Immediately, Lara regretted her decision to bother the old man. She whimpered and returned to Jack's side, hiding behind his legs and watching the old man carefully. Suddenly, he opened his eyes. There was nothing there but blackness, an abyssal void of neverending nothingness in each hollow socket on the old man's face. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Instead, Jack felt a heavy presence settle in his mind before the ear-splitting, blood-curdling screaming began from the back of his head, radiating through his skull like a lightning strike. It was clear from the immediate howling and mewling roars from his side that his Pokemon were also being exposed to the same treatment. The old man grabbed Jack by the shoulders, pulling his face closer to the infinite blackness. Suddenly, the Amateur Trainer and his Pokemon collapsed on the ground. The wind blew harshly across the hilltop and the old man dissipated with it, particles of dust flying away in the breeze and leaving Jack, Lara, and Leonidas unconscious in the relative safety of the clearing.
  8. Route 2- Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Mio "A Meowth, huh? Jeez, it looks like someone tried to tape fur to a Shellos!" he taunted, mocking the Meowth's ragged appearance. Joey and his Rattata faced down their opposition, sizing up the mangy Meowth and her Trainer. This guy... He looks like a total weakling, but he's a good Trainer. Joey sneered at Mio once more, attempting to maintain his cocky exterior while analyzing how he could best bring down the Meowth. It was stronger and faster than his Rattata; however, he had an ace up his sleeve. Confidence restored, the Youngster pointed to Meena and resumed the battle in earnest. "Rattata, Quick Attack!" the Trainer shouted. His Rattata bounded forward, quickly closing the distance between himself and Meena for a shoulder charge. Brendan Allen didn't issue any commands, confident that Sand Attack had done its job. As a result, Mittens calmly licked her forelegs as Titan launched his attack. However, she was shocked into taking a leap back to narrowly avoid it, and then take another leap as the rocks continually found their target and forced her to dodge. The third, fourth, and fifth rocks collided cleanly, sending Mittens skidding along the ground toward her Trainer. "What?" Allen shouted, totally surprised by the Roggenrola's accuracy. "How could that be possible?" he raged. "Mittens, use Assist!" he ordered, his back against the ropes. The Purrloin stood up on her hind legs and began waving her paws in an intricate pattern, leaving afterimages behind them. Slowly but surely she began to become blurry as afterimages of Mittens began appearing in a small crowd around the original. By the time her attack was finished, there appeared to be four Purrloins in a semicircle beginning to close in on the Roggenrola. Jason "Patrick, use Detect!" the Youngster ordered. The Patrat's eye gleamed and he dodged all five of Rascal's swings cleanly, ending in a back-handspring that left him on his feet, his back to the boundary line in front of his Trainer. "Now, Bite!" Calvin countered. The Patrat dove toward Rascal, his buck-teeth turning matte black in the cloudy afternoon light. Jason was prepared, though. After all, what kind of Trainer would get hit on the second move of the battle? "Rascal, get under him and use Tickle!" he said, planning to use the Patrat's missile-like trajectory against him. Rascal lay flat, allowing the Patrat to pass over his head harmlessly. As the Patrat landed, Rascal darted in behind him and used his tail to tickle the rodent, leaving him with crippled defenses as he stifled his laughter and involuntarily moved his limbs to combat the unwelcome sensation. "Follow up with Pound!" Jason continued, opting for the speed and accuracy of Pound over the less reliable but more powerful Double Slap. His Minccino spun quickly, dealing a sharp blow to the Patrat's abdomen and sending him rolling back out of striking distance. Calvin grunted in frustration, unused to anyone but Joey outmaneuvering him so easily. "You can't dodge my attacks forever!" Calvin shouted angrily, shaking his fist. Jason simply smiled as Rascal took a wide stance and extended his paw toward Patrick, curling the end in in a challenging taunt. Meanwhile, Gomez shook his head at the obnoxious maneuver, hoping for the Youngster's sake that he wouldn't fall for the simple mental ploy.
  9. Sand Attack is not Sandstorm, so no to 2. As far as Sand Attack being effective, you'll have to decide that for yourself. There's a definite answer to the question but I'm not going to give you the answers. You're an Amateur Trainer. Figure it out yourself and learn from your experiences.
  10. Route 2- Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Mio "Magoo, block with Rock Throw!" Joey shouted. However, the Slugma was unable to react quickly enough to block the more focused single Water Gun. It was hit cleanly, throwing up a cloud of steam that obscured the combatant from view. "Magoo, get up!" Joey cried. As the steam cleared, however, it became clear that Slugma was unable to battle. Joey sighed and returned his Pokemon, muttering a quick "thank you" before clipping its Ball back to his belt. He then grinned and reached for his second Ball. "You're about to face the undisputed Champion of Route 2! Are you sure you want to keep using that Mudkip?" he asked. Brendan "You're right, this is a totally different ballgame!" Allen said confidently across the field as his Purrloin dodged all of the Rock Blast shots with ease, then proceeded to sit on the field and groom herself. He doesn't know that we can use Special attacks! He can use Harden all he wants, but we can still hit him, the Youngster thought to himself, grinning cockily. "Mittens, what are you waiting for? Snarl!" he ordered. The Purrloin sighed and rolled her eyes before standing up on all fours. She raised her hackles and hissed at the enemy Roggenrola. As she did so, three black rings were fired from her mouth at Titan. Jason The Amateur Trainer grinned at Calvin. Now that he knew what the Kricketot would try to do if he attacked, he could beat it. He looked down at Gomez, determination shining through in his eyes. Gomez nodded to his Trainer, indicating he was ready to launch their next attack. If he couldn't even defeat this little Kricketot, how would he be able to defeat Dragons and Fire-types? This was his moment to establish momentum going forward. "Gomez, Absorb!" he shouted. The Treecko leapt forward with a burst of speed, firing vines at the Kricketot. "Up, now!" Jason ordered. Gomez leapt up into the air, the vines still heading for Kricketot. "You've tried this before! Krickelicious, Bug Bite!" the Youngster shouted. The vines began to be cut on impact as the Bug-type went to work, slicing up the Absorb vines. In fact, he was so busy doing that that he totally forgot about the Treecko bearing down on him from above. "Pound!" Jason cried. "No, Krikelicious, Struggle Bug!" Calvin yelled out desperately. However, he was too late. Just as Krickelicious began glowing, Gomez came down from above in a front flip swinging his tail down with the assistance of gravity onto the Kricketot's head and back. The cricket Pokemon hit the ground again, but this time he did not get up. Calvin returned his Pokemon, looking rather upset by this turn of events. "Alright, fine! You want to play the hard way, we can play the hard way!" he said angrily. "Patrick, I choose you!" he said quickly. The Patrat, which had been standing near his Trainer for the duration of the battle, jumped forward and took the field. "Since I knocked out your last Pokemon, I get to make a switch of my own!" Jason declared. "Gomez, take a break. Rascal, you can take this one." The Normal-type and the Grass-type switched places, tagging Rascal in as they passed each other. Rascal gave Gomez a smile, which the Treecko answered with a smooth grin. He took his place next to Jason, intently watching what was going to happen in this battle. "Rascal, let's lead off with a Double Slap!" Jason began. Rascal darted forward in a zig-zag pattern, quickly making his way toward his enemy. As he took his last pivot, he turned around and launched himself backward at the Patrat, looking over his shoulder and swinging his tail viciously.
  11. Route 2- The Clearing- "Creepy Clearing!" Jack ran faster and faster, stumbling several times as he made his way hastily up the hill. His Pokemon followed hot on his heels, spooked by the fact that their Trainer was so nervous. As they crested the top of the hill and arrived under the red maple tree, there were two sudden changes to their surroundings. First was the circle of freshly manicured grass that they stepped into, the center of which was offset from the tree by roughly four meters. The second was that fog seemed lighter up here and was completely absent within the circle of shorter grass. Not even the rustle of grass could be heard now. There was absolutely no background noise, a rarity in Unova even in the countryside. As he caught his breath inside the circle, Jack noticed that he was not alone. In the center of the circle was a single, rectangular gravestone. It was heavy-looking and sat on a small base. What drew Jack's attention, though, was the old man who was kneeling in front of the grave. The top of his bald head was spotted with age, and he seemed to slump along with the weight of the world. His shoulders hung loosely at his sides. He hadn't seemed to notice the Amateur enter the clearing, as he appeared to be wrapped up in whatever he was doing in front of the grave.
  12. Route 2- The Clearing- "Creepy Clearing!" As Jack progressed through the tall grass, everything grew deafeningly silent save for the sound of him and his Pokemon's footsteps rustling through the brush as they made their way toward the summit in the center of the clearing. Just as Jack had predicted, the fog grew thicker as the trio trekked up the hillside. The trees surrounding the clearing were invisible now, the fog obscuring Jack's vision long before he would have ever seen them. The grass, growing well above his waist, provided some refuge for the small Pokemon at his side, breaking up the fog between the thick blades of green. Suddenly, Jack felt something wrap around his ankle. It did not pull, merely probed at him. It slowly snaked up his calf, sending a racking chill down the Amateur's spine before releasing its grip and allowing him to continue on his way. Not a sound was heard through the whole experience. Lana and Leo had not noticed that the threat had come and gone in complete and utter silence. It was impossible for Jack to tell what had grabbed him. All he could remember was that chilling touch. It began to feel as though something was out there watching him. Inwardly, his instincts screamed at him to make for the hilltop. Surely he would be safer once he reached higher ground, and hopefully he would get above the fog that was beginning to feel more and more suffocating by the minute.
  13. Alright, Flux you're gonna be super thrilled with my list of characters. If you'll remember I rode both of those RPs into the grave with you. Lucius "Lux" Jet, alias Photon (The Awakened)- easily one of my favorite characters in here that never had the chance to get fleshed out. I had a character arc planned with Flux about his brother (Sentinel), whose only power is an inability to die. If I remember correctly Hades was supposed to kill him, as only Hades had the power to do so. Photon could take in and expel light, making him more powerful in broad daylight or in a spotlight than most Awakened, but nearly powerless in the dark. He was going to go antihero at some point, but he was young enough at the beginning that it made sense for him to be idealistic. I would have loved to write his fall. Roland Charleson (Aervana)- the classic "ranger" archetype. He was a badass in every sense of the word, but noble to a fault. His story was one of a noble who just walked away from it all to wander and help people when he was able to. I remember him doing a load of damage to that big monster in the area with all the pillars, which was a really fun fight. Aervana was always one of my favorites and I was sad to see it go. Jacob Robertson (Ymora)- Oh gosh... Thinking about Ymora brings back some bad memories just because of what was going on IRL at the time. But Jacob was always a cool character. Teo, Chalchi, Arete and Spitfyre were just super awesome Pokemon that I'd be happy to carry into another RP. But that's for the sequel I have planned for Luminous Dawn, so shhhhhhhhhh Jason Hooper (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- I love Jason because he's every bit the Pokemon lover I am. He's a bit of a self-insert, having my two favorite Pokemon as his starters, so I'm attached to him in that sense. Also, he's the protagonist in the RP I always wanted to join. After all, that was my inspiration for Luminous Dawn. Bianca (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- I never expected to have so much fun writing Bianca. She's the only girl I've RP'd on her and I have to say that her bubbly yet commanding personality makes it really just a great time to put her to paper. Leon (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- ??? Vier (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- ???
  14. Route 2- Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Mio Mio's strategy worked somewhat effectively, as Loam was able to make it through the cloud without sustaining much damage. However, Mio hadn't accounted for the fact that amphibians like Mudkip are able to breathe through their skin. The Mudkip shuddered as it came out on the other side of the cloud. It was not poisoned, but that hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience. Still, without Slugma being a Poison-type, the physical damage done to Loam was minimal. Thus, the mudfish was still able to fire off two Water Gun shots. This new strategy took the Youngster by surprise. Usually his opponents tried to dissipate the Smog instead of charging into it. "Magoo, dodge!" he shouted. However, the lava slug was not fast enough to avoid the incoming attack. It was hit once, then twice by the incoming bolts of Water. The attacks caused its skin to sizzle and the magma slug to recoil from the water, falling back across the path and closer to its Trainer. "Alright, Magoo, it's time to regain our momentum!" he said loudly. This Amateur's a lot tougher than he looks! That charge through the Smog was a ballsy move! he thought to himself, trying not to let the rising feeling of anxiety escape into his expression. "Magoo, use Rock Throw!" he commanded. The Slug smashed its face into the ground causing a softball-sized chunk of earth to rise up. The Slug then swung its head once more, slamming the rock hard across the field toward the relatively close Mudkip. Brendan Meanwhile, Allen's Starly flew into the equivalent of a stone wall with enough force to deal recoil damage. Although it had been intended as an attack, really all the Starly was able to do was injure itself against the Roggenrola's rock hard defenses. Then came the counter that Allen never anticipated, especially given the fact that he'd counted on Titan being knocked back. As a result of his gross miscalculation, All-Star was perfectly positioned for Titan's counter attack. He used Tackle, hitting the vulnerable bird hard in its chest. The Starly was sent flying backward to its Trainer's feet, its eyes rolling around in their sockets. "Shoot!" the young boy muttered under his breath, disappointed that his prized Starly had been defeated so early. "All-Star, return!" he said bitterly, returning the Starly in a flash of light. "Next up is a real competitor! Mittens, I choose you!" he shouted vigorously. Another flash of light went off and a Purrloin appeared on the field. She licked her lips greedily, eyeing her opponent. The Rock-type's armored body gleamed in the dim light of the cloudy afternoon, indicating that he had received a defensive boost. "Mittens, Sand Attack!" the Youngster shouted. When a direct attack fails, you gotta bring them to your level! Allen thought to himself, feeling suddenly outmatched by the solitary Rock-type. The Purrloin dashed toward Titan, then turned and kicked her hind legs toward the opponent. A cloud of sand showered the Rock-type, obscuring its vision. Jason Calvin was in a tough spot, but he wasn't done yet. "Krickelicious, use Bug Bite on the vines!" The Kricketot leaned its head down, chewing at the vines that encased it with glowing green mandibles. The creepers fell away from the Kricketot and it bounced backward, ready to fight once more. The cricket was breathing heavily, its body shuddering from the damage it had sustained. Clearly the Pound attack had taken its toll on the little Bug-type, and being hit with the Absorb attack hadn't helped either. Jason took the opportunity to give an order of his own, pressing the attack. "Gomez, use Quick Attack!" the Amateur Trainer called. The Grass-type sprang forward, a trail of white blazing behind it as he rushed toward his opponent with his shoulder dropped. I need to counter this attack or my Kricketot's finished! Calvin thought. "Krickelicious, Struggle Bug!" the Youngster shouted desperately. A red glow shrouded the Bug-type as he awaited his enemy's attack. Just as Gomez grew close enough to make even a veteran battler sweat, the red energy ballooned outward. Gomez was caught in the blast and sent backward. He rolled out of the fall and landed safely in a superhero pose, but his eyes narrowed. This battle wasn't over yet, and both Pokemon knew it. Suddenly he winced, shaking his head. A faint red aura surrounded his body for a moment, weakening his ability to use his Special attacks. "Gomez, you good to keep going?" the Trainer asked his Treecko with concern. That was no slouch's attack. I guess there's a reason these kids were so cocky, he thought to himself before turning his attention back to the battle. His Treecko looked back at him and nodded resolutely, still totally able to battle. After all, the health he'd been able to sap from the Kricketot had provided a nice barrier against the damage he ended up being dealt.
  15. This should go without saying, but if I'm sending you on a quest I clearly have a title in mind for it. The only reason Shadow was allowed to update his own quest was because he ran it by me first. I will give you an objective when I want to unless you PM me with a thing in mind. Idk why I even have to say this to be honest.
  16. Route 2- The Clearing- Jack As Jack approached the snapped branch, a Purrloin jumped out of the bushes and ran into the clearing, disappearing into the tall grass. A Murkrow suddenly cawed overhead and another chill crept down Jack's spine. Even Lara and Leo seemed to get nervous as a light fog began to descend on the area. The only thing that could be seen above the fog and tall grass at this point was the hill, which seemed to beckon to him like an old friend across the way. Side Quest Cleared: "Forest Findings!" Side Quest Added: "Creepy Clearing!" -Investigate the hilltop
  17. Minor change: - Draining moves can return above maximum health capacity, but will be cut to 20% drain once at or over max. K_H, I just ad-libbed an awesome quest for you. Ya welcome boiiiii
  18. Route 2- Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Joey sneered at Mio as the Water Gun was launched at his Slugma's head. "Is that the best you can do? Magoo, duck and use Smog!" The Slugma oozed its head into the rest of its body, easily dodging the accurately aimed Water Gun. As it came up from its slime pile, it opened its mouth and began to spout a cloud of noxious gas. It crept slowly toward Loam, the Mudkip facing a slow, wide wave of black smoke now that the Slugma had launched its counter-attack. Allen grimaced as he saw the Roggenrola pop out of its ball, and was caught by surprise when it used Rock Blast. "Quick Attack! Dodge it, All-Star!" he cried. The Starly darted forward, maneuvering through the first two rocks with ease. However, the inexperienced Flying-type was hit squarely with the third and final rock, causing it to drop to the ground. However, it hadn't sustained enough damage to be removed from the battle. The Starly took to the skies once more, keeping a closer eye on the Rock-type this time. "Now we counter! Use Quick Attack!" the Youngster shouted. The small bird flew down and then along the ground, the same white trail as before snaking behind it as it flew serpentine to avoid the rocks. The Starly was getting ever closer to Titan, its attack gaining both Speed and momentum from the dive-bomb maneuver. Jason Jason decided to throw off the Youngster and remained silent, staring down Calvin as he reached slowly to his belt. He took Gomez's Ball off it and threw it, releasing the Grass-type in a swirl of leaves. The Youngster snickered, shaking his head. "You're clearly a noob, so let me fill you in. Bug-types have an advantage against Grass-types like your little friend there," he said cockily. Jason grinned his crooked grin, allowing the Youngster to become overconfident. Like Mio, he hadn't had a great time in middle school either. But he had figured out that if you looked like you knew something they didn't, either they'd just get it over with and hit him or get confused and leave. "Then I guess you have this one in the bag, Doogie Howser," he said evenly. "Quit your yammering! Let's battle!" the Youngster said impatiently. "Krickelicious, use Bug Bite!" he shouted. His Kricketot lunged forward using its powerful hind legs and spread its mandibles. Its insectoid jaws opened wide and glowed a faint yellow-green, snapping furiously as the red Bug-type drew closer to Gomez. "Counter with a Pound attack!" Jason shouted. Gomez leapt in the air much like earlier that day, avoiding the airborne cricket and swinging his tail to slam it into the ground. Both impacts could be heard from the sideline. If it had been a Contest battle, a Clean Hit would have been scored. "Combo-time, buddy. Lock him down with Absorb!" Jason continued. Gomez fired vines from both hands, tangling Krickelicious in a web of vines that latched onto its exoskeleton. The vines began to drain its energy, glowing a faint green as they dealt a small amount of damage. Gomez began looked even more vital, letting out a small cry as he received an energy boost from his attack. Calvin appeared stunned, panicking as the vines continued to drain his Kricketot's health. Krickelicious is counting on me... he thought, a drop of sweat forming on his brow. I need to think of a plan, quick! He looked up and noticed that a cloud was beginning to cover the sun. This is totally irrelevant to the battle, he thought disappointedly, having been hoping for some kind of weather change that would actually do something to help him. Route 2- The Woods- Jack Jack and his Pokemon wandered for a little bit. They began to hear the sounds of battling in the distance, indicating that Bianca's intel had been correct. Those Trainers were challenging everyone today! Anyway, Jack and Lara and Leo were jus' chillin', having a very pleasant afternoon before they came to a clearing. Tall deciduous trees ringed the semi-circular area. The clearing was a hill covered in tall grass, at whose summit was a lone red maple tree. The tall grass was freshly cut around the tree, indicating that someone had been there. However, other than the tree and the lack of tall grass, Jack couldn't tell what else was up there. The wind blew in the distance, whistling through the grass and rustling the leaves in the trees. A sudden chill came over the area and a cloud covered the sun, causing the scenery to rapidly change from bright and shiny to bleak and gray. The cloud was enormous. It would be at least another hour before the sun came back out. Suddenly, a branch snapped behind Jack and a bush quickly rustled. Lara began to growl and turned around, looking from side to side and sniffing. She barked loudly at the perceived threat, declaring her presence and attempting to intimidate whatever was there.
  19. Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive reviews! Bear in mind that although most Trainers have more than 1 Pokemon, it's NEVER a good idea to let your Pokemon battle until it faints. You never know when the next Healing Spot will be, and at this point Revives are few and far between. If you black out, you will either 1) need to return to a Pokemon Center or 2) have to sit out until your team gets healed.
  20. Route 2, Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Jason led the trio around the bend in the path where they were faced with a perfectly normal scene during the summer in Unova. Several local boys were playing with their Pokemon in the middle of the path, ever-vigilant to find new challengers to train against. These were obviously Pokemon Trainers. The three Youngsters, around the ages of eleven to thirteen, wore different-colored t-shirts with various kinds of hats and sneakers. However, they all seemed to have one thing in common. Suddenly, one of them looked up and pointed. "Hey Joey, look!" he shouted. The other two boys turned around and began snickering, forming a line across the path. "Hey, look at these chumps!" another said eagerly, his Patrat bouncing excitedly by his side. This was probably the one who had just battled; however, he stood off the right. He obviously was not the leader, though he seemed to have a mean streak to match his big mouth. "They're such losers! They're not even wearing shorts!" he said mockingly, sticking his tongue out at the Amateur Trainers. The one in the middle laughed, his white t-shirt fluttering in the breeze. His blue jean shorts and blue baseball cap (worn backwards, of course- he's no loser!) "Well lookie here, Allen! You're right! Not a single one of 'em's wearing shorts!" The one on the left, Allen, who was wearing a yellow t-shirt with green shorts and a green beanie, laughed. "Man, how could you not wear shorts in the summer! They're comfortable and easy to wear!" he said firmly, his eyes narrowing. "Alright, that's it!" the middle one said, suddenly sounding more imposing. The Youngster on the right merely continued to snicker, his brown shirt and red shorts along with his red propeller hat making him seem comparatively strange. "My name is Joey! And over there is Calvin! And if you're not wearing shorts, then you're definitely not one of our friends!" He grinned, pointing to the Amateurs' belts. "You're all Pokemon Trainers. If another Trainer locks eyes with you, that's an invitation to battle that you can't decline! Get ready to taste what kind of punishment a top percentage Rattata can really deal out!" he said, locking eyes with Mio. With that, he threw his first Poke Ball, releasing a Slugma onto the path. Allen looked at Brendan and grabbed a Poke Ball off his belt, throwing it through the air to release his Starly. Calvin continued snickering as he stared down Jason, reaching to his belt. He too tossed a Poke Ball, sending out a Kricketot. If the Amateur trio wanted to pass, it looked like they were going to have to teach these kids a lesson! Youngster Joey has challenged Mio to a Singles battle! Youngster Allen has challenged Brendan to a Singles battle! Youngster Calvin has challenged Jason to a Singles battle!
  21. Jory


    Oops I did it again ft. Thorn. My team wasn't great. Slowly figuring out that taking the healing room isn't how you win; you need the corner Accelerator to push their wave back into their base. Just hold their and farm while your minions hit their sentry. Also figuring out that Thorn is a champ at trapping enemies. Volley around the corner to get Curse on them, then Blight as they come around. They'll be slowed, so use that time to prep and deliver an ult. Usually a kill on squishies.
  22. Riv At first the girl refrained from moving, her eye twitching lightly. She bit her lip, her eyes widening in fear. "Oh, nonononononononono...." she whispered to herself, backing away slowly. A cricket? she asked herself, continuing to move away from the small insect. If this thing is a test even for Lexi, then I'm not sure we can be of much help. Her brain couldn't help but flash to Mary Python's Holy Grail, in which a small rabbit unexpectedly decapitated several skilled (albeit wildly hilarious) knights. If this was anything like that, then they were screwed.
  23. Route 2- Main Path- "The Top Percentage!" Jason, Brendan, and Mio bid farewell to the rest of the group and continued along the main path. For the first leg of their journey they ran into little trouble, the serene forest path making for a picturesque beginning to their journey as they traveled through the wooded area. As they reached the bend in the trail, they began to hear the sounds of battle in the distance. Jason stopped to listen for a moment, feeling genuinely excited for the first time since the Pokemon Center. "You hear that?" he asked his fellow travelers, his voice low. "Patrat, Tackle!" came the next command. The next sound was that of a clean hit, followed by a cry of despair from whatever other Trainer had been over there. The telltale sound of a Pokemon being returned was heard along the path. Whatever battle had been going on just ended. "What should we do?" Jason asked Brendan and Mio.
  24. A post will be up either tn or tomorrow. People who went into the forest are welcome to catch anything they run into; however, this does not guarantee their request will be fulfilled at this time. Some Pokemon requested do not live in a countryside habitat and thus will not be encountered at this point in time.
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