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Everything posted by Jory

  1. Jory


    Oh my god. Oh my god. Guys their team was so bad. SO BAD. I literally 3v1'd them at one point and won. Had 54% bow accuracy and got a 20 kill streak. Today was a good day. Favorite kill of the match was a Green Ball that I fired from my team's healing room onto our sniper platform to kill Montana as he tried to run. I also killed Montana from my healing room while he was at his team's entrance to mid with a 4-shot combo (charge shot, charge shot, regular shot, Volley).
  2. I've got 2 Grass-type moves in mind. Grass moves are pretty bizarre in general, which is why I <3 them. Snagging Roots Grass BP: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Priority: +1 Type: Special Contact: Yes (like Grass Knot) Ballistic: No Traps a foe attempting to attack the user or its ally. Enemies hit by Snagging Roots cannot escape and take 1/16 type-scaled damage for 2-3 turns. The user gains 50% of residual damage (and is affected by Liquid Ooze). Fails if the enemy does not attack. Energy Cannon Grass BP: 110 Accuracy: 90 PP: 5 Priority: None Type: Special Contact: No Ballistic: No The user plants its roots and fires a powerful beam of green energy (like Energy Ball). User is rooted for the turn after use, but can still attack and use Items. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense. The first is because many Grass-types have crippling Speed stats. Pokemon like Meganium and Venusaur can use this on bulky sets. The second is because Solar Beam is terrible without sunlight and despite Power Whip being a thing, we still haven't had a semi-normal powerful Grass attack with good distribution other than Leaf Storm. Petal Dance exists but has limited availability. Initially I wanted the accuracy at 80, but figured if it's rooted it would probably have better aim.
  3. I made a promise and kept it. I'm feeling really good about this part now that the extremely awkward transition from the PC to the Route is over.
  4. Accumula Town- Pokemon Center- Jason After retrieving his Balls from Brendan, the Amateur Trainer tailed Mio outside followed closely by the rest of the group. Once they were all grouped together and wondering where to go, Jason’s XTransceiver began to ring. He answered it quickly, prompting a hologram of Bianca to project above it. “Hey, guys, Bianca’s on the line!” he said, beckoning everyone into view of the camera. The Researcher looked rather serious, her Snivy snorting derisively and turning up her nose. “I heard what happened at the Pokemon Center from an old friend of mine. I hope you’re all okay!” she said quickly, taking a quick head count. “Seems like you all made it out in one piece. I don’t have a whole lot of time to talk, but I figured I’d give you all a quick tip! We’re on our way to Striation City to challenge the first gym and get the Trio Badge!” she bubbled. “Anyway, there are a few local kids battling along Route 2. They seemed pretty aggressive! If you’re looking for a battle along the way, I’d start there!” A voice called her from out of frame, prompting her to turn to hear it better. “Oh, shoot! I’m falling really far behind! Okay guys, have a great day! See you in Striation City!” The hologram clicked off as soon as it had turned on, disappearing from view. Jason turned to the others. “So I guess if we want to get to Striation City, we either need to go off the beaten path or clear those other Trainers out of the way. I know which I’m doing,” he said firmly, taking a Poke Ball off his belt. He depressed the button, releasing Rascal from his ball. “If you’re all ready, we should head out.” Quest added: “The Top Percentage!" -Battle the Youngsters on Route 2 Route 2- Entrance- 3:45 PM After walking back through Accumula Town, our heroes found themselves walking through the gate to Route 2. Finally, they were heading into unexplored territory, and this time without Bianca to bail them out. As they exited into the warm late afternoon light, they found themselves on an even dirt path that was wooded on either side. From their left came a breeze blowing in from the water about a half mile through the woods. To their right, they could see a large ridge over the treeline. Supposedly, Striation City was on the other side of the ridge. The dirt road went forward into the forest for about a mile, following parallel to the ridge before turning toward it at the end. In order to reach Striation City, they would have to find a way over the ridge. It seemed like the dirt path was their best bet for now, as it was clearly marked with signs saying “Route 2.” The group could continue onward together, or begin to split up. Route 2- Jason The Amateur Trainer stopped walking and looked around, letting out a long whistle. "Wow. Everything out here somehow seems bigger than near Nuvema Town," he said with wonder. "I've been to Castelia City, but never on foot. This is a whole other ballgame," he said, making finger guns at Brendan as he made his bad pun. "I'm going to stick to the path for now," he decided, looking back at his groupmates. "I'm sure if you cut through the forest, you'd be more likely to find yourself a wild Pokemon. But for now, I think most of us are better off staying on the path. After all, that's where Bianca said the Trainers are more likely to be."
  5. As I'm sure many of you have noticed, there was no update today. I'm truly sorry for the delay- today was a bad day in terms of shoulder pain, leading me to stay away from typing. I promise I'll do my best to update tomorrow. Even if I only get up half a post and have to finish it on Wednesday, something will be there by the end of tomorrow. I know you're all a nice and supportive bunch and probably don't mind, but I generally keep to my word and so felt you all deserved a proper explanation and reassurances.
  6. Jory


    Just played an amazing game as Thorn. Tempted to never touch the game again lol EDIT: Also just for fun here's a Miko game i played a the first night I got Battleborn
  7. Accumula Town- Pokemon Center The EMT returned to the couches and handed the mesh pouch over to Brendan, giving the group a quick smile. "First time meeting Marcella, huh? Don't take it personally. She tried to get the FIB to back off of the Luminous Dawn as well. But she's right, you know. You're just Amateurs for now. Your Pokemon got pretty banged up fighting those goons, but they're ready to go again. Be more careful next time. Good thing we bring Healing Machines in with the ambulances, huh?" he asked rhetorically. "I heard Marcella mention the Striation City Gym. If you want to get there, you'll have to take Route 2. It's back West through the Town Square. You can't miss it." With that, he gave the Trainers another smile and walked outside. Everyone's Pokemon have been fully healed! Main Quest Added: "Onward to Striation City!" -Proceed to Route 2 -Reach Striation City
  8. Feel free to react to what Marcella's said. Tonight or tomorrow, we head for Route 2 (finally lol)!
  9. My posts for the next two weeks or so will be either on the shorter side (in the case of IC posts) or take a couple of days to write up (in the case of setting/plot devices in P:LD). pls understand

    1. starkidcosmo


      Go easy on yourself

  10. Accumula Town- Pokemon Center As if on a cue from Marcella, an EMT walked over to the group seated on the couches. "Hi, my name's Emmett," he said rather cheerily given the atmosphere and general mood of the room at that particular moment. "My supervisor said that there was a group of Amateurs over here whose Pokemon got caught up in that nasty Discharge," he elaborated. "If any of you need your Pokemon healed, I'd be happy to bring their capsules out to the ambulance for you while you finish up here. After all, I'm sure the police wouldn't want you leaving the scene of a major crime without being properly accounted for," he said with a light chuckle. The EMT held out a small mesh bag, much different from the ones the Luminous Dawn had been using. "I'll make sure I get them right back to you, I promise." Accumula Town- Pokemon Center- Jason Jason nodded to the EMT, cautiously placing both Rascal and Gomez's Poke Balls into the mesh pouch. "Thanks," he said quietly. "We really appreciate it." He then turned back to Marcella, his eyes hard. "You know that I can't let your brother get away with everything he's done," he said slowly. "Stealing Pokemon? Knocking out all of ours without even a second thought paid to us?" he continued, getting more worked up as he went. "There's just no way! No way I'll lose to him again!" he said resolutely. "I know we're just Amateurs, but we're going to get stronger. You just wait and see." He crossed his arms, looking harshly at the woman. "And don't even think about berating me for being just another stupid kid, because I'm not. I know he's immensely powerful and that none of us stand a chance right now. But we have an advantage that he doesn't. He thinks he's scared us off for good, but we know that we have to train hard to beat him. And given what he said, well..." he paused. "We just can't afford to lose."
  11. Riv The girl blinked repeatedly, for once unable to find words for what had just happened. She fluttered lightly down to the ground, her Light constructs dispersing as she touched down. She shrugged at Lexi, then looked back at Sion and Sharp. "I guess I'm ready to go. Sion, Sharp, you guys good?" ((sorry for super short reply; shoulder's still hurting, but I don't want to hold this up any longer))
  12. To the RP community: I got shoulder surgery today and will not be able to post for 2 days due to my lack of desire to type with 1 hand

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jory


      thanks for being awesome and supportive. This surgery was long overdue. Now it should stop dislocating all the time.

    3. starkidcosmo


      Rest and recover!! Taking care of yourself always comes first. Anyways, gr9 hosts like you deserve breaks from herding cats-- I mean players

  13. Didn't mean for that to sound angry. should have just bolded it instead. I just thought that I had been unclear about who should answer that.
  14. Currently waiting on YOU GUYS to answer Marcella's last question.
  15. Hey! I've posted Chapter 2! We're picking up right where we left off with the group meeting Marcella. If you have any questions for her, now would be the time to ask. Otherwise we'll be healing up and moving on out toward Route 2. EDIT: Hey guys, so because I'm the slowest of the slow I didn't realize Darvan got banned. Trying to figure out what to do about the 6th slot.
  16. Pokemon: Luminous Dawn- Chapter 2- New Places, New Faces! Accumula Town- April 6th, 2863- 3:00 PM- Jason The Pokemon Center grew eerily quiet after Marcella's revelation. The police officers were conspicuously avoiding the seating area, with even Officer Jenny leaving our brave protagonists alone with the newcomer. The buzz around the scene of the crime had begun to die down anyway, but with Marcella's arrival the tape across the back door seemed to fade into the distance. The woman had an unmistakable air of determination surrounding her. Between her hardened eyes and her dark-clad Marowak, she was more than just menacing. Not a word had been exchanged among the group since Marcella joined them, as though her very presence had removed their ability to speak. Jason sat stock still, reeling from the knowledge he'd just acquired. How were they supposed to trust this woman if she claimed to be that creep's sister? Jason shuddered, recalling what the man in black had said to all of the Trainers before his rapid departure from the rear of the Pokemon Center. Is she even any different? he wondered. Then, he thought about the things she'd said. She'd called the man a "psychopath" and his Electivire "trigger-happy." Those weren't the words of an affectionate sibling, but of a bitter enemy. With this realization, Jason sighed. "There's no point in sitting here and doing nothing," he said quietly, looking the woman in the eyes. "If he's really your brother, I think you have a good idea of what went down already. That Electivire of his came out of nowhere and knocked out all of our Pokemon. Then, him and his goons made off with the Poke Balls. We couldn't stop them," he said miserably, putting his head in his hands and pulling them tightly through his hair. "All those people's Pokemon, gone without a trace." He looked down at his Poke Balls, which contained his now-fainted Pokemon. "We weren't strong enough. His power was unbelievable. I know that you may discount my opinion because I'm just an Amateur, but I've watched my fair share of the Pokemon League Championships on TV. I've rarely seen a Pokemon exude so much raw power." He then looked inquisitively at Marcella. "But I'm sure you got all that from the Police before you came over here to talk to us. We've been answering questions since your brother blasted his way in, so I think it's our turn now." He stopped looking to the rest of the group. "I'm sure you all have just as many questions as I do, so I'll start off." He looked grimly at the red-haired woman, all traces of the usual humor gone from his eyes. "What I want to know is who were those goons with him? Do they work for him?"
  17. Riv The girl thought for a moment, examining the effects of the group's attacks. It seemed as though the Ice projectiles had done the most damage out of all of them, plus Lexi had said Adepts didn't do much damage. Added to the fact that she was a Light element, that meant Riv wouldn't be doing very much damage at all. My attacks barely fazed that Toad. We're going to have to get creative, she thought to herself. Noticing they'd begun sinking down on her nose, she pushed her glasses back into their proper position. Sion was powerful, but apparently ♬Green is not a creative color!♬ she thought in a singsong. "I think we're going to have to work together, guys!" she noted. "As individuals, we barely scratch this thing!" Riv said as she approached Sion. She began formulating a plan, taking into account what each of their newly-acquired powers seemed to be. "Sion, I guess you can fire Ice projectiles? And Sharp, you have the same powers as I do, just with Fire. So what can we do?" she pondered aloud. "If we keep attacking head-on, eventually we're going to end up hitting Lexi. If she weren't a frickin' goddess, she'd die from our powers, so let's consider this practice!" She snapped her fingers, coming to a realization. "If its tongues are the hydra's heads, then we have to be like Hercules! Saving the damsel in distress, then killing her in a magically induced rage!" She thought for a moment, as if reconsidering. "Okay, well more the first part than the second, but still! We need to rescue Lexi first, then beat the Toad! Sion, your ice can cut through the tongues! Sharp, make something to cauterize the wounds before new tongues grow out! I'll do my best to save Lexi while you take out the Toad's anti-air! Ready? Go!" she shouted enthusiastically. She closed her eyes, willing the Light into shape on her back. It formed two butterfly wings that fluttered gently against the breeze created by the fire mortars. Her hands began to glow as Light bridged the gap between them, forming what looked like a military grade grenade launcher in between her hands. "When the going gets tough, the tough get grenade launchers!" she said excitedly, giggling before flapping her wings and taking to the skies. She flew directly upward, being cautious to avoid the Toad's tongues as she climbed higher. Once she was satisfied that she was near the outer edge of the tongues' range if not totally out of it, she began flying over the Toad in a fairly moth-like pattern, flapping her wings erratically to change her position. She fired the grenade launcher two dozen times as she flew around, bolts of light dropping onto the Toad and exploding into brilliantly blinding sunbursts. Hopefully between her evasive maneuvering and her blinding shots, the Toad's accuracy would be too impaired to knock her out of the sky. She held her altitude and kept firing, waiting for Sion and Sharp to create the opening she needed to swoop in and grab Lexi out of the clutches of the ample amphibian.
  18. Finally done with that bitch of a final exam. Don't expect a super long-winded introduction for Chapter 2 like there was for Chapter 1, since it's a pretty direct continuation. We're going to get moving to Route 2 as soon as possible. Post will be up by the end of the day tomorrow. Welcome back, Trainers.
  19. Don't mean to be a nudge, but it's been a bit since there's been a post for Lexi's group. Is that a pacing thing to make sure we're all keeping up with each other?
  20. Sorry that I wasn't clear. The structure of Route 2 is as follows: Quest 1 (optional)- you can separate from the group to catch a Pokemon Quest 2 (optional)- you can separate from the group to catch a Pokemon Quest 3 (mandatory) Keep in mind that if you asked for a rare Pokemon (only 1 of you did), you MUST go on a Quest and MAY NOT find it in a normal encounter. As of right now there are 3 Trainers who are slated to find their Pokemon on Route 2, only 1 of whom is required to do the Side Quests. Also keep in mind that if you want a common Pokemon you can also do a Side Quest and I'll just write the encounter into the Quest. It's not a huge deal, and in many cases the Wild Pokemon encounters should be short enough to actually do in the middle of a Quest! The purpose behind having a separate group specifically looking for Pokemon is that if you have a busy week coming up, we can just have you catch a Pokemon so that everyone else can move at a faster pace. There are also branching questlines, meaning that there may actually be more than 4 quests and I may just be a sneaky bastard. Usually branching questlines will arise when there's a large group committed to one quest and I can't reasonably explain another group of 6 Trainers traveling around. I'm going to do my best over the course of this RP to make sure groups get varied up so everyone spends time together. Just trust the process and everything will be fine 'n dandy.
  21. I have four quests planned for Route 2. As of now it is actually possible to do all three that have stories, as they occur in sequence. "Wild Pokemon Encounters!" is the fourth. You'll be able to opt out of the first two quests in favor of catching a new Pokemon if you'd like.
  22. I could be very wrong, but I think they'd be useful against an enemy like the Toad (basically monsters), but not against other humans. Y'all are here arguing about Time constructs while I'm busy typing essays about the roles of tutors in ancient Rome. Little jelly, ngl.
  23. Hey guys! If anyone wants to take the next couple of days to write up a side quest, you can submit it to me for approval on Sunday. It'll be offered as an option during Route 2 once you and I talk about any changes that need to be made. Only 3 rules that I can think of off the top of my head: 1. Don't leave the area 2. If you're planning a Pokemon encounter, let me know! I'd be happy to battle against you as any NPCs you may have (within reason). Plus, I've already assigned each of your next Pokemon. 3. Don't use my NPCs without permission. This includes any factions that are active (once a faction has been defeated, you can encounter Cells of remaining grunts and lieutenants)
  24. Happy birthday, Godot! Let's play some smash soon!
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