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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jory

  1. Jory


    Banned for not having ice cream with me.
  2. Jory


    Banned for sitting at your computer and waiting for the opportunity to ban someone. Also this
  3. Jory


    Banned for not being a baka anymore ;(
  4. "Awakened its power?" Inb4 base 200 SAtk base 150 Speed.
  5. Welcome to Reborn, where your sanity doesn't matter and OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THA-
  6. I've got a pretty plain American accent, although I occasionally (usually when I'm mad) slip into a Rhode Island accent, as half my family is from there. I can speak in a passable English accent and I used to be able to do a good Irish one (sup Ashka?). Really anything European (or Australian) is sexier than an American accent to me. Canada is eh (get it?)
  7. Jory


    Banned for being interested in eating anything random.
  8. That feel when you realize you don't believe in religion.
  9. Needs moar Torterra.
  10. Gymming it ye

  11. Jory

    Hi owo

    Nice to see you here. Sanity at the door has pretty much been covered, but I'd recommend wearing these *puts goggles over Phanpy's eyes*. Shit gets crazy up in here.
  12. Is that the biggest blunt I've ever seen? o.O
  13. I'll give you an Abraham Lincoln on a scale of Stalin to Mother Theresa.
  14. Welcome to the forums RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN! Happy to have you.
  15. My favorite is the episode with "Becoming Popular" in it. I forgot the name. Also, OC flood inbound: So... yeah. I also had the username Sweetie Belle as well as The Doctor on the one site I used all of those for (frienshipismagic.org). The site is actually down due to issues with the host and probably isn't gonna be coming back :c
  16. It looks like they took his tail and put it on his head, then just recolored his fingers and toes. They also made him a bit rounder, which seems to fit perfectly with the new 3D rendering. I look forward to seeing what this "Newtwo" is capable of.
  17. It's been more than a year since I started PO? WHAT IS THIS?

  18. That feel when I get Renekton in ARAM and I've never used him before twice in a row.
  19. Face Down- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  20. Favorite pony is without a doubt the fabulous Rarity. She's so awesome *squee* I have a bunch of ponies t-shirts and some of the little figurines. I'm not sure if you mean original content or original character.
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