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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jory

  1. Definitely either Minccino/Cinccino. They're so cute <3
  2. Gen 1- Usually Green/Blue depending on whether it's FireRed or Red. Gen 2- I name him Gold because I play as Youngster Joey and only use a Rattata. Gen 3- Don't think so. Gen 4- Lucifer. His hair looks like horns. Gen 5- I stuck with Hugh.
  3. >tfw you hold the door for someone because the person in front of you held it, but the guy just looks up from his phone and says, "Thanks," like a dumbass and doesn't take the door from you so you're left standing there awkwardly holding it for everyone.
  4. Baked Beans- Poison Gas badly poisons the opponent.
  5. Not sure if it's too late to post here, but I'll give it a go!<br /> Name: Jory Trainer Class: Hotshot Battle Start/End: Those pants aren't suited for this area! / I guess mine aren't, either! Pokemon: Cinccino, Tauros, Ursaring Rascal (Cinccino) (M) Skill Link @ Razor Fang -Tail Slap -Bullet Seed -Rock Blast -Sing Beckham (Tauros) (M) Sheer Force @ Life Orb -Rock Climb -Wild Charge -Earthquake -Zen Headbutt Eclipse (Ursaring) (F) Quick Feet @ Toxic Orb -Facade -Close Combat -Crunch -Swords Dance
  6. After first Elite 4, looked something like this: Auros (Lucario)- 67 Umi (Vaporeon)- 62 Jupiter (Electabuzz)- 59 Ace (Flygon)- 63 Apache (Braviary)- 56 Now: Rascal (Cinccino)- 100 Eclipse (Ursaring)- 58 Norbert (Hydreigon)- 100 Leviathan (Torterra)- 83 Salamence (Salamence)- 84 Chauncey (Charizard)- 81
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