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  1. I'm not sure what changes you've made to them, but they completely swept my team. I felt completely in control of all the battles up until then, in fact I felt more than powerful enough and those two just stomped me blatantly. I think a big problem was that fern never sends in a replacement making the fight 1v2. The other problem is that they can attack each pokemon you send in as a replacement, it's incredibly difficult to fight a 1v2 when every single pokemon you send in gets hurt before they even get a turn. I'm not sure what stats those two have, but they found difficult to damage with my wartortle (being evolved and a higher level) only doing about 1/3-2/5 of Magby's health with a watergun and they did a tremendous amount of damage back to me. I think if either Fern actually helped in the fight or if they were toned down so that you weren't fighting an uphill battle it'd be a bit more reasonable.
  2. I haven't fought any actual gym leaders yet but I was a bit perturbed by the Elekid and Magby at the end of the factory. I was doing fine going through the entire game up until that point. I wasn't sure when I'd lose control of my pokemon, so I had squirtle and meowth at level 17 and a Bibarel at level 17 as well (hoping to trade it for an Abra which to my dismay didn't work). I got to those two though and they immediately OHKO'd budew and my wartortle. Fern never sent in another pokemon so the rest of the battle was 2v1, and even worse everytime they KO'd a pokemon they were allowed to attack it immediately as I switched in the replacement so none of my pokemon for the rest of the battle was allowed to come in safely. They pretty much one and two shot my entire team and I never even got to hit them. I don't really know what to do about it since I don't think i can level my pokemon much higher, it went from being comfortably in control to suddenly being bent over and dominated. I like the feel of the game overall, but that just sorta terrified me. How high am I allowed to level without a badge because level 17 pokemon CANNOT handle that fight it seems.
  3. Hippopotas: [NU] Snover: [NU] Vulpix: [NU] I feel that all of these pokemon open up options in their tiers and are not too terribly OP within them. Most of them are designed to be sustainable and durable or can be built as such. The only complaint I can see is that there is no drizzle user in the tier but I myself have personally run raindance sets and found they are HIGHLY successful at times even taking out OU teams. I feel in no way will these pokemon utterly dominate the tier nor will they close out options for those who wish to use the self generated wheather, in fact they may even encourage people to bring along such moves as they can be used to control the weather without having to switch. The biggest problem is that we don't actually HAVE much in the way of NU testing that I know about so most of this will be speculation. Furthermore if something like Kyurem can exist in NU according to that list I feel our priorities are misplaced if we're worried about hippopotas dominating the tier.
  4. I need to find a date >.> ladies?
  5. Honestly I think she's just making a huge deal about the elephant in the room. Any serious player already knows how all those numbers work, and to be honest she didn't really give any hard solutions to these "problems". It seemed mostly like a what if scenario where she thinks pokemon should be given so much HP that the role of sweeping becomes implausible. The point of the game is balance where sweepers crush things hard and fast... and walls stop that. Sadly because of power creep the sweepers are doing better and better every gen and walls just crumble after awhile. She really didn't state anything that constructive beyond speculation, essentially "the only reason why sweepers are useful is because they can OHKo and outspeed." No duh. That's their job. Sure if every poke had ridiculous HP they couldn't do that but then the game would because a stall war so huge that Gen II would get jealous =\
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