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Gym Leader Bill

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About Gym Leader Bill

  • Birthday 05/05/1991

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    The River Styx

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  1. Bout time you joined us :3

  2. i voted for blez cause he needs at least one vote
  3. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='7107' date='Nov 26 2010, 12:49 PM'][img]http://knowyourmeme.com/i/782/original/original_mudkipz.jpg[/img] How it all started.[/quote] I WAS DERE!
  4. no einf einf? I actually went to the school we're that got started I got to see the place where he humped it
  5. [quote name='Maelstrom' post='7077' date='Nov 25 2010, 08:07 PM']First two, awesome. Other two... I'd sell off.[/quote] Counting fail!
  6. *laughs with the bullet wound* Thank [i]me[/i] for Immortality
  7. (Will you failed soooo badly it hurts...) (the ONLY response would be) Some Call Me The Gangster of LOVE!
  8. Cubone: [img]http://davidcrew.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/cubone-real-pokemon.jpg[/img] Houndoom: [img]http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/431192-Solar%20Patar/192/43/real_pokemon_3_display.jpg[/img] Growlith: [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/232/9/6/Realife_Pokemon_Growlithe_by_nixcore.jpg[/img] Machamp: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/110/0/3/Real_Life_Pokemon___Machamp_by_mlw05.png[/img] Mudkip: [img]http://davidcrew.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/mudkip-real-pokemon.jpg[/img]
  9. THE HERETIC GOD ATTACKS YOUR RULES, WITH A RULER! *bats at the rules with a 12 inch ruler like a pinata* I sure hope dere's candy!
  10. Some People Call Me the Space Cowboy!
  11. [size=5][color="#FF0000"]I AM THE HERETIC GOD! AND FOR THESE BATTLES I CHOOSE MY TEAM:[/color][/size] [color="#0000FF"][size=4]For this trainer card, I'll take [color="#808080"]Silver[/color] and Navy Blue[/size][/color] [color="#FF0000"][size=3]Wish Me Luck My Friends![/size][/color] [/s] [size=5]My Team[/size] Agent Alpha (Blaziken) (M) - Fire Punch - Protect - Swords Dance - Baton Pass Agent Beta (Breloom) (M) - Bullet Seed - Drain Punch - Spore - Swords Dance Agent Gamma (Scizor) (M) - Pursuit - Bullet Punch - Swords Dance - Rock Smash Agent Delta (Snorlax) (M) - Rest - Sleep Talk - Curse - Fire Punch Agent Zeta (Metagross) - Earthquake - Iron Head - Rock Slide - Bullet Punch Agent Omega (Gengar) (M) - Substitute - Focus Blast - Destiny Bond - Shadow Ball
  12. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6'3" [b]Weight:[/b] 215lbs [b]Skin color:[/b] Fair White [b]Eye color:[/b] Blue [b]Hair color:[/b] Blonde [b]Hair style:[/b] Rugged Messy [b]Hair length:[/b] Medium Short [b]Shoe size:[/b] 12 [b]Style of shoe:[/b] Wing Tip Dress Shoes [b]Color of shoe:[/b] Black [b]Bottom (legging/pants/shorts/dress/etc) type:[/b] Pants [b]Bottom style: [/b] Wide Legged Jeans [b]Bottom color:[/b] Faded Dark Blue [b]Legs longer or shorter:[/b] Longer [b]Top (tee/sweater/tank top/shirt with jacket/fishnets/overcoat/etc) type:[/b] Tee with a "Faded Glory" Canvas Hooded Shirt Jacket [b]Top style:[/b] Open Jacket [b]Top color:[/b] Tee: Black / Jacket: Olive Bark (hoodie: grey / inside: navy blue) [b]Shoulders narrow or broad:[/b] Broad [b]Hands (gloves/wristies/bracelets/rings/etc) type:[/b] Gloves [b]Hands style:[/b] Leather Weight Lifter Gloves [b]Hands color:[/b] Black [b]Neck (scarves/necklaces/chokers/etc) type:[/b] Two Necklaces [b]Neck style:[/b] A Four Way Medal (cross) and An Elemental Pentacle (a five point star in a circle) [b]Neck color:[/b] Both are Silver [b]Head (glasses/hats/etc) type:[/b] Glasses / Scar [b]Head style:[/b] Thin Rim Rectangled Tinted Glasses / Jagged Cut from above my left eyebrow down to above the left corner of my lip [b]Head color:[/b] Black Rims / Faded Red Scar [b]Facial hair:[/b] Goatee [b]Pose:[/b] Standing, One Hand in Pocket, Other Held Up Clenching Strongly, Smirk
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