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Gym Leader Bill

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Gym Leader Bill

  1. Bout time you joined us :3

  2. i voted for blez cause he needs at least one vote
  3. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='7107' date='Nov 26 2010, 12:49 PM'][img]http://knowyourmeme.com/i/782/original/original_mudkipz.jpg[/img] How it all started.[/quote] I WAS DERE!
  4. no einf einf? I actually went to the school we're that got started I got to see the place where he humped it
  5. [quote name='Maelstrom' post='7077' date='Nov 25 2010, 08:07 PM']First two, awesome. Other two... I'd sell off.[/quote] Counting fail!
  6. *laughs with the bullet wound* Thank [i]me[/i] for Immortality
  7. (Will you failed soooo badly it hurts...) (the ONLY response would be) Some Call Me The Gangster of LOVE!
  8. Cubone: [img]http://davidcrew.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/cubone-real-pokemon.jpg[/img] Houndoom: [img]http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/431192-Solar%20Patar/192/43/real_pokemon_3_display.jpg[/img] Growlith: [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/232/9/6/Realife_Pokemon_Growlithe_by_nixcore.jpg[/img] Machamp: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/110/0/3/Real_Life_Pokemon___Machamp_by_mlw05.png[/img] Mudkip: [img]http://davidcrew.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/mudkip-real-pokemon.jpg[/img]
  9. THE HERETIC GOD ATTACKS YOUR RULES, WITH A RULER! *bats at the rules with a 12 inch ruler like a pinata* I sure hope dere's candy!
  10. Some People Call Me the Space Cowboy!
  11. [size=5][color="#FF0000"]I AM THE HERETIC GOD! AND FOR THESE BATTLES I CHOOSE MY TEAM:[/color][/size] [color="#0000FF"][size=4]For this trainer card, I'll take [color="#808080"]Silver[/color] and Navy Blue[/size][/color] [color="#FF0000"][size=3]Wish Me Luck My Friends![/size][/color] [/s] [size=5]My Team[/size] Agent Alpha (Blaziken) (M) - Fire Punch - Protect - Swords Dance - Baton Pass Agent Beta (Breloom) (M) - Bullet Seed - Drain Punch - Spore - Swords Dance Agent Gamma (Scizor) (M) - Pursuit - Bullet Punch - Swords Dance - Rock Smash Agent Delta (Snorlax) (M) - Rest - Sleep Talk - Curse - Fire Punch Agent Zeta (Metagross) - Earthquake - Iron Head - Rock Slide - Bullet Punch Agent Omega (Gengar) (M) - Substitute - Focus Blast - Destiny Bond - Shadow Ball
  12. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6'3" [b]Weight:[/b] 215lbs [b]Skin color:[/b] Fair White [b]Eye color:[/b] Blue [b]Hair color:[/b] Blonde [b]Hair style:[/b] Rugged Messy [b]Hair length:[/b] Medium Short [b]Shoe size:[/b] 12 [b]Style of shoe:[/b] Wing Tip Dress Shoes [b]Color of shoe:[/b] Black [b]Bottom (legging/pants/shorts/dress/etc) type:[/b] Pants [b]Bottom style: [/b] Wide Legged Jeans [b]Bottom color:[/b] Faded Dark Blue [b]Legs longer or shorter:[/b] Longer [b]Top (tee/sweater/tank top/shirt with jacket/fishnets/overcoat/etc) type:[/b] Tee with a "Faded Glory" Canvas Hooded Shirt Jacket [b]Top style:[/b] Open Jacket [b]Top color:[/b] Tee: Black / Jacket: Olive Bark (hoodie: grey / inside: navy blue) [b]Shoulders narrow or broad:[/b] Broad [b]Hands (gloves/wristies/bracelets/rings/etc) type:[/b] Gloves [b]Hands style:[/b] Leather Weight Lifter Gloves [b]Hands color:[/b] Black [b]Neck (scarves/necklaces/chokers/etc) type:[/b] Two Necklaces [b]Neck style:[/b] A Four Way Medal (cross) and An Elemental Pentacle (a five point star in a circle) [b]Neck color:[/b] Both are Silver [b]Head (glasses/hats/etc) type:[/b] Glasses / Scar [b]Head style:[/b] Thin Rim Rectangled Tinted Glasses / Jagged Cut from above my left eyebrow down to above the left corner of my lip [b]Head color:[/b] Black Rims / Faded Red Scar [b]Facial hair:[/b] Goatee [b]Pose:[/b] Standing, One Hand in Pocket, Other Held Up Clenching Strongly, Smirk
  13. But fish in the bowl aint lucky They're in for a worser fate One day when the boss gets hungry (low pitch) Guess whos goin be on the plate Uh-Oh
  14. While we devotin' Full time for floatin' Under the Sea
  15. (you realize this song is about vaginas right?) darling its better down where it's wetter, take it from me
  16. [quote name='dorogon' post='6647' date='Nov 15 2010, 12:26 AM']All documentaries.[/quote] well i do enjoy Planet Earth BUT ONLY THE BRITISH VERSIONS!
  17. such wonderful things around you! What more could you be looking for?!
  18. thank you N8, I try to shoot for being memorable lol
  19. you dream about going up there? well that is a big mistake
  20. Better than sweeny todd in my opinion, and I LOVED sweeny todd, I loved Repo so much I didnt even mind Paris Hilton being in it, AND THAT IS HARRRRD FOR ME TO NORMALLY GET PAST
  21. It wouldnt have bothered me if you had actually kept to some kind of story, it basically became a conversation between you two, and the point of the game is to CONTINUE the story not just force it to tangent so you two can talk to each other
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