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DGlalie last won the day on February 5 2014

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About DGlalie

  • Birthday 11/30/1998

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    Loving to your pokemon is all i want let see who has more of those.

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  1. Yeah i think Gyarados is useful in a speedy way , because some of Aya's Poison Pokemon team have lowest speed than Gyarados , but then use it properly so it can't be killed i think use it in half battle or in a last battle so it pretty sure that u will win from that battle , oh yeah need to find that gyarados in somewhere to get some badge from Aya :3 , so thnx to all who said gyarados can defeat aya's team ..
  2. <---DJ in Japan for only 1 mnth , i'm really so tired (T^T)

  3. Did someone make your heart pump in some Leaders or let say love..??
  4. Same as problem for me too but hey i'm still not giving up to find some solution for that problem , so i guess being trainer needs hardwork to make that solution complete .. so instead of laying your heads down , keep on doing it , till u success! Be like me and have fun ..
  5. Thank you , i know the feeling when i use mandibuzz i feel im safe with mandibuzz if its belong in my team
  6. TY~ for the suggestion :> but hey i have learned so much from ur suggestion ^^ ty to Kamina and Rugby ^-^
  7. Cute Melody OU by: Glalie Hello guys my New Cute Team Pokemon i called them Cute Melody because uhm they can sing too :> have charming voice but this time u will get so much learn from them , not easy to defeat this team i have lot videos that this team represent that it is a good team but first u need to know what moves ,ability , and item they have so lets start ~ already !!! *SENTING OUT ALL OF POKEMON * Crobat (F) @ Choice Band Shiny: Yes Trait: Infiltrator EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def) - U-turn - Brave Bird - Cross Poison - Pursuit -a Poison type Pokemon, base on me Crobat is cute being shiny , i can't find some shiny crobat so here a normal crobat but its look cute to right ? -i choose crobat because it has lot speed to make it first turn , and when u added the choice band for crobat it can easily defeat some of them , as u can see crobat is not popular right now so some of the player don't know her move and even her ability -I pick the Infiltrator because it can pass through the Opponent substitute , so much helpful to a team because in Generation 6 so much using substitute right now , and so many saying why don't i use Noivern instead of Crobat , lol ofcourse crobat is cute than Noivern but than Noivern is pretty popular to all , that way they all know Noivern can pass through substitute thingy so okey ? Whimsicott (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Prankster EVs: 252 Def / 252 SDef / 4 Spd Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Taunt - Leech Seed - Substitute - Protect -Yes, it is whimsicott the cute cotton pokemon! im thinking i want to hug her or make her pillow :3 -This Whimsi has lot helpful, because if u will think that klefki will be lot of good if i pick that Pokemon , but as u can see whimsi has lot speed advantage if they fight together whimsi can use the first turn and use Taunt .. so be with Whimsicott instead of Klefki :> - oh yeah makesure to use whimsicott in a proper way :> - o well i have a videos that makes whimsicott good in this team so watch it okey ? before that lets now move on to .. Azumarill (F) @ Sitrus Berry Shiny: Yes Trait: Huge Power EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Belly Drum - Aqua Jet - Play Rough - Waterfall -Azumarill ! wow a cute soft skin right ? everybody knows that Azumarill becoming lot popular in Generation 6 so that they all know azumarill moves or even the ability but then , they can't stop Azumarill becoming lot stronger its really hard to use Azumarill in a battle , but some player using there sense to let azumarill strong :> - she's still on a training for me but i think the only who needs to train is me <(T^T)> lol but okey next topic :> ? Lickitung (F) @ Eviolite Trait: Own Tempo EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Seismic Toss - Heal Bell - Wish - Protect -Lickitung how i say this is a cute pokemon ? cute feet , cute belly , cute tongue , cute tail , and the most cute is the skin~~~ -so okey why i didn't i use Chansey ? i already tell it to Kamina but okey i will share this to all of you :3 -They are good at healing , good at protecting , good at taking out toxic ,fire ,paralyze , but then in defence they have different chansey can kill very easy by physical but as can see in Lickitung she can manage to be not dead or die ..so clear to all ? Meloetta @ Choice Scarf Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Psyshock - Focus Blast - Energy Ball - Shadow Ball -Meloetta ! shock right ? u already know how charming is she right singing and dancing , i love singing :3 , i can't dance but hey atleast im not a lier to all :3 -why i choose meloetta to be the one ? = she got lot spattck like alakazam = if i added choice scarf to meloetta she can probably be fast as Genesect = alakazam + gensect is equal to Meloetta right!! right!! Mandibuzz (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Overcoat EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Foul Play - Knock Off - Defog - Roost -get rid of stone which hurt your other pokemon it can take away all bad with fog , and that foul play make stronger pokemon take more damage -so cute pokemon not hurt a lot by foul play -but not so cute pokemon get hurt more Testing now this in many ways but i only want u to see 5 of the result how this team looks pretty amaze to me :> (me) Aisah in Pokemon Showdown Beta Fight Result 5. 1. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-104193584 2. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-104194093 3. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-104197061 4. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-104206722 5. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-104211031
  8. I agree Mega Blaziken should be banned in OU but don't let the Blaziken should go into UBER Its not that i have a Blaziken, its way weaker than all of UBER and besides doesn't agree that blaziken can't defeat when the boost speed make him/her faster right ? theres lot of move that can defeated blaziken easily like uhm : Aqua Jet ,Extreme Speed , even Fake Out etc.. that makes first move ... and beside its defend on player who can think fast how to defeat Blaziken uhm well its my opinions only ... so i hope blaziken will not be UBER
  9. Hello welcome ~! we are all welcome you in this Forum even Reborn serve so don't worry u can ask everything to all members
  10. :> i will try to win , im not that strong but yeah i will join for fun
  11. Trainer's Name(s): Glalie Ever "caught 'em all": uhh its hard so nope ^^ Games Played: X/Y Pokemon Nitendo . Spin-off games played:Stadium. Any TCG decks: Nothing o-o Favorite Generation for Pokémon: oh uhm 3 i dont know why but yeah 3 Favorite Generation for Games: 3 forever :3 Favorite Game: Emerald Favorite Spin-off game: oh none Pokémon that needs to exist: all cute pokemon! Pokémon that needs to not exist: thats uhm , fighting type ^^; Dream PokéJob: Pokemon Gymleader  Currently Playing: White and Crystal Favourite Pokémon:Glalie Favourite Starter: Squirtle If you could have anything for a starter:ohh ah *exciting* u know ...Glalie Favourite Pokémon Song: I wanna be the very best & We will be heroes  dont let me pick from them okey <(T^T<) theyre al so good Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Sabrina :3 Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Whitney :D Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4:  Flannery *-* Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Aaron 8) Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Whitney :X Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: Super adorable! Favourite Pokémon Movie: Black Victini and uhm Reshiram :) Favourite Animé Episode: ...all? Favourite Type:  Psychic , Ice , Fairy . Favourite Strategies: defence sp def must be useful oh and HP !. Favourite Characters: Ash, Misty, Nurse Joy , hmm May! , Dawn , and uhmm Red 
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