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Wild Monkey

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About Wild Monkey

  • Birthday 12/17/1991

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Wild Monkey
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Pokemon, Physics, Video games, Fishing, Hiking, other things..

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  • Skype

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  1. That league feel when you rally the troops for the most ultimate comeback of all time. http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1813953366/44913682?tab=overview
  2. That LoL feel when you finally find someone you can duo queue with, and then after destroying in a game of ranked, you introduce your new duo buddy to your existing group of LoL friends who you brag about... And suddenly, they suck (the group of friends that I bragged about, by the way, not my new duo buddy, aka Nas)... That even better feel when you stroll in as Taric and steal baron, then almost stroll out, but the enemy hits a lucky skill that ends up killing you. Luckily, because of this, your team charges and destroys the entire enemy team.
  3. This game sounds more and more interesting the more I read about it.
  4. Mael, I unfortunately cannot give an updated cat picture... Makko disappeared shortly after/before my laptop died.. as for everyone else, thank you for once again saying hello! Also, Damian... There shall be no stealing of the waifu!
  5. Hello strange person and welcome to the Asylum! There are cookies in the corner that may or may not be laced with sedatives... ANYWAYS! Have fun and enjoy your stay!
  6. Fun fun! Best of luck with that Pyrrhon! Arkhidon, thanks for reminding me of everything! Lol
  7. Well, after over a year of being gone from the Region of Reborn, I make my triumphant return! I hope to reconnect with old friends and have been in the process of making new ones as well! I hope we can meet, chat, and play soon!
  8. I'm back from the ded now.

    1. Shanco


      Why hello there

    2. Arkhi


      But are you ded from being back?

    3. Wild Monkey

      Wild Monkey

      I'm alive being back... I think? And Shanco, good to hear from you again!

  9. Well... That escalated quickly...
  10. Wild Monkey has appeared!

  11. Hey! I happen to work at wal-mart now thank you very much!
  12. All the lovely people of Reborn! I have the most important thing ever to say, now lend your ears! ................................. Hi!

    1. Pocky


      seems legit

    2. Maelstrom


      Meetings precede partings...

  13. I don't have an accent normally, but if I'm tired, or under other circumstances, my voice will develop a random accent.... Or if I just get speaking too quickly... which also happens
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