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16 Fledgling

About Aaron

  • Birthday 11/22/1995

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    where the party's at

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  1. liked what you did with quash
  2. the reckoning will come to everyone who fernip'd my post
  3. glad my "checkmate liberals" made it in LMAO
  4. having been testing for the last many days, i can tell you with certainty that their team is very cool! no specifics, but it's a good time :)
  5. wow i'm seeing these for the first time and they are very cool
  6. for sure, but it's still an unintentional oversight. really no harm in reporting it - no reason not to. best case it gets really quickly remedied, worst case it doesn't and there's just a tiny grammatical oversight.
  7. the grammatical error, presumably. "equal to the its" should either be "equal to the user's" or "equal to its", not "the its".
  8. no i just created that image on a whim and ame and co. decided it was cursed enough to make it the sidebar image
  9. the incredulity is just fucking amazing here, honestly got me going hogwild it's a damn shame that seniority very clearly doesn't equate to maturity nor sense. i really need to ask what you think you've done to deserve the goodwill that you seem to think you're entitled to. that's a genuine question, because i'm really trying to wrap my head around what positive contribution you've made with literally anything in your post history. i don't think you can label anything as "mild criticism" when you can't go a single page without taking some shitty snipe at the story, or self-aggrandizingly mentioning your "helpful feedback". i'm stretching myself to give you the benefit of the doubt, so i'm just gonna remind you that it is, in fact, mentioned in the announcement post that the new character goes by they/them pronouns. acquaint yourself with that, please. i don't know how much reddit gold you must be swimming in to have developed this perspective that you're some kind of objective arbiter of what's good and bad - what does/doesn't work in media, but i promise you that you're not as enlightened as you seem to think you are. nothing is immune to or above criticism - but when it's damn near all you have to contribute to any topic relating to the game that you jam yourself into, constantly beating the same dead horse like it's gonna make everyone suddenly see that you are Correct, actually and that your takes are only Factual and Logical just makes it incredibly difficult to find any actual value in the things you have to say. if you've been here for 10 years and you're still not acquainted with basic concepts of etiquette and how to conduct yourself in a public forum, maybe this just isn't the place for you.
  10. @Brave for 7, and i'm contractually obligated to say @Amethyst for 8.
  11. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  12. to be frank, i wouldn't particularly consider it cheating. i don't think "their IVs are perfect and yours aren't purely because you happen to have been unlucky" is a part of any kind of like.. "honest" challenge - there's no real reason to go through the tedium of breeding to maintain some idea that you "didn't cheat", you know? so, if you're just going off the first answer you get, then i personally would say it isn't cheating to cut out what is essentially just a potentially fruitless timesink.
  13. According to all known laws of aviation,

    1. Seal


      thcrc gs nm wyy y bcc shmsld bc ublc tm fly.

  14. the second verse is set to be remarkably different from the first - but desu remains.

    1. Ikaru


      when all else is lost, the desu still remains.

  15. wolverines are very loud. and they stink to god damn high heaven as well.

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