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Hedron last won the day on December 9 2012

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About Hedron

  • Birthday 08/01/1996

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    Pokemon, Basketball

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  1. weak to freeze dry mamoswine. btw for those who don't know freeze dry is an ice attack that hits water types super effectively, so since your rotom-w doesn't have special bulk, it has a 21.5% chance to 2HKO after leftovers recovery. that being said that only poke that doesnt get hit super effectively by mamoswine is genesect, which still takes massive damage from earthquake other than that its alright i guess also has nothing to stop charizard-y but w/e
  2. katarina because free lp and she can win against literally any matchup if you play passive
  3. You need a ghost type. Literally ANY ghost type. Skarm w/o leftovers get 2hkoed by banded terrakion and every time you go into chansey to wall a special attacker your opp can just throw out terrakion again and kill something else. Get a ghost pokemon, SE isn't a problem because excadrill, but you need something to take Banded CC 252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 166-196 (49.7 - 58.68%) -- 71.09% chance to 2HKO (166, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175, 178, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 190, 192, 193, 196) 71.09% chance to lose the game.
  4. sign me up to be a filler ill play whatever role i know how to kill things so ye edit: i played ranked as a fresh level 30 and got silver 5 in my promos but that's because i'm #basedhedron or because i get carried
  5. I'll tutor people in any tier. Literally any tier. Except OU. Screw that noise.
  6. Impossible, nobody is better than me, bullet only beat me because I didn't play my main champs leavemealoneletmebelieve But I do agree that we need a ranked team. I'll play support or jungle because they're my best roles. allidoiskillwraithssoitmakesmeagoodjunglerrightguys
  7. HEDRON IS HERE My LoL name is NuzzleMyBosom. I would like to enter, please. And Palutena is the best tournament host :]
  8. Just a little late because I never come on the forums but when I saw Moony did a RMT I just had to come check it out. Well, since this is Moony's team, it's automatically garbage. Okay, review over, on to the next post... ... Ok, but really. I like this team a lot because of all the momentum it keeps, but without a spinner specs kyogre will only be viable for so long. And resisting a move doesn't necessarily mean you wall it, So jirachi isn't necessarily a check to pokes with outrage as Banded Zekrom still does massive damage to it since it has no defensive investment. What you need is a pokemon that can take hits; When most people use arceus they automatically use arceus-ghost or extremekiller, but what this team would thrive with is Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate 252 HP / 252 Spd TIMID ~Calm Mind ~Recover ~Judgment ~Focus Blast Now, obviously you can't have both of Arceus-Steel and Arceus-Ghost, so I recommend replacing Jirachi with Arceus-Steel. While your jirachi is scarfed, nothing on your team is tanky so you would probably end up still using it as a pivot switch and not get the full advantage from running scarf jirachi. Arceus-Steel can wall any dragon move, physical or special, and can serve his purpose as a pivot switch and can easily set up on most teams. You obviously didn't just pick Arceus-ghost just because you like ghost judgment. You want a spinblocker. I recommend using Giratina @ Leftovers 252 HP / 252 SpDef CAREFUL ~Will-O-Wisp ~Rest ~Sleep Talk ~Dragon Tail because it cripples physical attackers like LO Extremekiller arceus or Zekrom that would otherwise pose a massive threat to your team and it blocks spinners such as Excadrill or Forretress, which are also crippled by will-o-wisp. All in all, in my opinion, your team would be better with something like this: Deoxys-S / Kyogre / Genesect / Giratina / Arceus-Steel / Kingdra This is all my opinion, of course, but I think it would be a lot better like this :].
  9. I agree with Moony, you don't need aqua jet because swift swim kabutops is FUCKING FAST. just get low kick or superpower over it
  10. Someone said that the nasus nerf made him unviable. Ok.
  11. I've never lost to a renekton as nasus. But then again, I start out with 68 armor. derp
  12. BAD FEELS that feel when ezreal and lux bot lane that feel when you flash in the middle of channelling fiddle's ult and die immediately that feel when you're running away and step on a teemo shroom that feel when LANING AGAINST NASUS that feel when you have someone call adc and pick teemo. HE ISN'T AN ADC STOP PICKING HIM GOOD FEELS that feel when you solo queue and one of your teammates is gold+ that feel when the enemy picks vladimir that feel when YOU'RE NASUS that feel when the enemy team is either all AP or all AD and you're the tank that feel when stealing dragon/baron
  13. I never quite understood the point of Seismic Toss on Chansey. If Chansey gets Taunted, it needs to switch out anyway. Mineswell replace it with Toxic or Thunder Wave, or something. Also, why Gliscor? You already have a hugely defensive poke in Skarmory and Gliscor brings nothing to the table that you don't already have covered. Replace it with powerful Scizor to revenge kill / pursuit trap crap like Psyshock Lati(os/as).
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