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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Network

  1. I have been banned unfairly from Miss.Kitty. What I think about the ban, is that this wasn't a logical one. I have acted intelligently, and have not violated no rules. Please read this log. [url="http://pastebin.com/mxMRkVh9"]http://pastebin.com/mxMRkVh9[/url] I don't know if this is the right place to post for such topics. As I favorite this server, please reconsider my un-banishment from the server. If I am to be continued to be banned on the server, please delete my account from this website with notice.
  2. Changing team, and yes I know the consequences. Here is my new team. Kojondo (M) J - U-turn - Fake Out - Hi Jump Kick - Stone Edge Doryuuzu (M) @ Leftovers - Earthquake - Swords Dance - Rock Slide - Substitute Shandera -Shadow Ball -Energy ball -HP Fighting -Overheat Hippowdon - Stone Edge - Ice Fang - Earthquake - Slack Off Garchomp -Swords Dance -Earthquake -Outrage -Subsitute Nattorei - Leech Seed - Gyro Ball - Power Whip - Thunder Wave And this is my new team. (PO NAME - Mr.Whirly)
  3. Reborn is located in an alternate dimension. You can only see it, and not touch it. Nobody cares, if your entering or leaving Reborn. In that land, you will face nothing but suffering, until the very end. Eagles and Hawks, will come clawing at you and eventually vultures will feed upon your dead corpse. This alternate dimension is located near Giratina's Realm the distortion world. Too bad Cyrus couldn't find it before he got eaten by Giratina.
  4. No-one mentioned Landlos? After a set up its a monster. Landlos = Randorosu
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