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Eternal Edge

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Eternal Edge last won the day on April 24 2014

Eternal Edge had the most liked content!


12 Fledgling


About Eternal Edge

  • Birthday 01/18/1991

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    Eternal Edge
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  • Location
    New York

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  1. I return to the forums for this one post. So hype.
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Did you know Reborn automatically censors Endgame spoilers?  Like at the end when **** ***** **** *** ******** ********

  4. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  5. Don't forget. 3.Oct.11


    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      PS, because I let it and I could easily just not go back and find it and look at it but I'm an idiot who fucking does anyways.

  7. In my order I just realized i said VI twice, that second VI was supposed to be VII.
  8. Hi, local Final Fantasy expert reporting in. I: It's a pretty alright game if you play either the GBA or PSP port of the game. Original NES game, while really good for it's time, is trash. It's not my favorite but worth playing eventually IMO. II: Same story as I tbh, play either the PSP or GBA port. For both, the PSP port is better than the GBA but still fantastic either way. III: Personally, I never quite cared all that much for III. The DS port of the game is the best way to play it, form what I've heard the PSP version has all sorts of translation issues. IV: One of my top 5 favorite FF games for sure. The GBA port is the optimal way to play it, I'd probably recommend this one as a good starting point for anyone that hasn't played the games before. It's got a pretty good story, introduces the mechanics pretty well, and isn't overwhelming with the amount of side-content available. V: Another that I don't personally super care about. The GBA port is, again, the way to go here. VI: A masterpiece, personally. It used every bit of the SNES to the max to make the best Final Fantasy of them all, in my opinion. The GBA port is still the best version of the game to play. I could go on about all the little details I love about the game, but that isn't exactly what I'm here to do. As much as I love this game I absolutely would not recommend it as someone's first Final Fantasy. While it is a ton of fun, and really good, there's so much potential content that you'd miss out on if you don't know what you're doing. Without going into spoiler territory, Shadow is a very mysterious character in the game and unless you know exactly how to trigger his story sequences they are missable, and if you miss one of them you cannot see any that follow. VII: Stay away from the PC version with a 10 foot pole. Broken port, and doesn't really do anything well. Play it on a PSX emulator. That being said, it's a pretty good title. It's overhyped as fuck though. I still like it but don't think it's this god tier game that everyone makes it out to be, BONUS: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core: PLAY THIS GAME. PLAY IT. DO IT. PSP Emulator. Get one and play it. It's a prequel to VII and it's just...so fucking good. VIII: My least favorite of all the games. I think there's a steam version of the game but I haven't tried it. Just stick to the PSX version probably. IX: My second favorite game right behind VI. It's a loveletter to every game before it, with references and little nods to all the previous games. I'd suggest to play this last of all of these if you want to understand allt he little references, but otherwise it can be played anytime. Now I know you said you wanted to stick to emulation, so I wanted to make sure you know that PS2 emulation DOES work. (Sorry if someone already said this, I honestly didn't read past your post before typing this.) That being said, I do want to mention: X: Probably my third favorite game. PS2 emulation of it is fine, though if you want to pirate the Steam version, X-HD is beautiful. X-2: Don't. XI: MMORPG, I don't think the servers are even up anymore? XII: Another really good game, the license system is probably my favorite of any of the job systems that any Final Fantasy has used. It's only on PS2 at the moment, that being said try to get a hold of the International Zodiac Job System version of the game. They added quite a bit of content. So as a whole, for you I think I'd suggest the following order, given your preferences you listed. IV, III, I, II, VI, VI, IX. They're all easy to emulate and I've personally enjoyed them. As a bit of extra content, here's my favorites listed in order. IV, IX, X, IV, XV, XIV, XII, III, VII, I, II, XIII, V, VIII XI isn't on that list because I never got a chance to play it.
  9. .

    1. Maelstrom


      Look, you lost one of your marbles again. Pick that and up and don't lose it this time.

  10. nvm on the stream I guess, internet is being wonky =/

  11. Some more Kingdom Hearts friends <3  Silent stream because PS4 stream soz <3  https://www.twitch.tv/eternaledge/

  12. Playing KH1 on the new Kingdeom Hearts 1.5+2.5 HD Remix if people wanna watch https://www.twitch.tv/eternaledge/

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