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    Lot of the Forgotten
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    Burn In hell.....

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  1. Looks like someone has been busy... Heh... Like whatcha did with the ol' gal Ame! Ha~Ah! What does this button doooo~ And this one.... And this one... What about... this one...

  2. Swiggity swooty style: Undetainable Swag no jutsu! Am a bad ass! Plus the wasteland is like a home for me, it's only natural that I place it here. Fear not, I'm 'harmless' these days. Aging has chilled me out quite a lot to the point that I now can't seem to deny an inquiring mind and will teach them instead of telling them to go away. Where to start with the story? I have plenty to tell, especially about the chaotic times of Reborn when I descended from 'grace' and became distant. No need to be suspicious. XD I have no further motives other than to mess around some for a bit; besides, I'm all alone here. QQ Basically have some fun with the new reborn peeps, I've noticed that a lot of them are quite silly. I like that!
  3. Find the thing! Description: Its a thing... And want it! I have no clue why I want the thing, but the thing does a thingy thing thing with it's thing. (Shout out to checking my lil cousin's homework one night.) On the real tho. Hi! My name is dead guy! To prove I'm dead, nothing on my profile works correctly or at all really therefore I'm 'silenced' or to put it bluntly, dead! However, my soul still wish to play a game; by game I mean, ask me things about the golden days when Ame was a scrub cloaking be-hide her rain shenanigans or something interesting like what I do with my free-time now. Just wanna see how much I recall and mess with the young-lings and etc. Why I'm doing this really? A.) Unemployed atm. B.) Fuck Elsword... C.) Been a while since I cared enough to utilize a forum this much. D.)eez nutz Z.) Yes I skipped a few letters! Problem?! Lol I'll check back after i'm done raging hard over the fact that the game I'm currently playing is total bullshit or pass out. Bye! Btw Ikaru, your insomnia spreads worse than ebola.
  4. Cosplay can lead to a lot of trouble both in a good, sexy and bad way. WAIT HOW MANY YEARS I've been knocked out?
  5. Yes I still want my first student back and why blue? Black is the new craze for me these days.
  6. Please Myles, come back to me~ no homo. Just miss ya bra.
  7. Oh for those of you that hope I'll stay forever, yea no. Sorry to say I kinda moved on to staying on the road then staying in one place meaning I will only visit Reborn from time to time (if I remember) , I'm happy to at least visit, I'm also extremely happy with receiving my forum account back and access to it and the server without doing other methods, I know this isn't much of a "wb" thread therefore I'll cut it short and sweet and too the point. Some of you love me still, thats nice. Don't know why you can't hate me like most of the people who met me but I guess another man's troll is another man's friend or something, Idk~ I'M DUMB!!!!11 So yes thnx for welcoming me back. Now please be ready for this thread to be lock soon, I'm running low on funds with all the funny people around here and I don't want to be considered lying when I run out of money to give~ PS: I didn't quit PO nor active enough on PS, I just like wondering other places playing other games.
  8. Donations are wonderful and aren't part of my evil plan at all. HAHAHA

    1. Godot


      The assassination has been carried out like planned sir

  9. Someone manage to get the $1000 today, congratulate him on his success for knowing what I like.
  10. I forgot to add this when I started this thread. Old song is new cause I make it new.
  11. Look at my Avatar then look at that ur post, then look at it again, you see my name, you look back at the OP and see my name again, then look at my avatar, he smiles as if pleased with the amount of greed in this thread then you look at your post yet again. I'm pretty sure I answered this question as simple as possible~
  12. I love this thread, please bleed me out more ~
  13. No this is a horrible, horrible dream.... jk try it out~
  14. ya I don't mind, Ame might mind but pfffft have fun~
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